Q.1 a) What do you understand by soil investigation? Write down the information, which should be available after performing soil investigation.

b) What is plate load tests and how it differs from penetration tests?

c) State the importance of settlement of foundation in designing a foundation.

d) What are the considerations taken into account while deciding the depth of foundation on granular and clayey soil?

Q.2 a) Why planking is done during excavation? Differentiate between open and closed planking in excavation?

b) Differentiate between the combined footing and the strap footing.

c) In which conditions a raft foundation is preferred over individual footings? Explain various types of raft foundations.

d) Explain the pile driving process. Mention the type of pile you will prefer in black cotton soil and why?

Q.3 a) Explain the various loads, which a foundation has to withstand during the design life of the structure.

b) Explain the various functions of a wall in a superstructure.

c) How does a gravity wall differ from a cantilever wall?

d) What is a Gabion wall? What are the merits & demerits of Gabion wall over a cantilever wall?

Q.4 a) What are the various ways to perform water absorption test of bricks?

b) Explain briefly the initial two courses of one brick wall in heading bond.

c) Differentiate between plain ashlar, punched ashlar and ashlar facing.

d) What are the various types of hollow concrete blocks used in block masonry construction?

Q.5 a) Describe how pre-construction anti-termite treatment is carried out at construction sites?

b) Explain briefly the effects of dampness. What precautions do you suggest to prevent dampness?

Q.6 a) Explain in detail the classification of lintel.

b) What are the various types of brick arches used in a building? Describe in details.

Q.7 a) What is a needle scaffolding? Under what conditions such scaffolding is preferred?

b) What are the advantages of Mason’s scaffolding over single scaffolding?

c) What types of flooring do you suggest for ground floor of a sub-station building and why?

d) How the initial cost and floor loads effect construction of upper floors in a high rise building?

Q.8 a) Suggest the types of floor construction, according to the degree of insulation.

b) Considering no financial constraints, suggest the best type of ground flooring in each room for a two room set with hall, toilets, kitchen and balconies.

c) Describe the construction practices of stone masonry and block masonry.

d) State the various factors, which are determined by design of wall footing.

Q.9 a) Briefly describe the system of building structures.

b) What are the advantages of an inspection before performing post construction anti-termite treatment in a building?

c) What are the sources of termite in a residential building?

d) What are the merits of a stone lintel over wooden lintel?

Q.10a) What are the rules governing the location of doors? Based on security and safety point of view develop a separate classifications of doors.

b) Based on working operations of doors, what types of doors will you suggest for a ground floor residence with covered parking? Explain in respect to the rooms and location of doors.

Q.1 a) Describe the methods for computation of earthwork in building foundation trenches.

b) Explain cross-sectional area method for computing earthwork quantity along a road alignment.

c) Find out the cutting and filling area of the following section

AB is the actual ground profile with slope 1: 6 (V: H), APRB is the finished profile after cutting and filling. AP slope is 1:3 (V:H) and RB slope is 1:2 (V:H). AS = TL = 2 meter.

Q.2 a) What are the general considerations made for earthwork measurements?

b) What do you understand by lead and lift in the context of earthwork in excavation and filling?

c) A open holding lagoon was constructed in a circular shape with bottom dia of 50 meters and side with 1:2 (v:h) slope by vertical cutting depth of 3 meters. The excavated earth was used for constructing the dyke with inner and outer slope 1:2 (v:h). The vertical height of dyke from ground level was kept 3.5 meters and dyke width at top was 2 meters. Find out the quantity of earthwork in excavation and filling.

Q.3 a) What are the general specifications of lime concrete work in buildings?

b) What are the components, which are taken into account for calculation of rates for plain concrete?

c) Make a labor rate analysis for 10 m3 of cement concrete in 3: 1½: 1, after performing market survey in your city.

Q.4 a) What are the various methods for quantification of brick masonry?

b) What are the various types of arches provided in brickwork and how are they quantified?

c) Sketch out a plan of a two room set with toilet, kitchen, box room and verandah with foundation elevation. Find out the quantities of various items up to DPC level.

