

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd September 2014 in Hermon Cottage

Cllr. John Overall (Chair) Cllr. David Scott Mrs Carol Hodgson (Clerk/RFO)
Cllr. Beryl Bodey (Vice-Chair) Cllr. Jan Auer Cllr. Kathryn Field
Cllr. Chris Thomas Cllr. Rachel Tottman 3 Members of the Public / Apologies:
Cllr. Julian Goodliffe
Cllr. Angharad Davies
PCSO Daryl Holter
Item / Agenda Item
1. / Apologies and reasons for absence.
Cllr. Davies was on annual leave. PCSO Holter was not on duty.
2. / Members to agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 4th August 2014.
The date on the minutes was amended from 2nd July 2014 to 4th August 2014. The amended minutes were agreed and signed.
For note: Cllr. Tottman commented that the meeting had not followed the order of the Agenda and the minutes had given the impression that Cllrs. Tottman and Auer had not been present for much of the meeting which was not the case.
3. / To receive declarations of interest on agenda items.
Cllr. Bodey declared a personal interest in :-
*  Matters relating to History Centre as a member of the group and as Parish Council’s representative.
Cllr. Goodliffe declared a personal interest in :-
*  Matters relating to the Village Hall as a trustee and Parish Council’s representative.
4. / To receive any external reports.
Cllr. Field had no updates to report as ESCC Councillors had not met during August.
5. / Matters arising
a.  To receive an update on Local Planning and Site Allocations project with Rother DC
A Village Study Group Meeting with Roger Comerford – Rother DC Principal Planning Officer had taken place on 18th August 2014. Cllr. Overall reported that the housing numbers had now been agreed in Rother DC’s Core Strategy but Catsfield had not been given the opportunity to challenge their allocation of 47 properties. A confidential draft of the Village Study had been provided to the Village Study Group to review.
Members agreed to review at their meeting on 4th September, the proposed letter of complaint (drafted by Miss. Parker) to the Planning Inspectorate in relation to the scale of housing growth proposed for Catsfield, which the Inspector - Laura Graham had not addressed at the examination.
b.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party
The meeting adjourned at 19:50 to allow Mr. Holgate – to give a report. The initial step in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, was to give ‘Official Notification’ to Rother DC to publicise the intention to produce a Neighbourhood Plan. Mr. Holgate had been in contact with Tom Warder at Action in Rural Sussex who was very keen to help. AiRS could also write the plan for a fee. Other Neighbourhood Plans had been reviewed and their survey of residents noted. The next step would be to put together costings and look to preparing a residents survey. A grant was available through Locality for Town and Parish Councils to prepare plans and funding was also given to the District Councils to support these Councils. The Clerk would attend the next working party meeting to assist with costings. The meeting reconvened at 20:15. Cllr. Overall confirmed that Rother DC had already been advised that Catsfield PC was looking into preparing a Plan.
c.  To receive any updates on the ESCC Public Transport Consultation (No 95 Bus Service in Catsfield)
There were no further updates to report as the consultation period had not yet closed. Comments could still be submitted up until 28th September 2014. Cllr. Scott commented that the Bus Service would receive more use in Catsfield if it coincided with train times at Battle Station.
d.  To receive an update on a WWI Commemorative Plaque at St Laurence Church.
Cllr. Bodey reported that St. Laurence PCC were due to meet in September and would discuss the History Groups proposal for a brass plaque in Commemoration of WWI.
e.  To receive an update on the Community Benefit Offer from Lightsource Renewable Energy Ltd re: St Francis Farm – Solar Farm Development.
A response had been received from Roger Taylor at Hedley Solicitors advising PC how to deal with the offer. A letter of offer had not yet been received from Lightsource, though planning permission had only just been granted. Members asked that Ninfield PC were contacted to see if they had received any Community benefit offer.
f.  To discuss limiting Parish Council Meetings to 2.5 hours maximum.
Members discussed ways of limiting the duration of meetings and agreed to work towards a 2.5hr time limit.
6.2 / Planning
To receive advice of decisions on previous applications.
