When I was in Ireland at the End of November, I had a Vision of a Town where very Strong Winds began to Blow through the Streets...
I saw a woman walking; she had on a red coat and head scarf. When I saw the red coat, I realized the woman represented the "Church" (covered by the blood). The head scarf though, I felt represented a "lifestyle." You are meant to have a crown.
The wind came behind this woman; a very strong wind. It blew her to the end of the street and AROUND A CORNER. The woman's head scarf came off, and then she began to laugh and enjoy the wind.
The next day in Ireland, there were 80-mph winds blowing. When the Lord gave me the same word in the U.S. a couple of weeks ago, the next day there were 80-mph winds blowing in the Northwest too!
Sing Praises in the Shaking

"If you stay in the Shaker, you won't be shaken."

We have heard words of earthquakes and storms and all kinds of natural disasters, so the best place to be is in THE WILL OF GOD.
When Paul and Silas were in the "inner" prison, and by the way, that means they were in a prison within a prison (that's a double whammy), with their hands and feet tied to the same prison and their backs bleeding, they sang praises to God.
Guess what the power of their praises did? It caused an earthquake! The whole prison was reeling and shaking. The prison doors burst open, and in the middle of the earthquake when the whole place was shaking around them, they got the jailor saved. The best place to be during a shaking is IN THE SHAKER! If you stay in the Shaker, you won't be shaken.

The Winds of Change
"The winds will cause you to see the whole PICTURE."

Back to the winds--the winds of change are coming and are already moving around you. God wants to change and expand your vision. He wants to equip you and release you into a GREAT BIG DESTINY.
He wants to totally change how you see yourself--the winds will cause you to see the whole PICTURE. You will turn corners, you will change direction, you will do what you've only had small glimpses of in the past. You will begin to step into this BIG PICTURE.
Remember Jeremiah? Jeremiah by the way was a teenage prophet! He was a young guy; he didn't have a great ministry behind him and years of experience. He was scared of his calling actually, and tried to get out of it. "Who am I, I'm just a kid," and God told him not to be afraid. Jeremiah 1
God said to Jeremiah, "What do you see?" Jeremiah responded, "I see the rod of an Almond Tree."God said, "I like that vision, I think I will do it" (Walter's version). The New King James version says, "You have well seen, for I am ready to perform My Word." Jeremiah 1:12
What do You See by Faith?

"By faith, we have to see what HE SEES."

So let me ask you, "What do you see today? What do you see for you personally?" It has to start with you. You have to see by faith. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what He sees for YOU, and then you must see it too, and agree with it, and go after it.
Some of you will remember the old TV's we used to have. At some point, the tube would start to go. Remember what happened then? The picture would shrink and get smaller and smaller. Well you are seeing a shrunken picture, and likewise, by faith, we have to see what HE SEES. He wants to show you the whole picture. It's a very big picture.
Most people's picture of themselves have been influenced by their environment, their family, and their school--the teacher, the preacher, the college, and the friends.
You can do what God calls you to do, and it's bigger, much bigger than you thought.
It's not the will of God that we live hand-to-mouth and paycheck-to-paycheck. There are things to do and places to go. God is not trying to recruit workers for the Kingdom--thanks all the same. He is looking for His sons and daughters to rise up. The anointing does not come on what you do--it comes on what HE does.
The winds of change will bring you into a bigger place. The provisions that God has promised are around God's corner. Turning the corner, though, means you may have to change direction. Just because God told you to do something six months ago, doesn't mean He's telling you that now.
Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, that we should live by the "Proceeding Word of God." That's what the Word of God is speaking to you today. Not yesterday, not a year ago, but NOW. It's the "Proceeding Word" that moves you onto the next thing that God has. Each step takes you nearer to that VISION.
Dare to Believe What You See

So let me ask you another question, "What do you see? What do you see by faith?" God has put His desires in your heart if you are yielded to Him. It's not there just to dream about; its not a "one day, someday" thing. It's a NOW--this time, this year.
There are two things you can do with the change:

You can resist change and it can get really uncomfortable. No one can make you as uncomfortable as the "Comforter."

Or, you can embrace change and have fun. You can embrace change and have an adventure. I'm sure most people reading this have "gone out on a limb" before. There's really nothing hard about going out on a limb; it's when you hear the sound of the saw behind you that the challenge comes. And God has an abundance of saws available and plenty of angels to use them!
Take some time. Let the things that God has put in your heart come to the surface, and dare to believe what you see. See outside the box others have put you in, and maybe, you've put yourself in. Remember, it's not dependent upon your ability or your lack of ability--it's His Spirit moving in you and through you.
Jesus qualified you 100% when He died and arose from the dead. There is nothing to stop you from stepping into the picture you see by faith, except your own unbelief.
2007 Can Be Your Year

Can you hear the wind? Can you see the winds stirring the tops of the Mulberry Trees?
"And it shall be, when you hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then you shall go out to battle: for God is gone forth before you to smite the host of the Philistines." 1 Chronicles 14:15
The Philistines were thieves; they would steal the harvest. Don't let the thief steal your harvest, and don't allow him to steal your vision!
2007 CAN BE YOUR YEAR to move out and move into something GREAT. Listen friends, the anointing is on the BODY of CHRIST. It's not the platform, that's just a small part. It's not a few people--it's YOU God has called.

The wind is blowing over you, and around you, but you have to yield to the wind...It's time for YOU.
Many Blessings for 2007,

Kathie and David Walters
Good News Ministries
