REV. 10/29/2014
Discovery Lab School/Discovery Family Connection
Planning Calendar 2014-2015
August / September / OctoberTBA: DFC planning meeting 7:00 p.m.
27: Classes begin / 1: Labor Day. No school
2: DFC Meeting: 6:30 pm
4: Welcome Back Potluck 6:00 pm
TBA: Cookie Dough Sales
11: Open House & middle school orientation 6:30 pm
18: Picture Day
20: Sunfair Parade / TBA: Skateland 6-8 pm
7: DFC Meeting 6:30 pm
17: Hearing and vision screening
17: Movie Night 6-8 pm
30: Halloween Family Dance 6:30 – 8:30 pm
30: First quarter ends
TBA: Cookie dough distribution
November / December / January
3-7: Student led Conferences. Noon release
3-7: Book Fair
4: DFC meeting 6:00
5: Town Hall Meeting
11: Veteran’s Day. No school. Veteran’s Parade
12: Sealant day
14: Movie Night 6-8 pm
19: Picture retakes
26-28: Thanksgiving Holiday. No school.
13: CWU Science Night / 2: DFC meeting 6:00 pm
10: Geography Bee
12: Movie Night 6-8 pm
16, 17, 18: Shakespeare Play Auditions
22-31: Winter Break. No school. / 5: Classes resume
6: DFC meeting, 6:30
8: Skateland
15: Science Fair
16: Movie Night 6-8 pm
19: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. No school.
22: Second quarter ends
30: Honors Tea
February / March / April
12: Skateland. 6-8 pm
3: DFC meeting 6:30 pm
7: Regional Solo & Ensemble contest at CWU
13 & 17: Snow make-up day, if needed.
16: President’s Day. No school.
19: History Day
20: Movie Night 6-8 pm
TBA: Shakespeare rehearsals 3:30-5 pm / 3: DFC Meeting 6:30 p.m.
11: Town Hall Meeting
20: Middle School Dance
23-27: Student led conferences. Noon release.
23-27: Book Fair
TBA: YVMEA M.S. Choir Contest, WV J.H.
TBA: All District Spring Choir @ Davis, 7 pm
TBA: Regional History Day Contest
TBA: Book Fair
TBA: Shakespeare rehearsals, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
TBA: Centrum Explorations Week, 7-8 grade enrollees
30-31: Spring break, no school / 1-3: Spring Break, no school
7: Third Quarter Ends
7:DFC Meeting 6:30 p.m.
9: Skateland 6-8
13-17: Spirit Week
TBA: AllCity Choir
TBA: AllCity Band
22: Town Hall Meeting, 7-8 Grades
TBA: AllCity Orchestra
16: DFC Walk-A-Thon, 2 - 3 p.m.
17: Movie Night 6-8 pm
21: Class Pictures
TBA: YVMEA M.S. Band/Orchestra
TBA: Shakespeare rehearsals
TBA: Centrum Waterworld, 5-6 grade enrollees
May / June / July
TBA: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
TBA: Skateland. 6-8 p.m
1: Honors Tea 1:45- 3:15 pm
5: DFC meeting 6:30 p.m.
8: Presidential Fitness
TBA: Shakespeare play rehearsals
TBA: State History Day contest
14, 15, 16: Shakespeare Play Performances
19-21: Spring music concerts & culminating projects 7 pm
25: Memorial Day. No school.
28: SpringState of the School Potluck / 3: Capture the Flag
4: Awards Assembly 9 am
5: Field Day
8: 8th grade field trip
9: 8th grade Graduation Breakfast
10: Last Day of Classes. Noon release.
TBA: DFC planning meeting for 2015-2016 year