Announcements Neal Kowa

Song Leader Wertz Long

Prayer Czarnowsky S. Thompson

Preside @ table S. Thompson Wertz

Assisting Lake Caples

Assisting White Wedge

Assisting Smith J. Thompson

Prayer Wedge Kent


Announcements Neal

Song Leader Wertz

Prayer Czarnowsky

Communion/ S. Thompson

Closing Prayer


Announcements Neal

Song Leader Wertz

Invitation E. Anthony

Prayer P. Anthony

****Brothers: If you cannot serve please contact a

Deacon or an elder by Saturday evening.

If you are serving, please meet in the foyer five minutes prior to services.

August / September / October
Prepare Communion / Wedge / Lake / Maiwald
Lockup / White / Wertz / Anthony
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / Sat 9/12 / 8:00 am / OC Buffet
Elder/Deacon Mtg / Sat 9/12 / 9:30 am / Building
Ladies’ Breakfast / Sat. 10/3 / 9:00 am / OC Buffet

Helpful Email Addresses:



Bulletin: (for the next two

weeks please call Karla Anthony-703-590-4688-to

place items in the bulletin)

Special Days
Happy Birthday!
Roger Elliot / 29 / Chelsea Long / 29
Steve Keen / 30 / Oleana Gauvin / 31
Ametha Carr / 31
Happy Anniversary!
Wilbert and Nancy Davis / 22
Ernie and Melissa Maiwald / 26


After Jesus had spent forty days and nights in the wilderness the devil came to Him with temptations. Jesus went through these temptations without ever giving in. The question is, how did He do it? In Matthew 4:1-11 we read of the temptation Jesus went through. How He did it is answered within these verses. Jesus basically gave a stern NO. He was not going to give in. In fact in verse 10 He told Satan to leave by saying “away with you Satan!”

Can it be that easy? The answer is yes. We can do it if we live for the word “No” and not “Maybe” during temptations. Let me give you an example of things that happen to us today. So often we may say “Maybe” to sin instead of “No,” leaving the option open for us to say “Yes.” Brethren, this is not resisting temptations that are placed before us. If we say maybe, than we are like the person trying to get rid of a telemarketer without saying a firm “NO” and hanging up the phone. Though we may say we are not interested in buying Satan’s product (SIN) we hold onto the phone and continue to discuss the tempting wares, leaving the possibility for Satan to make the sale. Brethren, to resist temptation we must say a firm “No” and hang the phone up. Let us be as Christ and repeat those great words “away with you Satan!” Ernie

For Our Prayers-Aug 16, 2009


The Wertz family requests prayers for David, who broke

his leg recently, as well as for other family concerns..

Continued Prayers:

v  Colleen Wertz’ mother

v  Kay Bradley (Roger Merritt’s sister)

Continued Prayers:

Those who are protecting our country, serving in harm’s way all over the world

The leaders of our nation, and all nations

around the world, that peace may prevail

Special Request:

There may be those who are in need of prayer but

do not wish to share their difficulties in a public

way. Please remember these nameless ones.

Continued prayers for our members:

Marjorie Kowa Bobbie Girard Will Davis

Alwilda Merritt Colleen Wertz Sue Bilbrey

Christine Liddell Steven Dalton Deb Neal

Peggy Shields Katherine Wertz Betty Perez

James Roberson Naomi Hunt

Note: if you want a name added to or deleted from the prayer list please email: