North Penn High School: K134

Ms. Haeusser

Senior Semester Course

Contemporary American Literature

Class Policy

Fall 2016

Classroom Rules

1. Be respectful of others’ ideas, beliefs, feelings and physical space.

2. Be responsible for your learning, and do not impede the learning of others.

3. Put forth your best effort.


The grading scale that will be used in all courses will include a “plus” designation for grades of C or higher. The grade of D will be the equivalent of 65% - 69%.

Grading Scale for Marking PeriodsFinal Course Grades

A+97 – 100%A+ - D course averages parallel the marking period grades.

A90 – 96%E50 – 64% (Remediation permitted)

B+87 – 89%FBelow 50% (Remediation not permitted)

B80 – 86%

C+77 – 79%

C70 – 76%

D65 – 69%

FBelow 65%

Final Grade (Semester Courses)

40% for each marking period

20% for final exam

Summer Reading will be worth 10% of the first marking period grade.

All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

GRADES will be based on the following assignments Classwork, homework, quizzes, vocab work, tests Writing Compositions Summer reading assignments (first marking period only)

English testing days: B, D, F

*Occasionally vocab quizzes will not fall on one of these letter days. It is YOUR responsibility to notify a teacher BEFORE the scheduled quiz if you anticipate any conflicts with the quiz date.

Make-Up Work Following an Excused Absence:If you have an excused absence, any test or quiz missed should made up within one week of your return to school. Any assignment or test not made up within one week will result in a zero unless you discuss extenuating circumstances with me. You are responsible for scheduling a time with me to make up missed tests and quizzes. If you areabsent, upon your return to school, you are expected to turn in any assignments that were announced prior to your absence. You are required to take a reading quiz upon return to school if the reading was assigned prior to your absence. Please utilize electronic resources provided in order to obtain missed work and materials.

Note: If a student absence is unexcused, the student will receive a zero for the missed assignment or assessment and will not be permitted to make up the work.

Homework: You are expected to complete all homework assignments on time. Homework will be checked periodically. If you complete all checked homework assignments on time, your marking period grade will increase by 2%. If you miss only one assignment, your grade will increase by 1%. If you miss two assignments during a marking period, your grade will not be affected. If you miss more than two assignments in a marking period, your grade will decrease by 1% for each assignment missed.

Quizzes and Tests: All tests and quizzes will be announced in advance with the exception of “pop” reading or homework quizzes, which may be given the day a reading assignment is due.

Compositions:Compositions submitted late will receive a 10% grade reduction for each late day. You are expected to maintain academic integrity; plagiarism will be subject to the consequences outlined in the district plagiarism policy. You are required to submit all formal writing assignments to

Class Materials:

The following supplies are REQUIRED for class EVERY day

-A Writer’s Notebook, which will be kept in your specific class bin

- Several pencils, pens, erasers, etc. -An English-specific 3-ring binder in which you can organize all class notes and handouts

The following supplies are RECOMMENDED for this class

-Post-it Notes for annotating readings



-Your Assignment/Agenda Book