Q.5 a) What are the various considerations for measurement of formwork?

b) A tender contains RCC work with drawings for foundation, beam, column and slab as separate items but inclusive of formwork. State how will you perform the rate analysis of these items?

c) Airtel communication system awarded a contact to a local fabricator to fabricate a signal tower of 800 cms height with following details:

i) Base plate 25 mm thick plate of size 100 x 100 cms

ii) Top plate 16 mm thick plate of size 50 x 50 cms

iii) Vertical 4 angles of 120 x 120 x 20 mm forming box to measure 750 x 750 mm at base and tapering at the top to measure 300 x 300 mm.

iv) Horizontal outside bracing of 65 x 65 x 6 mm @ 500 mm at all the four sides.

v) A circular ring of 20 dia steel bar between all the horizontal bracings on all the sides

Find out the fabrication cost @ Rs 5000/ MT and painting cost @ Rs 425 / m2

Q.6 a) What do you understand by bar bending schedule? What consequences may arrive while executing a construction site without bar bending schedule?

b) What are the procedures for the measurement of steel and iron works?

c) A RCC beam with clear span of 4.8 m, rests on 35 cm brick wall. The beam is of 55 cm depth and width of 30 cm. The beam contains 3 main bars of 20 mm dia, 2 holding bars of 12 mm dia and 8 mm dia 2 legged stirrups @ 22 cm c/c. The cover being 25 mm all around, find out the total quantity of reinforcement and make the bar bending schedule.

Q.7 a) What are the general specifications for pointing?

b) How the masonry and concrete surface are prepared before taking up new plaster work?

c) Your project manager has assigned you to prepare costing for 80,000 m2 of distemper on a fresh and new work after market survey for labour and material in your city. Also make labour plan to complete the work in 60 days with normal working of eight hours.

Q.8 a) What are the various methods of measurement of woodwork and joinery?

b) What are the various builders’ hardware for doors and windows? Explain their functions.

c) What is the importance of Muster Roll and Measurement Book in PWD works?

Q.9 a) What are the various heads under which PWD classify its works?

b) What are the main contents of tender document and contract documents?

c) How the contract system differs from one work to another in PWD and what are the advantages of these different system?

Q.10 Write short notes on the followings:

a) Arbitration

b) Termination of contract

c) Contract drawings

Q.1Determine areas of tensile as well as compression reinforcement of doubly reinforced section of bD = 400 600 mm applied with a factored moment of 500 kN-m. Use M 25 concrete and Fe 415 steel and assume effective cover of 50 mm both for tensile as well as compressive reinforcement.

Q.2Determine moment of resistance of a reinforced T section with bf = 1750 mm, Df = 115 mm,
D = 475 mm, d = 425 mm. Beam is reinforced with 5 25. Assume fck = 25 MPa;
fy = 415 MPa; and effective cover dc = 50 mm.

Q.3Design a rectangular beam simply supported over an effective span of 6 m, if the superimposed load is 25 kN/m and support width is 600 mm each. Use M 20 mix and Fe 415 grade steel.

Q.4Design a roof slab for a room 6.0 m  4.0 m clear in size cast monolithically with beams; all four edges of slab are discontinuous edges. The slab has a topping of 120 mm thick lime terrace and 12 mm thick ceiling plaster. Design parameters are as follows :

Imposed load on roof = 2.5 kN/m2, fck = 20 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2 and nominal
cover = 20 mm.

Q.5Design a column of unsupported length of 3.50 m effectively held in position at both ends, restrained against rotation at one end. The column has a rectangular cross-section 400  500 and carries a factored load of 2750 kN. Determine area of longitudinal bars, diameter and pitch of lateral ties. Design parameters are : fy = 415 N/mm2, fck = 25 N/mm2, diameter of longitudinal bars = 25 mm.

Q.6Design a rectangular footing for a superimposed load of 1500 kN. The safe bearing capacity for soil is 250 kN/m2. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Take size of column = 800 600; and nominal cover = 50 mm.

Q.7Design the first flight of the dog-legged stair case for the following details :

Staircase size=4.20 m  2.55 m

Supporting wall thickness=250 mm

Height between floors=3.30 m

Rise (R) Tread (T)=150  300 mm

Nominal cover=25 mm

fck=25 N/mm2,

fy=415 N/mm2

Q.8Design a reinforced concrete cantilever retaining wall of height 4.25 m above base to retain a level earth fill. Angle of repose of earth is 30° and unit weight of soil is 17.6 kN/m3. The safe bearing pressure of soil is 150 kN/m2. Assume fck = 25 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2.

Q.9Determine the reinforcements required for a rectangular section for the following data :

Size of beam=400  650

Grade of concrete=M 25,

Grade of steel=Fe 415

Shear force, V=75 kN,

Torsional moment, T=30 kN-m

Bending moment, M=75 kN-m

Clear cover =20 mm

Use working stress method of design.

Q.10An overhead Intze type water tank is to be designed for a capacity of 650 kl for a staging height above GL of 18 m. Design parameters are as follows :

Bearing capacity of soil = 250 kN/m2

fck = 25 N/mm2 for tank and staging

fy = 415 N/mm2 for tank and staging.

