
Tel: 0161 437 1495 Fax: 0161 437 9337

Weekly Update

Friday 9th December 2016

Dear Parents,

We are very pleased to announce that Parentpay is now up and running and available to make payments on for Dinner Money. Please make sure you activate your account as soon all payments into school can be made this way. Please see the attached letter for more information.

Governors have decided that on Friday 23rd December school for the children will close at 1.15pm. The students will have lunch before school closes. Please ensure that you make the necessary childcare arrangements with this in mind.

Winter Vomiting Bug

We would like to take this opportunity to say that if your child becomes unwell with diarrhoea or vomiting that they need to stay off school for a further 48 hours after symptoms have cleared to avoid passing on the bug.

New Governor

We are pleased to announce that Miguel Garrachon is our new Parent Governor and would like to take this opportunity to welcome him. I would also like to thank Mr Paul Holroyd-Fielding and Miss Paula Hallsworth for their interest and the support they have shown to school.

Lost Property

We are doing our best to keep on top of the lost property in school. Please make sure that all, items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Uniform and PE Kit

Will you please ensure that your child’s uniform including PE kit is clearly labelled. Please see the table below which lets you know the days that each class has PE. It is important that your child has their PE kit in school ready for their lessons. We would recommend that PE kits are brought in on a Monday, and left in school for the whole week. There will be consequences put in place for those children who do not have their kit in school.

Class / PE Days
Reception / Thursday
Y1 / Tuesday, Wednesday
Y2 / Tuesday, Friday
Y3 / Tuesday, Thursday
Y4 / Tuesday, Wednesday
Y5 / Tuesday, Wednesday (Swimming)
Y6 / Monday, Tuesday

Raffle Tickets

Raffle Tickets are available to buy from the school office for 20p per ticket. Please put your Name, Address and Telephone number on the back of the ticket and return to school before Thursday 22nd December. Our Raffle will take place on Friday 23rd December at the Celebration Assembly.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Knowles and Staff Team

Smiley Face Winners

Emily Vyse/Callum Cooper

Class / Headteachers Award / Golden Sweatshirt / Handwriter
Nursery / Freyah Fallon/Liana Nyanga / Lena Stanczuk
Reception / Shay Sherlock/Darcy Barker / Emily Littler
Y1 / Miley Budgen/Tanyalee Naraina / Leilah Mooney / Enzo Whyte
Y2 / Richelle George/Mikey Kirkwood / Billy Kinehan / Olivia Dolan
Y3 / Lilly-May Whiteley-Rowe/Aimee O’Brien / Jake Hurley O’Shea / Rishon George
Y4 / Aiden O’Donnell/Szymon Kopczynski / Lumhene Mungwala / Emily Osula
Y5 / The Whole Class / Trevor Murwira / Louie Collins
Y6 / All of Year 6 / Amy Auterska / Ella Hawksey

Attendance for Week Ending 02/12/2016

Nursery / 79.4% / Y3 / 93.8%
Reception / 96.0% / Y4 / 96.6%
Y1 / 94.7% / Y5 / 92.3%
Y2 / 93.3% / Y6 / 95.3%

School Meals Cooks Choice 12th December 2016

Monday / Homemade Vegetable Pizza, Saute Potatoes, Mini Corn on the Cob
Tuesday / Roast Dinner & Gravy, Creamed & Roast Potatoes, Cabbage & Carrots
Wednesday / Chilli con Carne, Wholemeal Pasta or Brown Rice, Cauliflower
Thursday / Baked Sausage & Gravy, Creamed Potatoes, Carrots & Peas
Friday / Curried Fish Bake, Naan Bread, Broccoli
Also available each day / Yoghurt, Cheese & Crackers, Fresh Fruit, Milk, Water and Bread

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 13th December – Reception Class Trip – Sale Waterside Theatre

Thursday 15th December – Year 3 Mass 9.30am

Friday 16th December – Christmas Jumper Day – Donation £1

Friday 16th December – Last day to order milk

Tuesday 20th December – Music Assembly 9.30am

Tuesday 20th December – KS1 Performance 1.30pm

Wednesday 21st December - EYFS Performance 9.30am

Wednesday 21st December – Christmas Parties 1pm

Thursday 22nd December – KS2 Carol Concert 9.30am

Thursday 22nd December – Pantomime 1.30pm

Friday 23rd December – 9.30am – Celebration Assembly 9.30am

Friday 23rd December – School Closes 1.15pm

School Re-opens – Monday 9th January 8.55am

When Parking outside school please remember to be considerate of our neighbours. Please do not block or park on driveways