Welcome to

Shoals Elementary


100 Dutch Road

Charleston, WV 25302

304.348.1900 FAX 304.348.1901


Welcome Shoals Students, Parents, and Community!!

You will be a wonderful addition to our community's family!

We look forward to a great school year!

Shoals Elementary

A WV School of Excellence

A WV Exemplary School

Motto: Where Excellence Begins

School Colors: Royal Blue and White

School Mascot: The Mink

Mission Statement:

The mission of Shoals Elementary is to provide experiences in which all students will have the opportunity to learn, progress, to lead productive lives, and respect self and others.

Core Beliefs:

1. All children will learn.

2. Good Character counts.

3. Quality teaching is the key to student success.

4. Staff, parents, and community are essential to learning.

5. Our school should provide a safe and nurturing environment.


1.  The achievement gap will be eliminated.

2.  Character Education will be integrated into the curriculum.

3.  All students will master or exceed grade level educational standards through quality instruction.

4.  Student achievement and time-on-task will increase through a safe, drug-free, and nurturing environment.

5.  Student achievement will increase by integrating twenty-first century skills and technology tools throughout the curriculum.

P.T.O. Council

President…………………………. Amy Beaver

V-President………………………… Tracy Todd

Secretary ……………………………Micah George

Homeroom Chair…………………….Mary Beth Jenkins

Treasurer………………………………Angie Truman

At Large Members Cricket Angel, Jill Brown, Jennifer Burdette, Maria Butterworth, LaGretta Crowley,

Becky Flannery, Mary Beth Jenkins, Amber Johnson, Tracy Roberts, Nicole Smith, Beth Southern, Tammy Tackett

Shoals Elementary Directory of Faculty and Staff




Shoals Elementary

School-Wide Discipline Plan

“STARS Program”


“The mission of Shoals Elementary is to provide experiences in which all students have the opportunity to

learn, progress, lead productive lives, and respect self and others.”

STAR Behavior Plan

SHOALS VISION and BELIEF…Shoals Elementary is a community of learners (including teachers, students, parents, and community members) who will provide a high level of expectation and achievement for ALL children. We believe that students are the responsibility of the entire community; we must collaborate to provide a safe and secure learning environment.

Shoals School-Wide Discipline Plan objectives:
Shoals Elementary has implemented a school-wide
discipline plan in compliance with the KCS Strategic Plan. This plan addresses a safe and orderly school environment.
The school staff has the responsibility to:
1. Notify students and parents/guardians of the discipline
plan in writing and verbally during open house, and during
parent-teacher conferences each school year
2. Implement the plan by mid-September
3. Monitor the plan and evaluate it each school year
4. Revise and update the plan each school year
5. Teach and model the plan during the school day / Shoals Elementary Discipline Committee:
·  David S. Anderson-Principal
·  Vicki Holstein- Speech
·  Linda Sutton-Primary Teacher
·  Pam Winter-Intermediate Teacher
·  Kendal Nidy-Counselor
·  Kim McCune-Resource Teacher
·  Chris Ferguson-Teacher of the Hearing Impaired
·  Becky Rollyson-Librarian/Technology Specialist

STAR Behavior Plan

STAR Student Rules:

1. Be Safe

2. Be Responsible

3. Be Respectful

*All Shoals students will be taught what the rules are, how to follow them in all areas of the building, and what the consequences will be for any infractions. This will be done by classroom teachers. New students will be given a STARS Passport that explains the three Star Student Rules and tells them which staff members to talk to about Shoals expectations and procedures.

4-Color Behavior Management System:





Guidelines for the System:

1. This 4 color system will be used by all staff members at Shoals Elementary.

2. Students will start each day out at the GREEN level. Teachers will use the Target Behavior and Consequences reference chart when moving students to different color levels and for selecting appropriate consequences for misbehavior. (i.e.: A student making a Level One infraction will be moved one color level down, and the teacher will select an appropriate consequence for that behavior.)

3. Students with exceptional behavior will be moved to the blue star level.

4. All students will have equal opportunity to earn STAR student reinforcers.

Positive Reinforcement:

1 STAR Student of the Day: At the end of each day the teacher will draw a name from the students that have remained on Green or have moved to Blue during the day. A blue star coupon will be given to that student and placed in the drawing jar for the student of the week.