Permission was granted on the following applications:
RR/2014/1659/P Pond Cottage, Watermill Lane, Catsfield
1 - Erection of 2m high timber boarded fencing and double gates fronting Watermill Lane (retrospective). 2 - Formation of new driveway access from Spratts Lane (Retrospective) with closure of existing access gates except for emergency use. (3) Erection of further 2m high timber boarded fence set back from Spratts Lane
RR/2014/558/P St Francis Farm, Potmans Lane, Catsfield/Bexhill
Installation and operation of a solar farm and associated infrastructure, including photovoltaic panels, mounting frames, inverters, transformers, substations, communications building, storage building, fence and pole mounted security cameras, for the life of the solar farm.
To receive advice on current enforcement orders.
ENF/126/14/CAT Horns Hill Bungalow, Catsfield
Possible Breach Of Condition 2 Of Rr/2011/357/P (Granted On Appeal) - Landscaping.
Current Status 31-07-2014 Inspected.
7.4 / Finance
To approve and sign the following cheques:
a.  Action in Rural Sussex Annual Subscription £ 50.00
b.  Treetops Landscape Cont Addl fencing in Play Area £150.00
c.  Mrs. Carol Hodgson Salary – August 2014 £360.50
200 x 2nd Class Stamps £106.00
HP Ink Cartridges £ 54.98
Pavilion Supplies £ 38.86 £560.34
The payments were agreed and signed
To ratify the following cheques paid at the meeting of 4th August 2014 to meet supplier terms:-
*  Dyno- Rod Ltd Call out to clear blocked drains at Pavilion £ 96.00
*  Treetops Landscape Cont. Fencing at Children’s Play Area £1950.00
Members agreed to ratify the payments.
To receive the monthly statement of accounts.
The accounts were received as attached.
To discuss the current banking arrangements.
The Clerk was still making enquiries.
8. / Newsletter
a.  To receive any updates.
The next Newsletter would be prepared for despatch in November. If approved a Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire would be circulated with the next Newsletter.
9. / Emergency Plan
a.  To receive the procedures manual for Parish Council’s Emergency Plan.
Cllr. Goodliffe had no further updates to report. Cllr. Bodey drew Members attention to the East Sussex Community Resilience Fayre on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 from 6pm – 9pm at Sussex Downs College, Cross Levels Way, Eastbourne, which may be beneficial to completing the Emergency Plan.
10. / Highway Matters
a.  To receive an update on the pothole repairs and road drainage maintenance.
Cllr. Scott reported that he had been in contact with ESCC Highways. Subject to confirmation part of Church Road would be resurfaced in October. Further work was due to take place in Church Lane but this had not been clarified.
b.  To receive any reports.
There were no further reports received.
11. / Community Speed Watch
a.  To receive any updates on the speeding problems along Catsfield Stream.
There were no further updates to report.
b.  To receive any reports.
Cllr. Scott reported that Catsfield Primary School had asked to borrow the SID again to repeat another road safety initiative in Catsfield with the school children. Cllr. Tottman reported that she was arranging Speed Watch training with Jan Jung from Community Speed Watch.
12. / Playing Field and Pavilion
a.  To receive an update on dog fouling at the playing field
Cllr. Goodliffe reported he had the dog fouling deterrent signs to do. Members discussed if consideration should be given to obtaining a ‘Dogs on lead’ order or even ‘To Ban’ dogs from the recreation ground. It was agreed as a last measure to put up a sign advising that Catsfield is one of the only recreation grounds in the area that allows dogs off leads. PC is considering banning dogs from the recreation ground if dog owners do not clear-up after their dogs. Cllr. Goodliffe also suggested putting-up a notice board.
b.  To receive any updates on the works required at the playing field entrance area.
Cllr Scott was looking into the possibility of using asphalt surfaces.
c.  To receive any other reports.
The removal of the vegetation at the back of the children’s play area had created a gap by the main gate. Concerns had been raised that this would be used for pedestrian access. Members agreed to install stock fencing from the corner of the gate to the corner of the play area to stop any access.
13. / Playground Sub-Committee
a.  To receive an update on the new fencing around the Children’s play area.
The two additional bays had now been installed but there was still a small gap. There were concerns that the fencing to the gate had been badly attached and could wear easily. Cllr. Goodliffe was confident that this fencing to the gate could be easily adjusted and would produce a scheme. Cllr. Auer agreed to install some stock fencing along the back of the recreation area to fill the final gap.
b.  To receive an update on Catsfield CEP School’s gardening club grass seeding the Play Area.
