RELAX - Bingo

Game idea from Tina McCauley, Executive Director


Provide every guest with a RELAX card and highlighter of some kind in their guest information at the party.

·  HINT: I like to use the mini markers that are washable but you can easily have the guests use their own pens.

Give everyone a quick explanation of the game and let your guests know it’s just like BINGO. The letter matching their game card is on the top of the jar and the message inside the jar has a highlighted word that matches the word on their game card.

·  Show them the first one as an example: R-MOOD.

·  Have some small gifts to give away.

·  Some of my questions mention specific products but most leave it open for you to highlight and demo your favorite correlating product.

·  Play with this and see if you can get your guests to guess everything that LG offers to go with the statement.

Plan ahead with your hostess who will draw and read from the little jars – you, her, or her guests. I’ve done this a few ways:

·  One hostess loved it and she called the shots,

·  Another party we passed the bucket and those that didn’t like to read aloud still played but let the bucket pass them by

·  I’ve read – but I will tell you it is hard to pull product, keep the game going, and read the jars-not recommended but it can be done.


o  Game cards

·  Create a table with RELAX at the top and random words I’ve selected from various statements from LG information, meetings, books, etc. in the 5 rows below the title.

·  Don’t forget your free space and play with it.

·  Once you make a few templates you shouldn’t need to redo for a while. You could just keep adding more templates as questions, words, products and information grow with LG.

Ø  HINT: I make approximately 20 different cards 2 to a sheet. I put them in bundles for easy put-together and I know I don’t have 2 people at one party with the same game card. This is just a preference of organization.)

o  Jars

·  Can be ordered through LG website.

·  I ordered 100 for less than $15

·  I noticed Heidi had really cool green ones I didn’t know about at last years convention

·  I used a Paint Pen (Jo Ann Fabrics $2) to mark the top of the jar.

Text – Statements

·  Print on green paper – it looks really nice in the clear jars with black lids.

·  I gathered this information form text LG has provided on the downloads, meetings over the phone, LG University, books like “Something Women Should Do Once in Their lives” and various herbal information gathered along the way in my research.

·  Make it your own so you’re comfortable talking about your product, as one of the jars is read.

·  Please have fun and feel free to use my text.


1.)  Grapefruit is known to help with MOOD swings.

2.)  Decide to pamper yourself everyday. As women we often are so busy taking care of others that we forget to TAKE CARE of ourselves.

3.)  Give your baby the gift of TOUCH. Soothe and comfort your baby with a precious blend of essential oils.

4.)  Pumice your feet, coat with PEPPERMINT balm, and put on thick cotton socks.

5.)  The luxurious pear products EVOKES the joys of Spring & Summer but be enjoyed through out the year.

6.)  LAVENDER - Relaxing, heals skin, antiviral, encourages mental clarity and peacefulness’.

7.)  Invigorating blend of essential oils and moisturizers’ will stimulate your senses and condition your hair. Contains a blend of aloe vera gel, avocado oil, vitamins A, C, & E and essential oils of jasmine, geranium, sandalwood and more. No sodium lauryl sulfate. (BOTANICAL shampoo & conditioner)

8.)  Should you put ingredients (products) on your skin that you would not eat? When you war foods with harsh preservations and chemical additives, your kidneys may FILTER through some of those items. Items that we put on our skin go directly to our bloodstream with no filtering.

9.)  Enjoy TRIPLE-ACTION relaxation. Benefit form world-renowned Moab salts that quickly dissolve to soften your skin, you'll love the vitamin E plus you'll find a slice of heaven with enchanting aromatherapy properties unique to each fragrance.

10.)  RESIST saying, "I told you so", even if you're right.

11.)  Body crème is the ultimate way to MOISTURIZE dry skin and it doesn't wash off easily.


13.)  Go through your old photo album and LAUGH (and realize how great you look now,)

14.)  You have the power to create your own financial SUCCESS. Payoff debt, save for a family vacation, have something of your own, contribute to the family finances on your own schedule ...Talk to your consultant today if you would enjoy sharing these products and your passion with others.

15.)  VANILLA stimulates sensuality, calms emotions, evokes warm memories and eases tension.

16.)  Have a PERSONAL shopper.

17.)  Use a small SPLASH on your favorite shower pouf or washcloth for a rich lather of organic coconut, olive and jojoba oils, to gently cleanse and moisturize your skin without chemicals or detergents. (Organic Body Wash)

18.)  Mango is stimulating & UPLIFTING. All you need is a cabana boy to deliver you a cool drink while you soak away your burdens.


