Associate Name: Rosie RSA / Location: WLL / Job Title: Retail Sales Associate
Supervisor: Sammy Store Manager / Witness: Alice Assistant Manager / Date Issued: 3/3/2016

Action Taken

Verbal Warning Written Warning Final Warning


Date of Incident : 3/3/2016
Company Policy/Procedure Involved: WL Policy 1.27. Dress Code
Supplemental information: On 12/01/2015, Rosie received a copy of Wireless Lifestyle’s Dress Code policy. Her acknowledgment was documented via a Note to File on 12/01/2015.
Specific Details of Incident, Observations, Behaviors of Associate: On 3/3/16, Rosie arrived for her shift out of dress code. Rosie arrived wearing jeans with holes cut out at the knees. She also failed to wear her designated Sprint polo. As a result, Rosie was sent home to change into appropriate professional attire.
Impact of Incident/Behavior: Image is important to creating a professional working atmosphere. By failing to comply with proper dress code standards, Rosie has violated not only Wireless Lifestyle’ s professional expectation, but Sprint’s as well.
Behavior Expected of Associate: Rosie is expected report for duty wearing black or dark blue jeans, or khakis/pants, in good condition without holes or frayed edges. Rosie is further expected to arrive wearing the designated Wireless Lifestyle/Sprint approved apparel. All approved attire must also be clean, neat, and without wrinkles.
Further violations of company policy may result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Performance Improvement Plan

Measurable Improvement Goals/Expectations: Rosie is expected to follow all professional dress code standards as outlined in the Wireless Lifestyle Handbook section 1.27. Failure to arrive in proper dress code may result in Rosie being sent home, unpaid, to change and/or further disciplinary action.
Training or Special Direction to be Provided: Rosie has been provided with a copy of section 1.27 of the dress code. Her manager has reviewed all acceptable and unacceptable dress code guidelines.
Interim Performance Discussion or Evaluation Necessary? Yes No Timeframe –Will receive regular feedback

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Warning

Signing this statement does not necessarily mean that I agree, it simply indicates acknowledgement that this document was reviewed with me. I understand that acknowledging this discipline does not constitute a contract, and does not change my at-will employment status. Wireless Lifestyle reserves its right to skip progressive discipline steps and go directly to termination at its discretion.
Associate Signature ______ / Date ______
Supervisor Signature ______ / Date ______
Witness Signature ______ / Date ______

Associate Comments/Suggestions (attach additional sheets if necessary)

Revised 10.27.15