1st Grizzly Bear of the Year Contest
Grizzly bears are currently denning in Kananaskis Country and the BowValley. Soon Alberta Parks volunteer Bear Monitors, Conservation Officers and the Wind River Bear Institute staff will be out with telemetry to see if any of the collared or ear tagged grizzly bears have woken from their dens and moved into the valley bottoms.
Contest Rules:
1)Pick a date that you think the first collared or ear transmitter tagged grizzly bear will be heard moving into the valley bottoms (below 1,700 m) in the BowValley (Banff East Park Gate to the KananaskisRiver).
Bears with collars and ear tags transmit all winter, but once they are out of the den there is a signal that confirms their movement. Staff will hear this signal by helicopter, but for this contest we will focus on the first signal heard from the road.
2)Email your guess to WildSmart at
3)To be eligible for the prize we ask that you become a friend of WildSmart on Facebook. Feel free to invite all your friends so they can learn how to be WildSmart too.
How do I suggest friends to WildSmart on Facebook?
a)Add WildSmart as a friend to your own facebook.
b)Go to one of your friend’s profile page.
c)Scroll to the bottom of their page. On the left hand side click “Suggest Friends”
d)A box with all your friends will appear. Click WildSmart and click send suggestion.
4)To receive your prize, please visit WildSmart in Canmore. If you are under the age of 18 the gift certificate can be used to purchase other bear safety items. Bear spray is generally not sold to anyone under 18.
Prize: The first three people who guess the date correctly will receive a gift card for a new can of bear spray, a WildSmart bear spray holster, hat and water bottle as well as Peter Dettling’s 2011 Rocky Mountain Impressions calendar.
A big thanks to Peter Dettling for his donation.