EVENT: Free Being Me Training

SESSION 4,5 & 6:Free Being Me Activities: 11-14


  • Understand the core activities and processes in 11- 14 Activity Pack
  • Experience leading and taking part in sessions
  • Receive feedback and support on delivery of all sessions
  • Participants take ownership of the curriculum and are able to answer any difficult questions

NOTE: These sessions aim to provide participants with practical experience in delivering the Free Being Me Activities. By using the guiding/scouting method of learning by doing we can offer a creative and engaging way to go through the core Activities of the 11-14 Activity Pack. Facilitators are there to support participants and particularly Group Leaders, to explain the activity if there is need, to provide feedback and to coordinate the flow. Facilitators are floating around the room, listening to each table and following the discussions that take place during the delivery of the activities. This way facilitators can make sure that Group Leaders use the right approach and follow the “instructions” from the Activity Packs. Participants are encouraged to use the support prompts (blue print) from the Activity Packs in order to explain to their group what they need to do and to facilitate the discussions among them. Remember participants in Free Being Me are encouraged to speak up and participate actively. This means that Group Leaders need to make sure everyone has the space and opportunity to do so at their own pace.

Chairs set up around a table in groups of 6-8, spread throughout the room.

Time / Content / Method/ Process / Facilitator / Materials
10 mins / Introduction / Explain the process for the Activity Packs sessions, whereby the trainees will take turns playing Group Leader and participants through each session of Free Being Me. As a group, they will run through abbreviated versions of the core activities within each Activity Pack session.
Trainees will be observed by Facilitators as they act out the sessions and receive supervision and facililation feedback at the end of every session as well as have the opportunity to ask questions.
Go through the layout of the Activity Pack (Leader guide page 10) and explain the support prompts (Leader guide page 11).
Remind participants to take part in activities as they are, rather than trying to simulate an 11- 14 year olds’ response. / Laptop, projector, flipchart stand, flip chart paper, markers, post its, pens, A4 paper, Dove evolution airbrushing video clip.
Activity Packs one per table.
Photocopies from Activity Sheets for the Activity Packs.
65 mins / Session 1 from the 11-14 Activity Pack / Ask the groups to choose 2 people to play the Group Leaders for Session 1. The rest of the group will be participants during this session.
Each group has one Activity Pack that only the Leader uses.
Trainers allocate the session activities to the Group Leaders as below:
The Leaders should guide their groups through the following core activities:
  • Take Part Pledge & setting group guidelines (10 mins) Group Leader 1
  • Pressure at the Party (but don’t go through perfect-looking girl list in detail) (15 mins) Group Leader 2
  • Where does the Image Myth come from? (5 mins) Whole group together delivered by the trainer : each table has its own animal noise that they use before being able to answer.
  • Airbrushing Spot the Difference (10 mins) Group Leader 1
  • Outside Inside: Costs of the Image Myth (15 mins) Group Leader 2
  • Quitting the image myth- Whole group together. (5 mins) Group Leader 1

5 mins / Feedback on Session 1 / Bring everyone back in to the large group for feedback and the opportunity to ask any questions. / Body Activities presentation / materials / Flip chart paper
40 mins / Session 2 from the 11-14 Activity Pack / Ask the groups to choose 2 people to play the Group Leaders for Session 2. The rest of the group will be participants during this session. Trainers allocate the session activities to the Group Leaders as below:
  • Present Make your own media: Divide group in half. So that half groups are doing one activity and half the other. 1) Breaking News on Body confidence and 2)Magazine cover- divide room in. This way you can discuss both during feedback (15 mins) Leader 1
  • Present Make your own media (10 mins)
  • Personal Challenge- friendship note (5 mins) Leader 2
  • Share friendship note personal challenge (10 mins) Leader 2

5 mins / Feedback on Session 2 / Bring everyone back in to the large group for feedback and the opportunity to ask any questions.
50 mins / Session 3 from the 11-14 Activity Pack / You will need 3 trainers for this part each one leading one mission. You can set this up outside in stations or indoors using different spaces.
At the beginning of session put participants into three groups-Min 6 people - Max 20 people per group (5 mins).
Each group goes to each mission station completing a mission.
  • Mission 1 Connect! (15 mins)
  • Mission 2 Beauty Bubbles (15 mins)
  • Mission 5 Role Model Tag (15 mins)

5 mins / Feedback on Session 3 / Bring everyone back in to the large group for feedback and the opportunity to ask any questions.
Session 4 from the 11-14 Activity Pack / Back in groups of 6-8 participants
No more body talk: introduce body talkand act out 1 Body Talk scenario. Leader 1 & 2 to act out the rest. (10 mins)
Real compliments- participants walk around the room (10 mins)
20 mins / Feedback on Session 4/all activity pack so far / Bring everyone back in to the large group for feedback and the opportunity to ask any questions.
5 mins / Session 5 from the 11-14 Activity Pack / Choose 3 new people to play the Group Leader who will take the group through each stage of the Take Action Project:
Explanation of Take Action project- what makes it a ‘meaningful’ Take Action project? (5 mins)
  • See the Change (15 mins) Leader 1
  • Plan the Change (15 mins) Leader 2
  • Action plan (30 mins) Leader 3
  • Present projects and feedback (20 mins)

10 mins / Feedback on Session 5 / all activity pack / Bring everyone back in to the large group for feedback and the opportunity to ask any questions.