Cllr. Goodliffe reported that the seed had been given to the school but the task had not been completed.
c.  To discuss an inspection package for the new play equipment.
Members discussed the after sales Inspection packages available from Playdale. Prices ranged from £490 + VAT for a basic annual package to £3,345 + VAT up to a three year comprehensive package. Members agreed to continue with routine risk assessments and The Clerk would obtain a quote for an annual inspection by an approved RPII.
d.  To discuss a ‘Splash Pad’ in the Children’s Play Area.
Cllr. Tottman reported that the Splash Pads ranged from £5k to £150K. Members agreed for Cllr. Tottman to send dimensions to the supplier and obtain a quote and brochures etc.
14. / Hedgerows and verges
a.  To receive an update on tackling overgrown hedges and verges.
Cllrs. Thomas and Tottman reported that many of the overgrown hedges and verges they had identified had still not been attended to. A list of properties would be sent to the Clerk to issue warning letters together with a list of landowners who had complied to send ‘Thank you’ letters.
15. / Open Spaces
a.  To receive any reports.
Cllr. Scott reported that the road sign at top of Church Lane needed repainting. Members agreed for Cllr. Scott to remove the sign for repainting and replace with a temporary sign for the duration.
b.  To receive an update on interim ground maintenance work in the Village to include the Millennium seat at The Stream and the Diamond Jubilee Garden.
The Clerk had no further updates to report.
16. / History Centre
To receive any updates.
Cllr. Bodey reported that the History Group’s WWI Exhibition was coming to the end of it’s tour. They would shortly be resuming their collating and logging of historical information relating to Catsfield,
17. / Village Hall Car Park
a.  To confirm the handover date of the Village Hall Car Park from RDC to Catsfield PC.
The Clerk would arrange for the Lease to be registered with Land Registry.
b.  To receive an update on the following items :
i.  Signage.
There were no further updates to report.
ii. Rules and regulations.
Cllr. Goodliffe had previously circulated draft wording for the Car Park rules and regulations. Members agreed to check the ‘Road Traffic Regulations’ that Parish Council had the powers to use.
iii.  Grit bin
The Clerk was obtaining costs for a grit bin and salt.
iv.  Risk Assessment
Cllr. Goodliffe agreed to prepare an appropriate risk assessment.
18. / Village Hall
a.  To receive any updates.
Cllr. Goodliffe reported that the Village Hall Committee was arranging to repair the internal damage to the ladies toilet caused by the recent roof leak. A full check of the lighting was currently being undertaken throughout the Village Hall and access was needed to the Parish Office / History Room.
b.  To receive an update on the external lighting requirements in the Village Hall Car Park.
Cllr. Goodliffe was obtaining quotes for a 30 watt down pole to be sited in the grassed area of the Car Park. It would provide a 50 lux light and be operated by a microwave sensor stopping on for 5 minutes. A cable would run from the Village Hall to provide power. Cllr. Goodliffe would put the proposal to the Village Hall Committee. Planning permission may be required which he would discuss with Cllr. Scott.
c.  To receive an update on replacing the projector in the Village Hall
Cllr. Overall advised that Kave Theatre Services was due on a routine site visit and would arrange the projector at the same time. The estimated cost was £800 inclusive of fitting.
19. / Catsfield C of E School
a.  To receive a report
The School was on summer break.
b.  To receive an update on the parking problems outside Catsfield School
Cllr. Scott asked that the item be removed from the agenda as there was very little progress being made.
20. / Any other business / reports
*  Consultation on Rother DC's Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List.
Received for information.
*  The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.
The Clerk advised that Parish Council’s Standing Orders would need to be amended to reflect this change.
*  Cllr. Tottman referred to the ‘Community Energy Project for Communities’.
21. / Future Agenda Items
a.  Info: SECAMB Defibrillator for Pavilion.
b.  Info: Steel Framed Apex building suitable for indoor community activities on the playing field.
c.  Info: To discuss promoting the Annual Parish Assembly 2015
d.  Info: To review the current arrangements for viewing planning applications on site visits. (Sep 2014)
There being no further business the meeting closed at 22:20

Chairman……………………………………………… Date………………………………………..