Q.1 a) What are the demerits of concrete and how it can be minimized?

b) State the advantages of using deformed and twisted bars over plain round bars.

c) Explain the factors responsible to dimensional changes of concrete.

Q.2 a) Explain operations sequence of concrete in case you are supplied ready mixed concrete by a vendor at the project site.

b) What do you understand by compaction of concrete? Explain in detail the various methods of hand compaction.

c) Define expansion of concrete. What will you conclude if you don’t find any expansion joint in a long concrete structure?

Q.3 a) How are the clinkers processed for obtaining cement? What are the advantages of dry manufacturing process over wet manufacturing process of cement?

b) Differentiate between Rapid Hardening and Quick Setting cement.

c) What are the tests carried out by Vicat Apparatus and how are such tests carried out?

Q.4 a) Explain the procedure for conducting tensile strength of concrete.

b) How will you decide to accept a truck load of cement which has arrived at your construction site?

c) Describe the properties of Bouges’ compounds of cement.

Q.5 a) What do you understand by water cement ratio? How does it affect the workability of concrete?

b) Describe the hydration of cement and the product of hydrated cement.

c) How the presence of calcium chloride, carbonates and bi-carbonates affect the properties of concrete?

Q.6 a) What is the importance of slump test? What are the different forms of slump?

b) What are the factors responsible for bleeding and segregation?

c) Describe briefly the procedure for determining the Aggregate Crushing Value.

Q.7 a) What precautions will you observe for storing 200 bags of cement at a construction site without silos?

b) What is weigh batching of aggregate and why is it preferred over volume batching?

c) Determine the quantities of aggregate for 3 bags of cement for a mix of 1:1½:3 proportions by volume and weigh batching (in dry state). Consider the bulking of fine aggregates and coarse aggregates 16% and 38%.

Q.8 a) What are the discharging arrangements in tilting, non-tilting and reversing type concrete mixers?

b) Differentiate between 200 T, 200 NT and 200 R types of concrete machine mixers.

c) State the safety measures to be observed during transportation of concrete by transit mixers to the hopper and then by pumps.

Q.9 a) Briefly explain the importance of expansion joints in concrete structures.

b) In a construction of an earth retaining wall, explain the construction and expansion joints.

c) Your contractor has approached you for checking of ply formwork completed for two way slab of 250 m2. Mention the points you will check before placing the concrete.

Q.10 a) Explain in brief the advantages and limitations of pre-stressed concrete.

b) Differentiate between lightweight and ultra-lightweight concrete.

c) What problems one may encounter during concreting in cold weather conditions?

Q.1 (a) A saturated soil sample has a water content of 30%. Estimate various types of unit weight of the soil of specific gravity is 2.65.


Define the terms used.

Q.2(a)How the diameter of particle is estimated through Stoke’s law?

(b)Discuss how liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil are determined.

Q.3(a)Explain Darcy’s law. Discuss the factors affecting permeability.

(b)The bore log of a sand deposit which is made of four layer are shown below.

Thickness (m) / Coefficient of permeability (cm/sec)
2 / 210-7
3 / 210-5
5 / 410-4
4 / 510-3

Find the equivalent permeability in horizontal and vertical directions.

Q.4(a)Explain Mohr-Coulomb theory.

(b)Two specimen of a soil sample were tested in a shear. Results are as follows ̶

Normal Load (kg) / 150 / 250
Shear Stress (kg/cm2) / 6.0 / 7.5

The test was conducted in undrained condition. Find the shear parameter of the soil.

Q.5(a) How the OMC and MDD are determined in the laboratory? Discuss factors affecting compaction.

(b)Explain functions of following compaction equipment – Sheep foot roller and tendon roller.

Q.6(a) How the depth and extent of bore hole is determined.?

(b) Explain any one method of geophysical exploration..

Q.7(a) Discuss factors affecting bearing capacity.

(b) A square footing 3m  3m has to transmit the load of a column at a depth of 20 m. Calculate safe load which footing can carry at a factor of safety of 3 against shear failure.

Given c = 15 kN/m2 ,  = 17 kN/m3, and  = 35o.

Use IS code method, if Nc= 57.8, Na= 41.4 and N1= 42.4.

Q.8(a)Explain plate load test. What are the demerits of the test.

(b)How N value is determined? Discuss corrections.

Q.9(a)Classify pile foundations with neat sketches.

(b)Discuss Dynamic method of finding load carrying capacity of pile..

Q.10 (a) What is negative skin friction and how it is estimated?

(b) A precast concrete pile is driven with 60 kN hammer having a free tall of 1.1 m. If the penetration in the last blow is 6 mm, Find the allowable load carrying capacity of the pile according to Engineering News Record (ENR) formula.