
Cllrs. B Landale (Chairman), G Brooks, B Beckham, Mrs E Carter, Ms F Collinson, T Fitzpatrick,

Mrs S Landale,Mrs E Meath Baker, D Reid, Mrs S Reid, J Woodhouse (Vice-Chairman)

Cc: District Councillor T Fitzpatrick, County Councillor Dr M Strong,SNT Wells

You are summoned to a Meeting of the Parish Council on

Wednesday 15 April2015 at7.15 for 7.30 pm,in the Village Hall

Members of the public may raise matters of concern before the meeting

Joanna OtteDate

Clerk to the Council


Welcome from the Chairman

1)To consider apologies.

2)Declarations of interest by the Councillors in any of the agenda items listed below.

3)Items of urgent business

4)Police matters:

a)Crime Report

b)Any other police business

c)To note that the bench opposite the bus shelter (dedicated to Tom Moore) has been vandalised.

5)Minutes of the Meetingof 25 Februaryto be approved and signed as a true record.

6)Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda

7)Report from the CountyCouncillor

8)Report from the District Councillor

9)Highways(Highway Rangers due on week beginning 4 May).

a)Items to report

b)To note that signs have been erected at the top of Old Station Road stating that there is no way through to the car park and that there are no turning places.


a)Presentation of Statement

b)Accounts for payment


a)Applications since last meeting.

b)Decisions from NNDC

12)Traffic Management. Report from working group.

13)Street Lighting.

a)To note that the Parish Council as a lighting authority is responsible for electrical testing of street lights (every 6 years) and for regular risk assessments (visual and if necessary full structural assessments)

14)Communication with the public

a)To consider a request from Fr Andrew for financial support towards for the initial costs for a Community Magazine before advertising revenue pays.

b)Bulletin: information leaflet from Parish Council. Feedback: the Clerk received four emails

as a direct result of the bulletin: 1 x thanks for playground and request for dog bins; 1 x bus shelter needs to be repaired; 1 x path at top of Cleaves Drive needs to be cleared; 1 x copy of request to RC for litter picking on road to Slipper Chapel.Also verbal thanks for great newsletter.

15)Correspondence:circulated as usual.

16)Items for report or future agenda

17)The next meeting is at 7.15 for 7.30pmon Wednesday 20 May 2015 - Annual Meetingof the Parish Council in the Village Hall

Close Parish Council Meeting

Meeting of Walsingham Recreation Trust

Following the Parish Council meeting on 15 April 2015

1)Minutes of the Meetingof 25 Februaryto be approved and signed as a true record.

2)Update on re-instatement of the sale of alcohol to the licence for the Village Hall.

i)Application for a variation to the current licence to put back the sale of alcohol (£100 to vary and then £70 for annual renewal in Nov) has been submitted to NNDC.

ii)Advertising variation to the license:

(1)notices at Village Hall (obligatory) and on Parish Council notice boards,

(2)Advert in the EDP would cost £191, or in the Fakenham and Wells £90 (or possibly £64.93). However the best option: leaflet advertisement inserted in the April edition of the Fakenham and District Sun delivered to most of Walsingham (although not all of Great Walsingham is covered).This would cost £10 plus VAT.

iii)Decision by NNDC to be made by 19 May 2015. If no decision received by that date assume it is granted because tacit consent applies.

iv)Application to disapply the requirement for a Designated Premises Supervisor has been submitted. This means that the Management Committee would be jointly responsible for alcohol sales, rather than an individual.

(1)NNDCrequire documentation on how the Board of Trustees, as the Premises License Holder, will discharge their licensing responsibilities if an individual DPS is no longer applicable. This could include providing documented bar training to bar operatives and providing information on responsibilities of volunteers relating to awareness of DPS responsibilities. You should receive contact from the Licensing Police Officer ‘Tony Grover’ to discuss the applications you have submitted, being a Responsible Authority. (Summary of Mandatory Licensing conditions attached.)

(2)To consider how to implement the conditions and ensure compliance.

3)Exterior decoration and repairs

a)New front doorupdate. (Painting to be done when weather permits)

4)To note that PAT testing and Fire Extinguisher testing are due in May for the Village Hall.

5)Perimeter hedge

6)Recreation Ground:

a)Signs need to be put up on exterior of Village Hall

b)To report onregular checks of apparatus.

c)Quote for repairs to skate rampsfrom Fenland Leisure Products: £1421 + VAT. Confirmation has been received that this will be funded. The work is due to be done after the Easter holidays.The last piece of playground apparatus (hip hop) will also be installed and the wooden bench will be properly fixed in a concrete base.

d)To note that the formal openingof the new apparatus on 26 March was a success with the Primary School children and a few other residents.


a)To note bank balance as at 13 March 2015: £1,199.03

b)To note receipts: carpet bowls: £23; booking for Carpet Sale £40; booking for a Wake £30;

c)To note payments: Anglian Water: £438.95; donation to PC for playground £13,000; mole trapping £80; cleaning village hall £40.

8)To note forthcoming Bookings

a)Indoor Bowls: 22 April

b)History Society: 5 May

c)NNDC Elections: 7 May 2015

d)RC Seminarians Football Tournament (football pitch): Fri 4 September

e)UK Cycling: Sunday 22 November 2015

9)Any other business

The next meeting is on Wednesday 20 May2015 - following the Annual Meetingof the Parish Council7.15 for 7.30pm) in the Village Hall

Joanna Otte, Clerk to Walsingham Parish Council, e-mail: Tel. 01328 822366

Little Manor, Thursford Road, Little Snoring, Fakenham, NR21 0JNAgenda prepared by JO 07/04/15