“FAU Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work Child WelfareScholarship”

The “FAU Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work Child Welfare Scholarship” is a$1,500 scholarshipthat is open to students who are registered in the Bachelor of Social Work or Master of Social Work programs at FAU. This scholarship is awarded based on demonstrated interest and ability to pursue a careerchild welfare services.


  • To support social work students who have demonstrated interest and ability in the field of child welfare.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Admitted to the BSW or MSW program at FAU
  • Submitted completed application form, including statement of need and statement of objectives in seeking professional social work education.
  • Submitted a curriculum vita (or resume)
  • Documented interest and ability in pursuing a social work career in child welfare.


  • Selection of recipients will be conducted by a committee consisting of the Awards Chair, the Scholarship committee, the BSW Coordinator, and the MSW Coordinator of the School of Social Work.
  • Awards will be determined based on meeting the eligibility requirements, as well as established need,stated career objectives, and experiences relevant to social work education and practice (in c.v.).

Submission of Applications

  • All applicants will submit their applications using the format below, emailed to the “FAU Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work Awards Chair” care of Tod Marshall at
  • The due date for applications is September 29, 2017. Applicants will be notified of whether they have received a scholarship by October 11th, 2017.

“FAU Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work

Child WelfareScholarship”Application Form

Applicant’s name:

Email address:

Telephone number:

Mailing address:

Have you received this scholarship previously?

No: _____ Yes: _____ (specify when:______)

Have you received any scholarship from our school previously?

No: ______Yes: ______(specify when and what type of scholarship you received: ______)

In which program have you been admitted?

BSW Full-Time_____ Part-Time_____

MSW Full-Time_____ Part-Time_____

Why are you interested in pursuing a social work degree? (1 to 2 paragraphs)

Please describe what skills and knowledge that you bring to the field of child welfare? (1 to 2 paragraphs)

Please explain how yourpast experiences, training, and education have prepared you for a social work career in child welfare? (1 to 2 paragraphs)

How would receiving this scholarship help you complete a degree in social work? (1 to 2 paragraphs)

Please attach a resume or c.v. that includes information about your prior education, academic accomplishments, work experience, volunteer experience (related to social work), research experience (if any), and student club and civic association memberships.