12:30 PM
PACC Executive Director: Sarah Wangen
Board Members Present:Tim Kiehne, Nancy Back,Pam Ristau, Kari Odenbrett, Tyler Grundman, Lisa Stensrud, Will Mensink
Other Members:Jim Cassmann
Meeting called to order: 12:30 by President Tim K.
Minutes from Novembermeeting and today’s agenda distributed. Willmade motion to accept minutes.Lisa seconded. Motion passed
Treasurer’s Report reviewed by all attendees and all questions answered by Pam. Pam mentioned a concern on the Preston Bucks, the group discussed. Ideas of starting a new numbering system for tracking the expenditure of the Preston Buck, Sarah W. and Pam R. would finalize a design and system. Will made motion to begin this new process and Nancy seconded, Motion carried.
Holiday Lighting: Sarah reminded group of the lighting contest, to vote and Tim stated the voting will take place at Preston Foods, a voting display has been set up with photos of the entries and the employees have been explained the process. The food used for voting will be donated to the Preston Food Shelf. The winner will be announced at the January Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting – is set for Wednesday January 13th 6:00 p.m. at the Branding Iron. Discussion by the group on if to host a speaker or if should be an informative session on a couple of the new ideas happening in Preston. Sarah W. and Cathy Enerson will update the chamber members on the change that is being proposed to the previous Preston Dairy and the proposal of a Veterans Home in Preston. Highlighting the processes that both of these projects will entail.
Trout Days – Sarah mentioned planning for the 2016 Trout Days has begun. She asked for a committee to be formed. It was suggested to have the 1st committee meeting before the 1/13/15 Annual Meeting, at 4:30 p.m. at the Branding Iron. The following volunteered Nancy, Tim, Sarah, Will and Tyler to head up this event.
Chamber/Tourism Combo – Sarah mentioned to the board, there has been some discussion started with combining the Preston Area Chamber and the Preston Area Tourism boards into one board. Other surrounding communities Harmony and Lanesboro are examples that have a combination. There would have to be further discussion on this matter. Will made the motion, that the board gives Sarah the vote of confidence to explore the merge of the 2 entities. Pam seconded. Motion carried
Two Headed Car - Discussion took place on the placement and insurability of this vehicle. Sarah and Tim are to verify that this vehicle is no longer insurable and to investigate the placement to be at a permanent site as the historical and tourism center expand. To be presented as part of the expansion “vision”.
Officer Election – Sarah asked for confirmation of all present board members for another continued year in 2016. Lisa S. stated she preferred to step down for 2016. Sarah will confirm all the board members terms at the annual meeting.
Dairy and Farm – Sarah gave an introductory plan for the use of this building. She confirmed the initial steps have begun and displayed a conceptual floor plan/design for the building. Currently stated this may be the new home for Preston Area Tourism, Preston Area Chamber and for the Preston Historical Society. Appropriate parties are currently looking into the funding options and other preliminary steps.
Veterans Home – Tim presented to the group that the preliminary steps by the EDA are being started to secure building a veterans home in Preston MN. Possibilities of 10 acres has been pointed out, Tim stated this is a long process. There are currently 5 in the state, 2 of the newest are Luverne and Silver Bay, MN. To stay informed on this project, the EDA meetings are a great place for information.
Floor Items –
Reminder to nominate for “Employee of the Month”
Next PACC meeting: Wednesday,January 13th 6:00 pm, Branding Iron
– See you there.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kari Odenbrett
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