1.)  Steer clear of insect products containing the chemical deet; according to RESEARCHERS at duke University frequent and long-term exposure may lead to memory loss, muscle and joint pain, shortness of breath and brain damage.

2.)  Take the credits and the COMPLIMENTS and say thanks.

3.)  Cucumbers and spa products go hand and hand because cucumbers help to reduce SWELLING.

4.)  Make SNOW angels.

5.)  Take a salsa LESSON.

6.)  PAMPER yourself at an all day spa.

7.)  The herbal foot kit contains peppermint and spearmint, both of which stimulate CIRCULATION, in addition to tea tree essential oil, which deodorizes and freshens feet. A perfect choice for anyone wanting tingling rejuvenating feet.

8.)  INVENT an interesting past.

9.)  Lavender causes the body to release serotonin (also known as the HAPPY hormone).

10.)  TEA TREE - Natural antiseptic, antiviral, anti-fungal & antibacterial. Pulls impurities from pores.

11.)  Lemongrass essential oil increases alertness and PURIFIES skin. It's also a natural bug repellent.

12.)  Dead Sea Facial Polish for normal to oily skin types combines the healing minerals of Dead Sea salts with willow bark extract and citrus oils to exfoliate and revive skins TEXTURE.

13.)  Write your acceptance speech for your "Woman of the Year AWARD"

14.)  Never underestimate the POWER of Vanilla, Almond and Chocolate.

15.)  Let yourself have total STILLNESS for 15 minutes in the middle of the day.

16.)  DANCE on top a bar.

17.)  Adults and kids will benefit from the supple feeling only a BEESWAX based balm can provide.

18.)  Peppermint Eucalyptus Spearmint essential oils can refresh, revive & remind us what fun it is to be ALIVE. They also stimulate the mind and memory.

19.)  A luxurious anti-aging, skin-firming crème that leaves your skin glowing. This customer favorite is for sensitive, dry and normal skin types FACE crème with botanicals.

20.)  Rent a convertible and go where the WIND blows.

21.)  GRAPEFRUIT - Uplifting, helps with mood swings, relieves stress and induces euphoria.


1.)  Private Reserve for men is sexy and DISTINCTIVLEY MALE. The lotion is an outstanding after-shave lotion.

2.)  EUCALYPTUS - Energizing, natural antibacterial relieves muscle tension, anti-inflammatory.

3.)  PEPPERMINT & SPEARMINT - Stimulates the mind, soothing for headaches & revitalizing.

4.)  These LUXURIOUS scents appeal to the scents, soothe the mind, and fire the imagination. (Chocolate, almond and vanilla)

5.)  LEMONGRASS - Refreshes, purifies skin, relieves fatigue and is a natural insect repellent.

6.)  The power of AROMATHERAPY - pay attention to the scent you are the most attracted to, because experts believe that we need the scent we desire the most.

7.)  Use your body polish in the shower from the neck down to gently EXFOLIATE dry skin while providing nourishing oils to moisturize.

8.)  Myth - the words NATURAL/ORGANIC on cosmetic labels assure product safety. No - in fact it could mean the opposite. (Skin deep website)

9.)  Not only will (he) feel pampered, but you may benefit as will from his SOFT HANDS.

10.)  Pomegranate Facial Polish normal to dry skin types contains organic jojoba to gently exfoliate facial skin leaving it healthy and glowing, REGENERATE, repair and improve the elasticity of skin.

11.)  Whipped body butter is an excellent moisturizer containing 95% PURE high-grade Shea butter.

12.)  Go COMMANDO.

13.)  Road through your OLD yearbook.

14.)  Send a thank you LETTER to a mentor.

15.)  Start with DESSERT.

16.)  RUN for a worthy cause.

17.)  Shea butter is the most DECADENT skin treatment available.

18.)  Go on a CARRIAGE ride through central park.


1.)  Light candles and LISTEN to Mozart as you get ready for work in the morning.

2.)  Shea butter and Mango oil help retain ELASTICTY of skin & sweet almond oil can help relieve itchy skin.

3.)  Oily or BLEMISHED skin types will enjoy the healing power of citrus and tea tree oil.

4.)  Vanilla is well known to STIMULATE sensuality and ease tension.

5.)  Keep yourself REVIVED, energizing and feeling positive with the Lemongrass scent.

6.)  Smelling peppermint, eucalyptus or spearmint when feeling stressed helps relax and calm your MIND and body.

7.)  Forget about what your MOTHER would think.

8.)  Eucalyptus helps to relieve MUSCLE TENSION and is useful in treating headaches and nausea.

