The Bluegrass Songbook

The Bluegrass Album


Side One

Blue Ridge Cabin Home 1

We Can’t Be Darlings Anymore 2

Molly And Tenbrooks 3

I Believe In You Darling 4

Model Church 5

Side Two

On My Way Back To The Old Home 6

Gonna Settle Down 7

Toy Heart 8

Pain In My heart 9

Chalk Up Another One 10

River Of Death 11


The Bluegrass Album Volume Two


Side One

Your Love Is Like a Flower 12

We May Meet Again Someday 13

Take Me In The Lifeboat 14

Sitting Alone In The Moonlight 15

Back To The Cross 16

Just When I Needed You 17

Side Two

One Tear 18

Ocean Of Diamonds 19

Is It Too Late Now 20

So Happy I’ll Be 21

Don’t This Road Look Rough And Rocky 22

I’ll Never Shed Another Tear 23


The Bluegrass Album Volume Three

California Connection


Side One

Devil In Disguise 24

Letter From My Darlin 25

A Hundred Years From Now 26

Unfaithful One 27

Down The Road 28

I’d Rather Be Alone 29

Side Two

Big Spike Hammer 30

Please Search Your Heart 31

Hey Lonesome 32

I’m Waiting To Hear You Call Me Darling 33

Wall Around Your Heart 34

Come Back Darling 35


The Bluegrass Album Volume Four


Side One

Age 36

Cheyenne -

Cora Is Gone 37

The Old Home Town 38

Talk It All Over With Him 39

Side Two

Head Over Heels 40

Nobody Loves Me 41

When You Are Lonely 42

I Might Take You Back Again 43

Lonesome Wind Blues 44

Somehow Tonight 45


The Bluegrass Album Band

Sweet Sunny South


Side One

Rock Hearts 46

Big Black Train 47

Thinking About You 48

Out In The Cold World 49

On The Old Kentucky Shore 50

Preaching Praying Singing 51

Side Two

Someone Took My Place With You 52

Foggy Mountain Rock -

My Home’s Across The Blue Ridge Mountains 53

Along About Daybreak 54

Sweet Sunny South 55


Příjemné jamování Vám přejí Ralph Schut a Martin Burza!

Blue Ridge Cabin Home

1.  There’s a well beaten path on the old mountainside

Where I wandered when I was a lad

I wandered alone to a place I call home

In those Blue Ridge hills far away


Oh I love those hills of old Virginia

Those Blue Ridge hills I did roam

When I die won’t you bury me on the mountain

Far away in my Blue Ridge Mountain home

2.  As my thoughts wander back to that ramshackle shack

In those Blue Ridge hills far away

My mother and dad are laid there to rest

They are sleeping in peace together there


3.  I returned to that old cabin home with the sight

I’d been longing for days gone by

When I die won’t you bury me on that old mountain side

Make my resting place upon the hills so high



We Can’t Be Darlings Anymore

1.  Darling you often said you loved me
But you’ve gone on before
You don’t know dear how I miss you
But we can’t be darlings anymore


Darling I am sad and lonely
Since you’ve gone on before
So down here on this lonely earth dear
We can’t be darlings anymore

2.  Until we meet up there in heaven
And we can walk the golden shore
For down here on this lonely earth dear
We can’t be darlings anymore


3.  I have lost a million tears dear
Since you’ve left this world and gone
But we can never again be darlings
Till we meet around the throne



Molly And Tenbrooks

1.  Run oh Molly run, run oh Molly run
Tenbrooks’s gonna beat you to the bright shining sun.
To the bright shining sun, Oh Lord, to the bright shining sun

2.  Tenbrooks was a big bay horse he wore that shaggy mane
He run all around Memphis and he beat the Memphis train
Beat the Memphis train, oh Lord, beat the Memphis train

3.  Tenbrooks said to Molly what made your head so red
Running in the hot sun with a fever in my head
Fever in my head, h Lord, fever in my head

4.  Molly said to Tenbrooks you’re looking mighty squirrel
Tenbrooks said to Molly I’m leaving this old world
Leaving this old world, oh Lord, leaving this old world

5.  Out in California where Molly done as she pleased
She came back to old Kentucky, got beat with all ease
Beat with all ease, oh Lord, beat with all ease

6.  The women all a-laughing the children all a-crying
The men all a-hollering old Tenbrooks a-flying
Old Tenbrooks a-flying, oh Lord, old Tenbrooks a-flying

7.  Kyper, Kyper, you’re not riding right
Molly’s beating old Tenbrooks clear out sight
Clear out of sight, oh Lord, clear out of sight

8.  Kyper, Kyper, Kyper my son
Give old Tenbrooks a bridle and let old Tenbrooks run
Let old Tenbrooks run, oh Lord, let old Tenbrooks run

9.  Go and fetch old Tenbrooks and hitch him in the shade
We’re gonna bury old Molly in a coffin ready made
Coffin ready made, oh Lord, coffin ready made

