Minutes of the

February 25, 2014 REGULAR Meeting

Chairman Douglas Glazier called the regular meeting of February 25, 2014, to order at 6:32 P.M.

Board Members Present: Douglas Glazier, Chairman

Cornelius O’Leary

Michelle Hill

Michael Ciarcia

Paul Harrington

Stephan Brown, Jr.

Norman Boucher

Board Members Absent: Sandra Ferrari

Also in Attendance: Catherine Cabral, Finance Director

Steven Wawruck, First Selectman

Gary Ruggiero, Chief, Fire Department

Donna Murphy, Assessor

Michael Sinsigalli, Fire Marshal

Stephan Brown, Jr., Alternate Member, will be voting for Board member Sandra Ferrari for this evening’s proceedings.


There was none.


Chairman Glazier stated he would like to follow-up on the W.B. Mason invoice at the end of the meeting.


A. Transfer: Requested by the Fire Department for a transfer in the amount of $500.00, from Acct # 208-125, Gen Supp/Operating, to Acct # 208-117, Medical, for Department physicals which are OSHA and NFPA mandated.

Chief Gary Ruggiero was present.

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Minutes of February 25, 2014 Regular Meeting

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Chief Ruggiero began by stating that more people are coming on board and this is mandated and must be done by the end of December. He stated they will be going to our doctor instead of their own. He stated that the new people are also receiving a series of Hepatitis shots.

Stephen Brown made a motion to approve the transfer of $500.00 from Acct # 208-125, Gen Supp/Operating, to Acct # 208-117, Medical, for Department physicals. Paul Harrington seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.


A. Assessor

Donna Murphy, Assessor, was present.

Ms. Murphy began by stating their budget remains the same as the previous year, with the exception of Professional and Technical Services. She stated both of the vendors, Vision Appraisal and Quality Data, had increases in their prices.

Chairman Glazier asked the Board for any questions. There were none.

Chairman Glazier thanked Ms. Murphy for attending this evening.

B. Fire Marshal

Michael Sinsigalli, Fire Marshal, was present.

Mr. Sinsigalli began by stating there were no increases to the operations portion of their budget. He stated he is requesting an increase to the budget for the stipends for the Fire Inspectors. He stated currently there are three inspectors, including himself, and he stated they are down a position.

Chairman Glazier asked the Board for any questions. There were none.

Chairman Glazier thanked Mr. Sinsigalli for attending this evening.

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B. Fire Commission

Chief Gary Ruggiero was present.

Chief Ruggiero began by stating he would like to apologize for the error on page 4 and 5, which states the years as 2013-14, and should be 2014-2015.

Chief Ruggiero stated that line #’s 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, and 111, are all Salary and Wages accounts. He stated they did not increase those lines as they have in previous years, but do hope that the Board considers an increase, as last year.

Chief Ruggiero stated over the past couple of years we have been replacing the air bottles for the breathing apparatus. He stated two years ago, twenty were replaced, and last year, twenty were replaced. He stated this year we need to replace thirty-three bottles. He stated however, they have requested in Capitals to replace twenty air packs, which come with the bottles. He stated that if the Capital request is approved, he will not need thirty-three bottles, but only thirteen.

Michael Ciarcia questioned the number of bottles that have been replaced. He asked if 73 bottles would be replaced over three fiscal years. Chief Ruggiero stated they have a total of 85. Michael Ciarcia then asked if the following year it would mean replacing 12 more and the bottle replacements would be complete. Chief Ruggiero stated yes. He stated there is a fifteen year shelf life.

Paul Harrington question Line #108, Bonuses. Chief Ruggiero stated when a fire fighter gets certified as a Firefighter 1, which they have two years to do, and they stay for three consecutive years, they receive a bonus of $1,000.00, as an incentive to prevent them training and leaving the Department. He stated they also have to meet the requirement of 25% of fires and drills.

Chairman Glazier asked if the Board for any further questions. There were none.

Chairman Glazier thanked Chief Ruggiero for attending this evening.


A.  Assessor

Con O’Leary made a motion to approve the Assessor’s budget as presented. Stephen Brown seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

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B. Fire Marshal

The Board had a brief discussion regarding the increase for the fire inspectors. The Board agreed to table a decision for further information. The Board will discuss further at a later date.

B. Fire Commission

Paul Harrington asked if it would be best to table a decision until we review Capitals. Chairman Glazier stated the Board could make any necessary modifications at a later date.

Michael Ciarcia made a motion to approve the Fire Commission budget at $386,630.00. Paul Harrington seconded the motion.

Michelle Hill would like it noted in the record that she is voting yes for the budget, excluding Salaries and Wages.

All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

C. Library

The Board had a brief discussion regarding Line # 205, Insurance, and the increase in Salary and Wages, so that wage increases are not funded from other line items.

Con O’Leary made a motion to approve the Library budget at $438,700.00. Stephen Brown seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.


A. Chairman Glazier asked for an update on the W. B. Mason bill. He asked if a revised bill had been received. Catherine Cabral stated she would check.


Chairman Glazier referred to the meeting minutes of February 11, 2014, and February 12, 2014, asking for any changes or corrections. There were none.

Paul Harrington made a motion to approve the minutes of February 11, 2014 and February 12, 2014 as written. Con O’Leary seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.

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The Board had a brief discussion regarding the payment for the refurbishing of Tower One Fire Truck. Catherine Cabral stated it is usually a five year lease, and the truck will be completed in October. She stated the lease has not been done, as of this date. The Board also discussed the vehicles for Public Works. The Board will discuss further at a later date.

Ms. Cabral suggested discussing this issue with the financial advisor.


There was none.

A motion was made by Stephan Brown, seconded by Paul Harrington, to adjourn. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda A. Kuchta

Recording Secretary