Cucumber extract, beloved for helping reduce swelling, makes the foot kit magical. The fresh-smelling combination is a wonderful choice for pampering swollen feet and ankles, and especially THERAPEUTIC for pregnant women.

10.)  Take a hike with binoculars and a notepad to record your THOUGHTS.

11.)  Lavender's healing powers are known to SOOTHE & CLAM everything from headaches and tension to rashes, burns and insect bites.

12.)  A recent study showed that men PERCIVE woman who wear a grapefruit scent to b 6 years younger.

13.)  Discover natural beauty and save with our face KITS.

14.)  Soften, rejuvenate and heal your tiered feet with Epsom salts and relax with the essence of oil hand-selected to soothe, freshen your skin and pamper your spirit. (Foot SOAK)

15.)  CHAMOMILE & CALENDULA - tones complexion, relaxes the mind, antiseptic, eases itching.

16.)  The body crème is a rich crème that instantly ABSORBS and doesn't leave the skin feeling wet and sticky.

17.)  For your typical DAILY moisturizing needs smooth on one of our silky hand and body lotions.

18.)  Especially luxurious to use just before bedtime, apply a revitalizing balm, with a slippery finish, for smoothing and healing. (Moisturizing BALM or crème)

19.)  If you love the CONVENIENCE of a pump, the silky feel of our extraordinary moisturizing soap is for you. This airy alternative is sulfate and phthalate-free. (Foaming liquid hand soap)

20.)  Add essential oil to a water spritzer and SPRAY your house or office. (Pillow Spray and Diffuser)

21.)  We use a special blend of cocoa butter, beeswax and tea tree essential oil for natural, healthy DEODORIZING effectiveness. Our superb deodorants contain NO aluminum or propylene glycol. (Deodorant - Lavender, Grapefruit Lily, Men’s Private Reserve)


1.)  A special BLEND of sweet almond oil, aloe vera and calming lavender oil with a hint of vanilla, soothes your baby's skin.

2.)  FLIRT your way through a traffic jam.

3.)  The natural aloe, jojoba, Shea and oils Lemongrass use MIMIC your skins' own natural oils, so you wont feel greasy . . .and you'll use less because your skin will be moisturized and healthy.

4.)  Lemongrass offers a number of "fragrence-free" pampering products.

5.)  Our hostess BENEFITS: 10% of group sales in free product * $15 free product if group sales $400+ * $15 for every qualifying booking from your party and exclusive gifts as thanks.

6.)  A special blend of olive, horsetail and apricot kernel oils, help strengthen nails & prevent them from SPLITTING.

7.)  Pomegranate Facial Mask for normal to dry skin types contain pink kaolin clay to draw out IMPURITIES of skin while hydrating with Shea and olive butters. This creamy mask improves elasticity and skin tone.

8.)  Its sweet woodlands scent is EVOCATIVE, innocent and peaceful.

9.)  TRANSPORT yourself to far away island with mango & coconut scents.

10.)  Tea Tree & Citrus Facial Mask for oily and blemished skin types contains green clay and essential oils to draw our impurities without leaving the skin DESERT-DRY.

11.)  With your health always at the forefront, Lemongrass FRAGRANCES are phthalate-free, colorant are from natural sources and our essential oils are organically grown from farms around the worlds.

12.)  Grapefruit causes the body to release encephalin (pain-killing hormones) leaving you with a boosted sense of WELL-BEING and euphoria.

13.)  Reduce puffiness and firm FINE LINES around the eyes with our cool, refreshing Eye Crème for all face types.

14.)  Using a simple spritz or essential oil during a LOW TIME of the day to your pressure points will help invigorated you.

15.)  After your skin is softened apply SCRUB to wet feet to slough off dead skin with a gentle defoliant using a brush or pumice stone.

16.)  Call in sick and spend the whole day SHOPPING with your best friend.

17.)  Give the GIFT of pampering - It's a gift that keeps giving.

18.)  You'll love the thick, rich LATHER and your hands and body will love the benefits of our natural ingredients. Beautifully swirled for texture place at the sink or in the shower. Hand cut and stamped with the Lemongrass logo. Bar Soaps.

19.)  The European Union has banned over 1100 CHEMICALS used in cosmetics because of links to cancer, birth defects and reproductive problems. How many chemicals has the US banned? (9) (Pharmece June 2007)

20.)  CUCUMBER reduces puffiness & swelling, especially for feet and eyes, cools & refreshes.

21.)  The aromatherapy benefits of the jasmine and ylang ylang essential oils encourage a sense of euphoria and all-over HAPPINESS. (Message Oils - Coconut, Sensual, Lavender Vanilla