“Behold The Pattern”
Joshua 22
A. Josh 21:43-45: The land promise is fulfilled.
1. The faithfulness of God depended on their faithfulness TO GOD=Success.
2. God has not changed.
3. As God was with and blessed His people then, so will God be with and bless those today who faithfully serve Him.
B. Num 32:20-24: Moses warned that it would be “sin” to neglect God’s every command.
1. Faithfulness to God is based on one thing, and that is “the keeping of His commandments.”
2. Last lesson: “According to” was the “pattern” in the OT.
C. Josh 22:28: “Behold the pattern” (KJV)
1. This chapter points out that Israel’s single cry was to please Jehovah.
1) In fact, this was a cry for UNITY among all the 12 tribes.
2. It is a rare jewel when unity becomes our AIM.
1) This chapter is like BEHOLDING a rare diamond with precious and rare jewels surrounding it.
2) If unity is our aim, and I think it is, then we should be interested in studying the prominent and precious lessons found in this chapter.
A. 1-2: Obedience—an opportunity for triumph.
1. The 2½ tribes “kept all” that God commanded them through Moses and Joshua.
1) They understood obedience in all things as a duty.
2) To obey God in some things and not in others shows an unsound heart.
3) A soul sincerely obedient will not pick and choose what commands to obey, and what to reject, as HYPOCRITES do.
2. Notice the benefits of obedience.
1) Our conflicts with the enemies of our life are God’s opportunities, in which He would see us TRIUMPH OVER OURSELVES.
B. 3: Loyalty and integrity produces results.
1. Loyalty to brethren stimulates the gratitude of brethren.
1) Their love for their families was secondary to their love for God.
2) Loyalty to men and God is the only true loyalty to self.
2. Do you know how long they were gone? 7 long years.
1) Left their land, wives, children, loved ones, cattle, etc.
2) They left much behind, but still possessing God.
3. God has PROVEN to be their main focus.
1) This is nothing less than TOTAL SUBMISSION.
C. 4: Entering into rest.
1. Rest according to the purpose and promise of God.
1) They obtained rest through their service to their brethren.
2) In living for others, we give ourselves in conflicts, serving, and suffering.
3) The efforts of others are made a necessary aid to our own.
2. Rest won for others—obtains and establishes our own.
1) The inheritance is richer.
2) The inheritance is more secure.
3) The inheritance is more complete.
D. 5: Note these words: “Be very careful…love…walk…keep…hold fast (cleave) …serve…”
1. The force of attraction diminishes with distance of separation.
1) Like a magnet separated from its object.
E. 6: Blessing a multitude.
1. Faithfulness to God was the very FOUNDATION of their blessings.
1) God actually blesses all men to some degree.
2) In blessing a multitude, God chooses to bless the wicked man too much rather than the faithful man too little.
3) The blessings of life, which seem uneven in their distribution, regulate themselves in the act of appropriation (misuse).
A. 7-8: The distribution of life’s gains.
1. The first fruits of the war were to be offered to God.
1) This was made clear at the fall of Jericho (Josh 6).
2) The people were permitted to keep the chief spoils.
2. The spoils kept by the people were to be used in cultivating a spirit well pleasing to God.
1) Develops a spirit of self-sacrifice.
2) Develops a spirit of generosity.
3) Develops a spirit of pleasure in the joy of others.
B. 9: Parted at “Shiloh”—Located north of Bethel in Ephraim.
1. 18:1: Shiloh is the place where they had set up the tent of meeting (tabernacle) when the conquest to possess Canaan was completed.
1) The tabernacle stayed there during the entire period of the judges.
2) Samuel’s mother Hannah, dedicated Samuel to the Lord there.
3) Jer 7:12: This was where God placed His name and spoke of it as “My place.”
C. 10: The 2 ½ tribes built a large altar there.
1. Deut 12:13-14: They KNEW that no sacrifices were to be made on any altar other than the one before the tabernacle.
1) There was no dissenting voice among them.
2) There is nothing more provoking than strife in serving the Lord.
D. 11-16: The whole congregation gathers together.
1. An investigation is made in regard to this altar.
1) To have such UNITY among so many is also possible today.
2) They were ALL united in their thoughts that building this altar was an “unfaithful act…against the God of Israel…”
3) They think the 2 ½ tribes did not ACT “according to” God plan of ACTION=PATTERN!
E. 17-20: The investigation continues by asking 2 questions about 2 examples of the past (Deut 13:12-15).
1. 17: They asked a question about “the iniquity of Peor”, from which they had not been cleansed (Num 25).
1) 18: Their plea is based on their FEAR OF GOD.
2) 19: What is rebellion “against the Lord, or…against us”?
3) ADDING TO GOD’S WORD (ALTAR) by “building an altar to yourselves.”
2. 20: They asked about the sin of Achan, who ACTED unfaithfully.
1) He “did not perish alone in his iniquity.” (Josh 7:16-26).
2) Does one sin really matter?
3) “It’s not going to hurt anyone, It’s my choice, and it doesn’t affect anyone else.”
4) God recognizes the power of one bad apple.
5) Do you still think you’re the only one affected by your sins?
6) None of us live on an island—lives affect others—good or bad.
3. Sin destroys TRUE UNITY AND FELLOWSHIP with God and His people.
1) Those in agreement—still ENJOYED UNITY.
2) But it grieves people as it grieves God when sin becomes a factor.
A. 22: They begin with a double appeal to “El, Elohim, Yahweh”=The Mighty One, God, Jehovah (the Lord).
1. 22: God “knows, and may Israel itself know.”
2. 23: Let “Jehovah Himself require it.”
3. 24: “We have done this out of concern, for a reason.”
1) 25: We didn’t build this altar out of carelessness.
2) We don’t want our children to “stop fearing the Lord.”
4. 26: We didn’t build it for “burnt offering or for sacrifice.”
1) They understood the difference between individual and collective action.
5. 27: “Rather it shall be a witness between us and you and between our generations after us…that we are to perform the service of the Lord.”
1) The altar was like a contract or a wedding ring—not for worship.
6. 28: Reminder—“Behold the pattern of the altar of the Lord…”
1) A rejection of the pattern was a rejection of God.
7. 29: “Far be it from us that we should rebel against the Lord…”
1) Who destroys unity? Rebel—by adding to God’s pattern.
2) How can we be united today? By doing everything “ACCORDING TO”
God’s pattern (word).
A. Perhaps many were led by the opinion of the few.
1. The 2 ½ tribes were misrepresented and misunderstood.
1) Judgment founded on appearances and on rumor, instead of after inquiry.
2) War threatened hastily, and without sufficient reason.
B. 30: The words of truth in the appeal made “pleased them.”
1. They had an OPEN MIND.
1) Consider an honest, sincere, and God-fearing plea by those who love God and have proven it by their actions.
2) Then were honest and sincere enough to do that which was right.
2. Do you see the beauty of love through communication?
1) The beauty of love for God.
2) The beauty of love for truth.
3) The beauty of love (on both sides) towards those who sincerely thought to be the offending brethren.
4) Even though they had given up 7 years of their lives to help their brethren secure their lands from the enemy, their brethren were ready to attack them because of a misunderstanding.
1. This chapter overflows with words, thoughts, attitudes, phrases, and a DESIRE FOR UNITY based upon recognizing God as Supreme and their sole desire to please Him.
2. This chapter gives us confidence that unity can be and will be achieved and maintained if all parties involved:
1. DO EXACTLY as God says, For the REASON that God says, and having that kind of FAITH that takes God at His word.
3. Then all can agree to say “Behold the pattern!”