2. Specialist Blue Star Coupons: Each specialist may choose one student per day to receive a coupon to be put in the drawing for the Student of the Week. The coupon will be handed to the students’ teacher to be placed in the drawing jar for the student of the week.

3. STAR Student of the Week: At the end of each week all of the blue star coupons should be collected and placed in a classroom jar. The teacher will pull a name from the classroom jar to be the classroom star student of the week. The chosen name will be announced during morning announcements on Monday and they will earn a prize selected by school administration.

3 STAR Student Rule EXAMPLES:

(May use as guide when teaching student expectations)

1. Walk facing forward on the right side of the hallway
2. Hands, feet, and objects to self
3. Use playground equipment in the correct manner
4. Stay in the seat on the bus / 1. Stay in my seat
2. Follow directions
3. Complete assignments
4. Be prepared for class
5. Take care of property
6. Stay on task
7. Do my best work at all times / 1. Listen while others are speaking or giving directions
2. Talk in a normal speaking tone
3. Dress appropriately to school
4. Use kind words
5. Get along with other students and staff members

Target Behaviors and Consequences Reference Chart:

*This chart does not contain a complete list of Shoals Elementary/KCS Discipline Policy infractions or consequences. Parents should refer to their KCS Student Handbooks or Website for the full list and for the Code of Conduct. According to his discretion, the principal has the right to remove or suspend a student for not following the KCS code of conduct.

Level of Misbehavior / Star Rule:
BE SAFE / Star Rule:
ONE / 1. Careless behavior not resulting in an injury (i.e.: running the hallway or horseplay)
2. Unsafe playground behavior (i.e.: misusing equipment, not following playground rules) / 1. Out of seat or assigned location in classroom
2. Not following directions
3. Off-task behavior
4. Not completing assignments
5. Not prepared for class
6. Possession of and/or playing with non-school items
7. Not taking care of materials
8. Careless work / 1. Talking, calling out, making noise during instruction – minor disruptions
2. Teasing or disrespectful tone/words towards a student or adult
3. Inappropriate gestures/body language not involving vulgarity towards a student
4. Non-aggressive touch
5. Using other’s material without permission / Teacher Managed:
1. Increase proximity control
2. Use of peer praise
3. Brief student-teacher conference
4. Corrective “re-do”
5. Move one level down on the 4 color system
6. Logical consequences (i.e.: clean up mess, apology)
7. Temporary loss of privileges
8. Assignment to a time out zone
NOTE: For repeated Level 1 behaviors not responding to Level 1 consequences, Level 2 may be appropriate.
TWO / 1. Careless behavior resulting in an injury
2. Out of an assigned area without supervision / 1. Not following directions (insubordination)
2. Possession of other’s property without permission (low value) / 1. Arguing with staff
2. Disrespectful tone/words towards staff
3. Profanity not directed towards people
4. Inappropriate gestures/body language not involving vulgarity towards an adult / Teacher Managed:
1. Use of LEVEL 1 consequences adjusted for more significant behaviors
2. Phone call home by teacher and/or student
3. Parent-Teacher conference
4. Move a level down on the 4 color system
5. Contract or Self-Monitoring sheet
6. Student reflection sheet
7. Loss of privileges
8. Time out in another class
NOTE: For repeated Level 2 behaviors not responding to Level 2 consequences, Level 3 consequences may be appropriate (Consult Administration)
THREE / 1. Bus infractions
2. Physical attack on student or staff member
3. Possession and/or use of an illegal or dangerous substance
4. Possession of a weapon
5. Leaving school grounds / 1. Property destruction
2. Theft (Beyond items of low value) / 1. Repeated harassment of another student
2. Profanity directed towards a student or staff
3. Verbal or written attack/threat towards a student or staff
4. Cyber bullying / Administrator Managed:
1. Office referral with appropriate documentation-implementation of KCS discipline options
2. Suspension, as appropriate
3. Move immediately to RED Level
4. In School Suspension
5. Parent-Teacher-Administrator Conference
6. Referral to Outside Agency

In addition to our Discipline Plan, Shoals Elementary will have a Student of the Month from Each Classroom. Those students will have a photo taken and displayed in the hallway, as well as information posted about them. Teachers are to select the students monthly.