Attached Document

Date 24th December, 2013

JISHA Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Seminar FY 2013

1. The purpose of the seminar:

JISHA provides participants with an opportunity to learn OSH knowledge and know-how through lectures and to exchange information and experience among the participants during the seminar so that they will improve OSH activities and environments in their own country.

2. Venue: JISHA Headquarters, Tokyo, (Minato-Ward) Japan

3. Date: 10th March to 14th March, 2014 (5 days)

4. Expenses:

1. The below cost shall be borne by a participant’s organization or a participant:

(1) a round trip ticket between your country and Tokyo

(2) accommodation (hotel fee), outfit allowance (dinner etc)

NOTE: we will designate an appropriate and moderate hotel near JISHA

(3) Travel expenses Airport – Hotel

2. The following cost shall be borne by JISHA :

(1) Travel insurance of a participant during the stay in Japan from arrival to


(2) Travel expenses about the sight tour

NOTE: we will invite you to every lunch and a farewell party on 14th May,

Friday evening

5. Number of the participants:

Currently we have approximately 10 persons in mind.

6. Subject: OSHMS & Zero-Accident Activities (Hazard Prediction Training (KYT))

(refer to the attached course programme) annex I


Due to changing working environments in Japan such as complicated working process or diversified employment patterns, causes of work-related accidents have been changing in Japan. As its solution, we believe it is getting more and more necessary to encourage employers to introduce OSHMS to their workplaces to adapt themselves to these new issues.

When we organize a seminar under this subject, based on our accumulated knowledge and know-how in the field, the main contents will be as follows:

1) Japanese OSHMS experience and situation

2) Practice for OSHMS: its Basic design & introduction

3) Risk Assessment

4) Practice of Risk Assessment (Group discussion)

5) Overview of JISHA OSHMS Standards Certification Service

NOTE: Recognized its completion of this course, we will provide a certificate

・Zero-Accident Activities (Hazard Prediction Training (KYT))

The main function of the KYT training is to encourage trainees (workers) to identify unsafe behavior of workers in the workplace that may cause human errors, to promote them to find its solutions by themselves, and finally to make them well aware that such unsafe situation/behavior has been fixed all right by pointing to the item/place concerned.

For more information, refer to URL1 as shown below.


7. Language : English

8. Procedure : annex II