Early Years and Primary Education

Faculty of Education: Autumn edition 2015-16

welcome to 2015-16: PARTNERSHIP Newsletter

A Warm welcome to 2015—2016 and thank you for your continued and valued support within the Edge Hill University Partnership.

New academic year new team: At the end of last term we said goodbye to the Head of Primary Education Tony Currie. Tony has taken up a post as a Headteacher (within the partnership). Tony will be greatly missed and we wish him luck with his future endeavor.

We would like to introduce you to our new Head of Primary Education Dr. Helen O’Keeffe. Helen has worked within the Edge Hill University’s Primary area for over 10 years. During this time her roles have varied greatly, from Year Leader to Programme Leader to Assistant Head of Primary Education. With such a vast array of experience we cannot think of anyone more suited to role. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Helen on securing her role.

WelCome: Early Years new Assistant Head of Early Years Education

Evaluation Methods:
In order to make a judgement about the overall quality of teaching, the following additional activities need to be undertaken. / Discussion with Mentor / Teacher
Discussion with Trainee
Discussion with Learners
Discussion with TA / Other Adult
Learners’ responses within in the lesson and in their books / work
Quality and impact of Trainees’ marking and feedback
Trainees’ assessment and planning records in their files
Trainees’ own evaluation of their impact on Learners’ progress and learning over time
Observation of teaching and learning
Between 20 and 30 minutes

Subject network groups: Primary session planned (please see our Partnership website for the full version of network groups)

New sessions for 2015-16 include:

SEN/DI-Special educational needs and Inclusion.

The Primary Area is very pleasedto introduce the SEN/D subject network group in Autumn 2015. This development brings together a number of informal partnerships we have developed over recent years. The group will be facilitated by Dr Fiona Hallett who is the editor of the British Journal of Special Education and an internationally recognised researcher and practitioner together with Polly Thorpe who leads the Primary Education Area on SMEH and SEN/D. This collaborative network is for all practitioners including but not limited to SENCO’s who are interested in sharing their expertise and experience and learning from each other. The inaugural meeting will be an opportunity to meet colleagues across the partnership and to decide how you would like the group to work and to discuss areas of focus for forthcoming meetings.

CPD(P2) / SENDI (Special educational needs and Inclusion) / Tuesday December 8th 2015 / 4.30-6:00pm / Polly Thorpe and Fiona Hallett

Early Years (please see our Partnership website for the full details)

Early Years: Forest Edge

Plans are currently underway to establish a dedicated area within the grounds of Edge Hill University in order to set up a permanent Forest School. The philosophy of Forest Schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through an innovative, long term, educational approach to outdoor play and learning in a woodland environment. The proposed Forest School area will offer trainees hands on experience to develop a range of forest school skills, to promote children’s learning and development as part of their degree programme. Once established it is hoped that the use of the area will extend to welcoming in partnership schools and provide CPD opportunities. The project has yet to undergo final planning and approval, but watch this space!

NQT Conferences

The conferences are a fantastic opportunity to continue professional development, share best practice and network with other NQTs. The 2015/2016 dates are:

•Saturday 3rd October 2015

•Saturday 27th February 2016

•Saturday 2nd July 2016

The conferences are free of charge for former EHU trainees. Induction Tutors across the Primary and Early Years Partnership are welcome to attend.

Your VLE

Don't forget EHU NQTs will also be automatically enrolled on a new Blackboard course sitededicated to NQTs and Former Trainees offering:

  • Discussion communities
  • Latest news
  • Access to current research
  • Presentations, lecture notes and video content from the NQT conferences

NQT Survey

NQT’s will be contacted by the National College for Teaching and Leadership in February 2016 and asked to fill in a survey about their experiences at Edge Hill University. Feedback concerning all aspects of the programme will be sought. This will range from how well EHU and its partnership prepared trainees to understand the National Curriculum, to the overall quality of a student’s trainingalong with many other aspects! The University, Department for Education and Ofsted take the results of this survey very seriously and it is really important to us that NQTs take the time to fill it in. We will send a reminder nearer the time, but please note the email will come from NCTL and not EHU. Please encourage any NQT’s in your setting to participate.

Partnership Development GroupS

The purpose of the Partnership Development Groups is to meet on a termly basis to discuss the development of the Edge Hill University Partnerships. The groups review policies, procedures and enhancements to inform future developments within the Primary and Early Years Partnerships.

If you would like to contribute to the development of the provision for trainees across the Edge Hill University Partnership, have a voice in planning for the future, then please volunteer for either group. Please contact Eleanor Davidson (Assistant Head of Primary Education (School Based Training) for the Primary or for the Early Years PDG, Tim Lucas (Assistant Head of Early Years Education)

Partnership Development Group (PDG) Primary

School / Host / Date
Banks Methodist Primary School / Headteacher Christine Adams / 24th September 2015
Edge Hill University / Assistant Head of Primary Education Eleanor Davidson / 26th November 2015
Duke Street Primary School / Deputy Headteacher Sarah Ridley / 17th March 2016
Edge Hill University / Assistant Head of Primary Education Eleanor Davidson / 16th June 2016

Partnership Development Group (PDG) Early YEars

Venue / Chair / Date
Edge Hill University / Jasmin Saunders
St Bede’s Academy / 1st March 2016
Edge Hill University / Jasmin Saunders
St Bede’s Academy / 9thJune 2016