July 1
July 1st is “International Joke Day.”Many people love to tell jokes. Create several jokes of your own to share with the class. You may also want to read a few different types of jokes to help you get started. PDF

July 2
On this day in 1900, the first Zeppelin flew. This ship, named after Ferdinand von Zeppelin, was initially used as an experiment for regular airship travel. While in existence, the ship flew more than 1 million miles with a perfect passenger safety record. Would you like to travel in an airship like this? Why or why not? PDF

July 3
July 3rd marks the beginning of the “Dog Days of Summer.” These days are typically the hottest and most humid time of the year. They get their name due to the fact these days occur when the “Dog Star” Sirius raises before the sun. Explain your favorite “Dog Day” activity. PDF

July 4
On July 4, 1776, the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. Every year we celebrate this holiday with fireworks. How do you think this tradition came to be? PDF

July 5
July 5th is Caribbean Day. This day celebrates the wonderful Caribbean culture. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Caribbean and summarize them in your own words. PDF

July 6
On July 6th the first picture postcard was made. If you were asked to create a postcard to represent one of the following, what would you draw and why?

·  your school

·  your city or town

·  your state

After writing about your postcard, create a sketch of what it would look like. PDF

July 7
July 7th is “Macaroni Day.” Think about your favorite, or least favorite, macaroni dish. What are the ingredients? Why is it your favorite or least favorite? PDF

July 8
On this day in 1835, the Liberty Bell cracked while being rung at the funeral of John Marshall, an American statesman who helped make the Supreme Court a center of power. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Liberty Bell and summarize them in your own words. PDF

July 8th is “Video Games Day.” Do you enjoy playing video games? Why or why not? What is your favorite game? And do you think that video games can help students? PDF

July 9
July 9th is “National Sugar Cookie Day.” Describe the sugar cookie you would like to make. Be sure to include the shape, colors and decorations. And don’t forget a sketch.PDF

July 10
On July 10, 1916, illustrator Martin Provensen was born. Martin, along with his wife Alice, received the Caldecott Medal for their illustrations. Martin also worked for Walt Disney where he collaborated on "Dumbo" and "Fantasia." Look at several books that received the Caldecott Medal. Explain why you think one of them received the award. PDF

July 11
On this day in 1899, author E.B. White was born. White is the author of Charlotte’s Web. As you may know, this book was recently made into a movie. Do you think it’s better to read a book before seeing the movie? Why or why not? PDF

July 11th is “Cheer up the Lonely Day.” When someone you know is feeing lonely or sad, what do you do to help them feel better? PDF

July 12
Today is “Paper Bag Day.” It marks the day that the paper bag manufacturing machine was patented. If you were given a paper bag, what you put in the bag and why? PDF

July 13
July 13th is “National French Fries Day.” Some people enjoy topping their fries with ketchup or chili. How do you eat your french fries? PDF

July 14
July is “National Picnic Month.” If you could plan the ideal picnic for your family, what would it look like? Be sure to include the following:

·  Food

·  Location

·  Activities PDF

July 15
On this day in 1954, the first Boeing 707 flew. If you could design the inside of your own airplane, what would it look like? After writing your description, be sure to include a sketch. PDF

July 16
On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 lifted off for its voyage to the moon. Do you think we will ever live on the moon? Why or why not? Would you like to live there? PDF

July 17
On this day in 1955, Disneyland opened. What is your favorite amusement park ride and/or activity? PDF

July 18
July is “National Ice Cream Month.” First, describe your favorite flavor of ice cream. Next, create a new flavor of ice cream. What are the ingredients? What is your flavor’s name? Where will you sell your flavor of ice cream? PDF

July 19
On July 19, 1916, Eve Merriam was born. Merriam was a poet, playwright and teacher. She began writing poetry when she was seven. Think about your favorite form of poetry and write a poem. If you have time, you can add an illustration to your poem. PDF

July 20
Today is “Moon Day” to mark our first landing on the moon. There are many character traits an astronaut must possess. What do you think is the most important trait for an astronaut? Why did you select this trait? PDF

July 21
Today is “National Junk Food Day.” What is your favorite type of junk food? How often are you allowed to eat this food? PDF

July 22
July 22nd is the “Pied Piper of Hamelin Day.” The Brothers Grimm documented this legend. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Pied Piper and summarize them in your own words. PDF

July 23
Robert Quackenbush, the author and illustrator of nearly two hundred books for young readers, was born on this day. When you grow up, would you like to be an author and/or illustrator? Why or why not? PDF

July 24
Today is “Amelia Earhart Day” in honor of her birthday in 1897. Earhart was the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Amelia Earhart and summarize them in your own words. PDF

July 25
July is “National Recreation Month.” After you have looked up the word “recreation” in the dictionary, describe your favorite recreational activity. PDF

July 26
On this day, the Sesame Street character Bert was introduced. If you could create a new character for Sesame Street, what type of character would it be? What would you name the character? What type of physical and emotional characteristics would they have? PDF

July 27
On July 27, 1913, Scott Corbett was born. Corbett is well known for the various series of children’s books that he wrote. Do you have a favorite series of books that you enjoy reading? Do you think it’s important for people to read the books in a series in the order they were written? Why or why not? PDF

On this day the first fingerprint was taken. Ed Emberley is known for his fingerprint drawings. Think of several characters you could include in a story and write the story. Using ink and your fingers, create your characters. PDF

July 29
Today is “National Lasagna Day.” Write a paragraph explaining how to make a dish of lasagna. PDF

July 30
July 30th is “National Cheesecake Day.” A local restaurant has asked you to create a new flavor of cheesecake for their children’s menu. What flavor would you create? PDF

July 31
On this day in 1790, the first U.S. Patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins. A patent “provides exclusive rights to make, use, import, sell and offer for sale the invention for up to 20 years.” Why do you think having patents is important? PDF