P09451 Status Report / January 23, 2009


  • Work on designs
  • Identified Power MOSFET can be used for peak power tracking
  • Piping layout drawn
  • Power unit disassembled for improving new power unit design


  • Module Availability
  • Size of thermocouples available
  • Meeting all needs
  • Specific measurement needs still unclear
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Ambitious Automation plans
  • Time for design

Complete Action Items

  • Disassemble power unit
  • Piping layout
  • MOSFET research
  • Sensors research
  • Shunt resistor feasibility determined
  • Specs/needs updates based on feedback

Outstanding Action Items

  • Communicate updated specs/needs to Dr Stevens – Thursday – Bryan
  • Finalize schedule for MSD 1 – Friday - Bryan
  • Research and price modules for purchase – Friday – Andy
  • In depth head loss calculations – Friday – John
  • Find symmetric Y connector for piping – Tuesday – Ken
  • Verify DAQ is sufficient– Tuesday – Jon
  • Spec and price MOSFET to use– Thursday - Jon
  • Continue working on system to clean up raw data file – Thursday -Gabriela

P09451 Status Report / January 23, 2009

Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Individual Weekly Progress Report


Bryan McCormick

Tasks / Description of Activities / Date Completed / Other team members involved with task
System Level Review / Convert document package to PDF, send to Paul / 1/19/09
System Level Review / Review feedback / 1/20/09
Project Schedule / Input major milestones and timelines in MS Project schedule / 1/23/09
EDGE / Clean up documentation / 1/23/09

Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Individual Weekly Progress Report

Week 6 1/23/09

Jonathan Holdsworth

Tasks / Description of Activities / Date Completed / Other team members involved with task
DAQ System / Began in depth review of DAQ system involved with the Thermoelectric Module, including reviewing Nat. Instruments datasheets. (“Can the current board accept low voltage readings?”) / TBD
Shunt Resistor Verifications for various loads. / Ran additional simulations for impact of shunt resistor (Conclusion: IS acceptable at all necessary load resistances) / 1/23/09
MOSFET for impedance matching / Looked into the possibility of using a MOSFET for matching impedances to get peak power. (Conclusion: Power MOSFET) / 1/23/09 / Ken McLoud
Changing load resistance in electrical schematic / Changed load resistance to include both the variable resistance AND the shunt resistance, instead of just the variable resistance. / 1/22/09

Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Individual Weekly Progress Report


John Kreuder

Tasks / Description of Activities / Date Completed / Other team members involved with task
Experiment on test stand. / Experiment to determine the effect of the groove (if any) on module performance. Gather any relevant information lending itself to the inference of the groove’s impact (if any) on local module surface temperature. / 1/19/09 / no

Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Individual Weekly Progress Report

Friday, January 23, 2009

Andy Freedman

Tasks / Description of Activities / Date Completed / Other team members involved with task
Groove Heat Flux Modeling / Revisited refined model of the FEA of the groove determining that there is only a degree or so difference. This matched experimental testing done by John. Dr. Stevens is willing to accept this difference but wants grooves made to be smaller with smaller thermocouples permanently fixed. / 1/23 / Individual
Disassembled Power Unit / Disassembled the power unit and made some measurements. Further evaluated grooves and assembly process. / 1/19 / Individual
Cool Air Piping & Fittings Search / Started to look at some options available for piping and fittings for cool air flow and potential issues. / 1/17 / Individual
Drawing Piping Layout / Assisted in drawing parts for the piping layout assembly. / 1/23 / Ken

Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Individual Weekly Progress Report

1/19 – 1/23

Ken McLoud

Tasks / Description of Activities / Date Completed / Other team members involved with task
Plate thermocouple research / Researched the existence of flat plate thermocouples / 1/21
Flexiforce research / Researched the force and temperature range for which flexiforce measurements are valid / 1/23
CAD / Build initial cad system model / 1/23

Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Individual Weekly Progress Report


Gabriela Santa Cruz

Tasks / Description of Activities / Date Completed / Other team members involved with task
Data Filtering / Preliminary filtering of data for statistical analysis / 1/22/09
Data acquisition program design / Analysis of data needs for design of LabVIEW program for data filtering / 1/23/09