Nutrition Scavenger Hunt

Using the information from Chapter 2 “Guide to Good Food” solve the/answer the following.

  1. Scott is feeling weak and dizzy and needs to eat something with iron to improve his condition. His choices for lunch are tomato soup, spinach salad or chicken nuggets. Which menu item is the best choice for Scott?
  1. If Scott does not get enough iron in his diet what condition could he possibly form?
  1. If Scott consumes excessive amounts of iron how will it impact his body? (Where is the iron stored?)
  1. List 3 foods that are considered dark green leafy vegetables.
  1. Name 2 other foods that are good sources of iron.
  1. Which mineral is found in the greatest amount in the body?
  1. Which 3 minerals work together as a team? What do these 3 minerals do for the body?
  1. Where are excessive amounts of calcium stored in the body?
  1. What nutrient is a good teammate for calcium? What do these nutrients do together for the body?
  1. Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant, what does this mean for the body?
  1. What foods are good sources of antioxidants/Vitamin E?
  1. Vitamin C is also considered an antioxidant. What foods are good sources of vitamin C?
  1. Create a chart showing the differences between fat-soluble and water soluble vitamins.
  1. What is the result of consuming excessive amounts of fat-soluble vitamins?
  1. What are sources of Vitamin D?
  1. In your own words explain complete and incomplete proteins.
  1. Tell if the following foods are complete or incomplete proteins:
  1. Apples and bananas
  2. Beef and chicken
  3. Red beans and rice
  4. Collards
  5. Soy burger
  6. Trail mix
  7. Pintos and cornbread
  8. Refried beans and corn tortilla
  1. Jacob consumes excessive amounts of protein. How does this impact the body?
  1. List the types of fats and list sources of each type of fat.
  1. Which nutrient is a concentrated source of energy and assist the blood with distributing vitamins to the body?
  1. Why is it a bad habit to eat or drink sugary foods before bedtime?
  1. Classify the following as simple or complex carbohydrates:
  1. Wheat Flour
  2. Red Velvet cake
  3. Jelly
  4. Bagels
  5. Cheesecake
  6. Potato
  1. What is the best meal for an athlete to have before a competition? How many hours before the competition should a meal be consumed?
  1. What are symptoms of water loss?