You are hereby summoned to attend the ANNUAL MEETING of LLWCHWR TOWN COUNCIL to be held TUESDAY NEXT the 12thMAY 2008 at the Welfare Hall, Loughor commencing at 7.00 p.m. for the transaction of the following business :-

1. To receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Undertakings to

Observe the Code of Conduct from Members.

2. Mayor’s Announcements

3.Apologies for absence.

4.The Meeting will receive disclosures of Personal Interests from Members under the Council’s Code of Conduct.

(Note Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and to signify whether their interest is such that they remain and vote / remain and not vote / withdraw).

5.The Mayor will ask for a nomination for the Office of Mayor of Llwchwr

Town Council for the Municipal Year 2008/2009.

6. The nomination will be proposed by Councillor E Davies and seconded by

Councillor S M Evans.

7. The proposal being agreed, Councillor I James will be invested with

the Chain of Office of Mayor and make and sign the Declaration of

Acceptance of Office.

8.The Mayor, Councillor I James will give her Inaugural Speech.

9. The Mayor, Councillor I James will ask for a nomination for the

Office of Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2008/2009.

10. The nomination will be proposed by Councillor A I Evans and seconded by

Councillor WendyEvans.

11. The proposal being agreed, Councillor S E Davies will be invested with the

Chain of Office of Deputy Mayor and will make and sign the Declaration of

Acceptance of Office.

12. The Mayor, Councillor I James will be presented with a Gideon Bible

by Councillor J Bowen.

13. The Mayor, Councillor I James will call for a vote of thanks to be

proposed to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor D R James.

14. The Mayor, Councillor I James will then present a portrait, a photographic

album of his year in Office, and a medallion to the outgoingMayor,

CouncillorD R James.

15. Councillor D R James will respond to the vote of thanks.

16. The Council will receive and, if appropriate, approve the Minutes of the

Annual Meeting held on the 15th May 2007(copy enclosed).

17The Council will consider matters arising from the Minutes, if any.

18The Council will determine the amount of the Mayor’s Allowance for


19 The Council will determine the dates and times of Town Council meetings

for theensuing Municipal Year (a draft Schedule is enclosed for


20 The Council will appoint Members to serve on the following Committees:-

(a) The Welfare Hall Management Committee (currently all Members of the


(b) Functions Sub-Committee (current Members - Councillors E. Davies,

A. I. Evans, D. A. Evans, D. Evans, S. M. Evans, Wendy Evans,

William Evans, D. R. James, I. James).

(c) Budget Working Party (current Members - D. A. Evans, William Evans,

D R James,I James, R. V. Smith, R Williams and the Chairman of the

WelfareHall Management Committee).

(d) Joint Working Party with Town Trust (current Members –J. Bowen,

S. E. Davies, D. Evans, S. M. Evans, Wendy Evans, D. R. James,

I. James and R. V. Smith).

(e) Regalia and Plate Sub-Committee (current Members - E. Davies,

D. A. Evans, D. Evans, William Evans, D. R. James and R. Williams).

(f) Standing Orders and Financial Regulations Committee (current Members

E Davies, D. A. Evans, William Evans and D R James).

(g) Newsletter and I T Sub-Committee (these have been separate committees

but it is recommended that they be constituted as one committee due to an

overlap of interests. Current Members are A I Evans, D A Evans,

William Evans, D R James, I James, C Phillips, R V Smith and

C E Watters).

21. The Council will appoint Members to serve on the following :-

(a)One Voice Wales Area Committee (currentrepresentative - Councillor William Evans).

22. The Council will appoint representatives to attend the Gorseinon

Development Trust(current representatives – Councillors D R James, I James

and the Clerk).

23. The Council will appoint an Internal Auditor for the Municipal Year

2008/2009 (current Internal Auditor - Mr Lyn Llewelyn).

24. The Council will consider the Attendance of Members 2007/2008 (copy


25. The Council will review and adopt its Annual Investment Strategy


26. The Council will consider any other business which the Chairman determines

to be urgent.

Dated this 7May 2008

Clerk to the Council