Most Worshipful Brother Alonzo Emery Emerson was born at Stetson, Maine, on the 28th day of February, 1868, of a pioneer family. His father was Cyrus Whitter Emerson, a native of that State. His mother was Hannah Hammond, a sister of Joseph Hammond, founder of Hammond, Indiana.

Brother Emerson attended grade school in the Mount Pleasant School District, Stetson Township, from 1874 to 1883, Commercial High School in Goodwin High School District from 1883 to 1885 and studied a Scientific Course at Stetson Academy, Maine, from 1885 to 1887, graduating at a later date.

He was employed on his father's farm at Stetson from 1887 to 1889. In 1890 he worked as a fireman in Watertown, Massachusetts, for the H. & W. Paper Company. After working for a time as a clerk in the C. E. Hammond General Store he engaged in farming. In 1896 he was employed for a time by the General Electric Company at Lynn, Massachusetts.

He came to Cle Elum, Washington, in 1896, where he prospected for minerals until 1900. Then he worked as a clerk in the T. M. Jones General Store, remaining there until 1902. From 1903 to 1907 he was employed by the Kittitas County Commissioners as Clerk of the Court. In 1908 he was employed in the County Engineer's Office; and in 1909 to 1922 he operated his own grocery business in Ellensburg.He would be appointed Postmaster, a position he held until 1936. His record in this trust was one of honor, integrity, and faithfulness. From 1936 until 1942 he was self-employed as a Mine and Industrial Financing Broker. Shortly thereafter he went into semi-retirement.

On December 25, 1900, he was married to Miss Cordia Jeanette Stafford, daughter of Theran Stafford, pioneer of a Cle Elum family. Mrs. Emerson passed away in 1947. Two daughters were born from this union—Helen Emerson Snowden and Alice Emerson Oddens.

Past Grand Master Emerson was made a Master Mason in Pacific Lodge, No. 64, at Exeter, Maine, being initiated August 16, 1894; passed August 22, 1894; and raised to the Sublime Degree October 17, 1894. He dimitted February 24, 1904, to the newly formed Lodge at Cle Elum, thus becoming a charter member. On April 8, 1907, he dimitted from Cle Elum Lodge to become a member of Ellensburg Lodge, No. 39, on May 22, 1907, and served as its Worshipful Master in1911. He held his membership in Ellensburg Lodge until his death, the Lodge honoring him with a Fifty-Year Certificate and pin on April 20, 1949.

In the Grand Lodge he was elected Junior Grand Warden in June of 1915. Each year thereafter, he was regularly advanced in line and in June of 1918, was elected and installed to the exalted position of Most Worshipful Grand Master.

The Supreme Grand Master, Creator of Light, Life and Knowledge saw fit in His great wisdom to grant to our Most Worshipful Brother a long and useful life, calling him from labor on November 28, 1950. He lived to the advanced age of 82 years, always contented to obey his God, to cherish the circle of his family, to serve his community and to labor with his fellow man. Quiet in nature, lovable in character and understanding in judgment, he was honored and respected as a man of sterling qualities by his many friends and brethren.