Pine Grove Manor School

Minutes from Parent Teacher Organization Meeting - September 15, 2009

Meeting called to order by Mary Van Ness at 7:08 PM


Mary Van Ness began the meeting by announcing that the Board is still in need of a Co-President for the 2009-2010 school year.

Mary Van Ness introduced the current Pine Grove Manor PTO Board as follows:

-  President, Mary Van Ness

-  Treasurer, Toya Geeston

-  VP Fundraising, Lorie Smith

-  Assistant VP Fundraising, Tas Murji

-  Secretary, Debbie Bell

-  VP Assemblies, Michelle Motta

Mary Van Ness noted that this year the PTO meetings will begin at 7pm and every effort will be made to abide by the meetings’ agenda.


Mary Van Ness reviewed the calendar as it stands

Noted were the upcoming International dinner (Oct 9th), PTO/NCLB meeting (Oct 13th), Valentines-Day Dance (Feb 10th) – there was some discussion in regards to the Valentine’s Day Dance name (which used to be called Me and My Guy Night, now being renamed to make all children feel included, especially those who do not have that special guy in their life). There was some concern over the name Valentine’s Day Dance, the program could be turned into a themed event with a different name. To be discussed at a later meeting, as the time approaches to the event.


None as this is the first meeting of the school year


Toya Geeston reviewed the treasurer’s report as it stood. The total balance is $23, 502.38 ($4,336.16 in checking account, $19,116.22 in money market funds, and $50 in cash box). Encumbered funds for the playground pledge total $5,000, leaving a total of $18,502.38. Toya Geeston discussed the possibility of placing some funds in Certificates of Deposit (CDs).

The report showed $8,900 in fall profits, and $5,600 in spring profits, bringing total projected profits for school year 2009-2010 to $14,500.

Wendy Krushinski noted that the Maze fundraiser was not listed on the fall budget items, and asked it be added with a total projected profit of $400 (last year’s profit from the Maze fundraiser totaled $394).

Mrs. Woods would like to keep a line item on the expense, however changing the name to “Green Team.”

The report showed $14,500 in expenses for the school year 2009-2010.

Arline Thompson brought up the point of profits and expenses being equal therefore leaving zero money for the next school year. This was clarified as the $14,500 in projected profits is in addition to the $18,502.38 which is currently on the books, so with everything else being equal this school year’s expenses are projected to be completely covered by this school year’s profits.

Toya Geeston introduced a new item/packet that must be filled out prior to request for financial resources to run any expense-incurring program, service or goods for the school. This packet would be filled out by the requestor (usually a teacher or chairperson). The request, time/deadline, reason and amount requested must be provided with as much detail as possible. One the form has been completely filled out and forwarded to Toya Geeston, it will be brought before the PTO for approval.

Toya Geeston’s contact information is on the form should anyone have questions on it.

Voting on the Treasurer’s Report was postponed until the end of the meeting.


Lorie Smith reviewed the fundraising report. She reminded everyone in attendance about the PTO membership dues of $5/family.

The Kastle Kreations fundraiser is set to start on October 5th. Samples from this new vendor were available at the meeting.

Smencils are selling year round.

The first Friendly’s fundraiser is taking place on Sept 16th (Stelton Road location).

KidsStuff books fundraising began on Sept 10th and will run until October 2nd.

The search for a BoxTops/Campbell Soups labels chairperson was announced.

It was announced that Michelle Cardenas volunteered the chair Yearbook and Spiritwear this school year.


Lorie Smith presented this new contest which will run Oct 1st – 30th. There was a detailed Reading for Books Contest handout which covered the contest rules and awards. There will be individual winners in each grade level and a winning class for each grade level as well. Individual winners (K-4) will receive $25 gift certificate to November book fair, and each grade level winning class will receive $50 worth of books for their classroom. The total money for all awards equals $425.

Lorie asked that the PTO help fund the contest with $200 of profits made from the bookfair. $200 translates into $425 book profit needed for this contest project.

Voting on the Reading for Books Contest funding was postponed until the end of the meeting.


Michelle Motta went through the assemblies planned for the 2009-2010 school year:

-“Flumpa and Friends LIVE – Science Rocks-Exercise Your Mind and Body” – 10/5/09

Promotes healthy living

-“Keppel’s Magical Reading Program – Explore the World and Read” – 12/1/09

Introduces children to geography and the wonders of the world around them

-“Dinosaurs Rock – Fossil Adventure” – 2/5/10 (all ages)

Gym gets transformed into museum filled with real fossils, dinosaurs artifacts, minerals and meteorites

-“The Magical Songwriter – Follow Your Dreams-Self Esteem” – 5/25/10

Teaches students to believe in themselves, follow their dreams, never give up, have a positive attitude, and how to get along with others


-Mrs. Whitner began by highlighting the “Beautification Project”, which took place right before school started. She noted that this project, consisting of “beautifying” the school’s property by planting, weeding, and cleaning up the grounds, was also an event that brought the community together, a time to gather, eat and have some fun. She also noted the upgrades that have been done to the school over the summer, including the new gym floor and new lighting in the cafeteria. She said the children are taking pride in their school and are excited about it.

-Read Around the World – the summer reading program’s slips are due no later than Sept 17th. New ideas are forthcoming that will encourage children to read and foster an interest in reading.

-Reading rallies will be held this year as opposed to the character rallies that were held last academic year.

-Health and Wellness program – children will learn about various fruits and animals, and the countries that produce/host them.

-Tangible gifts will be awarded for doing the right thing (which will promote good character)

-Pennies for Playground – this program will begin the week of Sept 21st. Children will be able to bring in pennies to go toward the purchase of a new playground. Each week the money collected will be counted and the chart will be updated to include new amount of funds raised. Lorie Smith noted that PGM should obtain a written note form the BOE that the playground will be maintained once installed. Arline Thompson said she believes that the school’s playground has deteriorated quickly because of the high usage (due to location) and lack of upkeep.

-Books for Summer Reading – Mrs Whitner said she would like the summer reading program, along with the distribution of books for summer reading, to continue. These books are in addition to the RIF program. RIF takes place throughout the year, while this program would be taking place over the summer. Mrs. Whitner said she may need some (financial) support from the PTO for the program.

-Multicultural International Dinner – this evening event is scheduled for October 9th. Mary Van Ness said we should celebrate the diversity of our school community by getting together, tasting a variety of foods from a variety of countries, and learning about each other and our foods, culture and traditions. Mrs. Whitner said she has applied for funding through Pride Grant through the teachers’ union.

Wendy Krushinski asked Mrs. Whitner if the BOE/township had installed the appropriate sanitizing equipment in light of the Swine Flu, and Mrs. Whitner replied that the school has been fitted with various and enough equipment to have the children sanitized before lunch and throughout the day as necessary.

Taj Murji thanked Mrs. Whitner for having pushed the school upgrades through, including the brighter lights in the cafeteria and the new gym flooring.

Mary Van Ness announced that she visited the Board of Education on the day of this meeting, and invited Superintendent Edward Seto to the next PTO meeting scheduled for Oct 13th.


Motion by Mary Ciccone to accept the 2009-2010 budget as presented in the Treasurer’s Report with changes mentioned (additional $400 in profit from the Maze fundraiser, including the Green Team as a line item) – seconded by Kim Krikorian. All in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Sylvania Phills to allocate $200 as an expense for the Reading for Books Contest – seconded by Arline Thompson. All in favor, none opposed.

Wendy Krushinski reminded the meeting attendees that she has Maze tickets available for sale at $8 each, and that the flyer regarding the Maze fundraiser would be sent home on Sept 16th.

Michelle Motta provided translation for Spanish-speaking parents, explaining that she will translate the minutes into Spanish so Spanish-only speaking families may understand what has taken place at each PTO meeting. Debbie Bell will send Michelle Motta the minutes once completed so she can begin translation – they will not be distributed until the minutes have been approved at the following meeting.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:16pm by Mary Ciccone, seconded by John Karl. All in favor, none opposed.

Respectfully submitted by:

Debbie Bell, Secretary