TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014

PRESENT: Mayor Bonnie R. Christian

Trustees Alain Leinbach

Andrew Goodwillie

Catherine McCue

Thomas E. Neff

ALSO PRESENT: Village Clerk Sara M. Seiler

Village Attorney Keith J. Cornell

Village Residents

At 7:30 pm, following the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Christian.

OPEN SESSION: Comments made by village residents included:

John Cameron spoke of the strong vibrations felt at his home and in his neighborhood that were caused by the TZ Constructors’ work. Discussion followed.

Hope Cameron commented that the vibrations felt like an earthquake and asked about limits.

Greg Mitchell said he is pleased that the village is getting its own sound readings as the village must be a watch dog.

Trustee McCue commented that Brook Crossan is the acoustic engineer who was used by Salisbury Point and whose persistence led to the noise monitors now in place,

Pam Farrar said that the loss of trees along the Thruway means more noise and fumes on her property.

Annie Weiss said that the 6/10/14 Board of Trustees meeting was viewed by 60 people on

YouTube. She said that there is a need to get information to the public and to be inclusive and transparent.

Jadel Wright asked about voicing questions at the upcoming community meeting.

Annie Weiss asked when there would be a report on the feasibility study.

MINUTES: Upon motion made by Trustee Neff, seconded by Trustee McCue, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 10, 2014 were approved with Trustee Goodwillie abstaining as he was absent from that meeting.

Upon motion made by Trustee Goodwillie, seconded by Trustee McCue, the minutes of the emergency meeting of June 18, 2014, were approved with Trustee Neff abstaining as he was absent from that meeting.



VILLAGE HALL INTERIOR PAINTING: Following discussion, Mayor Christian moved as follows,

#41 RESOLVED, to ratify the decision, made with the approval of the Village Attorney, to accept the bid of Hudson Home Improvements in the amount of $3,500 for interior painting of the Village Hall first floor.

The resolution was seconded by Trustee Neff and unanimously adopted.

ESPOSITO TRAIL: Following discussion regarding the Knickerbocker Benches on the Esposito Trail offered as a gift by the NYS Thruway, the matter was tabled.

TZ BRIDGE UPDATE: Mayor Christian spoke of the upcoming community meeting regarding the Shared Use Path for which a date is not yet set. Trustee McCue noted other issues, including the permanent trestle and the sound barriers that need meeting discussions. A draft of

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the Feasibility Study, prepared by Paul Brenner is expected this week. There was discussion of the Request for Proposal.

Mayor Christian spoke of the qualification of the two applicants for the South Nyack Task Force and appointed residents Greg Toolan and Nancy Willen to serve.

#42 Upon motion made by Trustee Leinbach, seconded by Trustee McCue and carried, the appointments of Greg Toolan and Nancy Willen as additional members of the South Nyack Task Force were unanimously approved.

USE OF VILLAGE STREETS/ FACILITIES: Trustee Leinbach moved as follows:

#43 RESOLVED, that upon receipt of the required Certificates of Insurance, to approve the request of Nyack College for a road closing of Upland Drive on August 31, 2014 for a “Move-in Block Party”.

The resolution was seconded by Trustee Neff and unanimously adopted

COMMUNICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Trustee Goodwillie spoke of the recent meeting of this committee and of their discussion of social media as the best way to reach a large number of villagers. The Advisory Committee will present guidelines. Discussion followed regarding liability issues.

OTHER: The first of the three 2014 South Nyack Summer Concerts in the Franklin Street Park will be on Sunday, June 29th.

Mayor Christian spoke of the Rockland County Main Street and River Front Summit she attended at which ways to revitalize Main Street were discussed.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Trustee Neff recognized the DPW for their work in clearing the abandoned property on Broadway. Trustee Leinbach showed photographs and reported that the out of pocket cost for the cleanup was $2600 which will be billed to the property owner. He noted that the work of sanding and smoothing the uneven sidewalks on Broadway is completed. Voorhis Avenue is being milled in preparation for paving, the cost of which will be reimbursed by FEMA. FEMA will also reimburse the village for a new surface on the Esposito Trail.

PAYMENT OF ABSTRACTS: Upon motion made by Trustee Neff, seconded by Trustee Goodwillie, the following abstracts of audited vouchers were approved for payment:

Abstract # A14.25 – General Fund ……………… $18,897.63

Abstract # B14.25 – Police ……………………… $2,950.23

Abstract # A15-02 – General Fund ……………… $19,559.27

Abstract # B15.02 – Police ……………………… $22,028.98

At 8:48 pm, upon motion made by Trustee Neff, seconded by Trustee McCue and carried, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara M. Seiler

Village Clerk




TUEDAY, APRIL 22, 2014

PRESENT: Mayor Bonnie R. Christian

Trustees Andrew Goodwillie

Alain Leinbach

Catherine McCue

Thomas E. Neff

ALSO PRESENT: Village Clerk Sara M. Seiler

Village Attorney Keith J. Cornell at7:45pm

Village Residents

ABSENT: Trustee Catherine McCue

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Christian at 7:30 pm.

TZ BRIDGE UPDATE: Trustee Leinbach moved as follows:

#25 RESOLVED, that upon the Village Attorney’s approval of the final document, to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the New York State Thruway Authority for $250,000.00 from the New NY Bridge Project Community Benefit Fund.

The resolution was seconded by Trustee Neff and unanimously adopted.





I, Sara M. Seiler, Village Clerk of the Village of South Nyack, New York, do hereby CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing Resolution with the original now on file in this office and the same is a true and correct copy thereof.

In witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Village of South Nyack this 5th day of May, 2014.

Sara M. Seiler, Village Clerk

Village of South Nyack, New York