Wildlife Homes

Weekly Activities

Guide your child in nature activities and share in their amazement

as you explore the places Lake County animals live.

Monday – Hives or Nests & Bees

Birds aren’t the only animals that use nests as homes. Discover who else are nest or hive dwellers in Lake County, including the bee. Explore a grassy field and use a net to collect a few animals that may live there.

**Lightweight, long pants and shirts and close-toed shoes, like sneakers are

recommended for Monday’s exploration. **

Tuesday – Lodges or Dens & Beavers

Lodges and dens are cozy places to live. Find out which Lake County residents call those places home. Also, learn about one of the few animals that, like humans, can change its habitat to suit its needs- the beaver!

** Please bring a white, tan, or light colored knee high sock for Wednesday’s craft—sock needs to be long enough to fit over child’s arm. Please, no holes in them. **

Wednesday – Tunnels Underground & Worms

Every wonder what animals build and live in those tunnels underground? Be prepared to get your hands dirty as we take a closer look at underground dwellers, especially worms, and their role in our environment.

** Wear shoes that can get wet and muddy for Thursday’s session. **

Thursday – Wetlands & Turtles

Wetlands provide resident turtles and other animals all the comforts of home; food, water, shelter, space. Meet a live turtle and then use pond nets to scoop up other animals that call wetlands home.

Friday – Tree Cavities & Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers need forests because many live in cavities that they or other animals carve into trees. Discover who else relies on these hollow homes as we explore a forest community.

Call the Summer Camp Weather Hotline at 847-968-3235 for weather-related camp cancellations or changes. Available 24 hours, updated daily by 8am. For questions or concerns, call Wildlife Homes Camp Director, Jenny Sazama at 847-276-5382.