MDS 3.0Coding From A to Z


In October 2014 the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the MDS focused surveys would be expanded nationwide. Does your team need a review of MDS coding in order to prepare for these impending MDS focused surveys? This educational offering will cover MDS 3.0 coding from sectionA through section Z.


Carol Hill MSN, RN, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, C-NE

Carol has over 27 years experience as a registered nurse. Over 19 years of her experience has been in the long term care industry where she has served as a MDS Coordinator, DON/ADON, case review expert, quality resource specialistas well as a consultant/trainer for long term care facilities in Alabama & Mississippi. She received her Masters’ degree in Nursing from the University of North Alabama. Carol is a Certified ResidentAssessment Coordinator, Resident Assessment Coordinator-Master Teacher and Certified Nurse Executive.


At the conclusion of thiseducational offering the participant will be able to:

  • Recall techniques used to conduct MDS 3.0 interviews
  • Identify coding criteria for MDS 3.0 items
  • Recognize how skip patterns are used when coding select MDS 3.0 items


Registration Fee: $125

Registration 8:15am-8:30am Offering 8:30am-4:00pm

□ October 26, 2015 @ Hill Educational Services Warrior, AL

On-site registration is based on space availability.

Space is limitedso register early

Fee includes: handout material

Coffee and water will be available throughout the day

Lunch is on your own

Please complete one form for each participant

Name: ______

Organization: ______

Address: ______

Phone #: ______Fax #:______

Email:______(confirmations will be sent via e-mail)

Space is not secure until registration fee is paid in full

□ Check enclosed

□ Credit Card Information will be Phoned in to 205-647-0717

All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Add $2.00 processing fee for each registration paid by credit card

Begin the registration process online at under the upcoming events tab

The deadline to receive a refund for your registration is seven days before the event, subject to an administrative cancellation fee of $12.50. Cancellations received less than 7 days prior to the event will not be eligible for a refund. Refunds will not be available for registrants who choose not to attend an event. Cancellations will be accepted in written format only, via fax or e-mail, and must be received by the stated cancellation deadline.

Hill Educational Services Inc. 151 5th St. East Warrior, AL 35180

phone 205.647.0717fax 205.647.4049