Let old Tenbrooks run, oh Lord, let old Tenbrooks run

I Believed In You Darling

1.  Oh you said that you loved me that your heart would be true

But now you’ve gone and left me, I’m so blue

I believed in you darling that your heart would be true

But now you’ve gone and left me, I’m so blue


Our vows have been broken, you have proven untrue

Another has my sweetheart and a love that I once knew

I believed in you darling that your heart would be true

But now you’ve gone and left me, I’m so blue

2.  Oh the nights are so lonely, dreams of you haunt me so

What’s happened little darling, I don’t know

I believed in you darling that your heart would be true

But now you’ve gone and left me, I’m so blue


Model Church


Well wife I’ve found a model church
And worshipped there today
It made me think of the good old times
Before my hair was gray

The meetinghouse was finer built
Than they were years ago
But I found out when I went in
It was not built for show

The sexton did not sit me down
Away back by the door
He knew that I was old and deaf
And saw that I was poor

He must have been a Christian man
He led me boldly through
The long aisle of that crowded church
To find a pleasant pew

I wish you’d heard the singing, wife
it had the old town ring
The preacher said with trumpet voice
Let all the people sing

Oh Coronation was the tune
The music upward roared
I thought I heard the angel choir

Strike on their harps of gold

I tell you wife it did me good
To sing those hymns once more
I felt just like some wrecked marine
Who gets a glimpse of shore

It made want to lay aside
This weather beaten form
And anchor in that blessed port
Forever from the storm

Dear wife the toil will soon be o’er
The victory soon be won
The shining strand is just ahead
Our race is nearly run

We’re near to Canaan’s happy shore
Our hopes are bright and fair
Thank God we’ll never sin again
There’ll be no sorrow there

There’ll be no sorrow there
In heaven above
Where all is love
There’ll be no sorrow there


I’m On My Way Back To The Old Home

1.  Back in the days of my childhood
In the evening when everything was still
We used to sit and listen to the foxhounds
With my dad in the old Kentucky hills


I’m on my way back to the old home
The road winds on up the hill
But there’s no light in the window
That shines on the road where Ilive

2.  Soon my childhood days were over
I had to leave my old home
For mum and dad were called to rest in heaven
And I’m left in this world all alone


3.  High in the hills of old Kentucky
Stands the fondest spot in my memory
I’m on my way back to the old home
The light in the window I long to see


Gonna Settle Down

1.  Tonight I’m all alone no place to call my own
Don’t have no one to love me anymore
I’m gonna pack up my grip and take a long long trip
Back to the one that I love so

Oh I long to go back to my darling
Back to the one I love so well
I know she’ll be my wife and we’ll settle down for life
Cause she’s the one that means the world to me

2.  I can’t forget the day I left and went away
You told you me I’d be sorry some old day
I found it to be true so I’m heading back to you
Sweetheart I’m tired and I want to settle down


3.  When I get back to her my rambling days are over
We’ll build a little cottage on the hill
We’ll think of days gone by sweetheart just you and I
And there we’ll live so happy ever more


Toy Heart


Darling, you toyed with toy heart
I think you played the game right from the start
This toy heart was broken when parting words were spoken
Darling, you toyed with a toy heart

1.  You played with my poor heart like a toy
That toy broke and then we had to part
It never can be mended I hope this romance’s ended
Darling, you toyed with a toy heart


2.  Now darling my time will come some day
Time alone will heal my broken heart
The clouds will roll away, the sun will shine someday
Darling, you toyed with a toy heart


3.  Now darling you know you’ve done me wrong
Your love for me has passed and gone
I’ll find somebody new, I hope that they’ll be true
Darling you toyed with a toy heart


Pain InMy Heart

1.  When I first I met you, right from the start

You’ve known that I loved you, from the pain in my heart

So look in my eyes and see that it’s true

And say that you love me, please don’t make me blue


With pain in my heart and blues on my mind

I’ll always love you but can you be mine

Can you be mine with another man’s name

You know that I love you and I’m not to blame

2.  Say that you love me and you will be mine

With pain in your heart and blues on your mind

Please say that you love me and don’t say goodbye

You know that I love you, for you I would die

Chalk Up Another One

1.  You should get a medal dear for every broken heart
For every life you’ve ruined cause you think you’re so smart
I never even had a chance and now my life is lost
Once more you’ve had your fun and you don’t care how much it cost


Oh chalk up another one, another broken heart
Chalk up another one, a heart you tore apart
You picked me for a fool my dear how well I played the part
Chalk up another one, another broken heart

2.  Broken vows and shattered dreams mean little dear to you
Cause once you said you love me and now you say were through
Well all is fair in love and war I guess you taught me so
Cause in this crazy game of love you hit an all time low


3.  I have only pity in this evil life you choose
This unfair game you’re playing where everyone must lose
But let me tell you something some day you won’t forget
Add me to your collection and you’ll wish we never met


River Of Death

1.  Oh the river of death lies just before me
Can I find a place that I can cross
Or will I be in sin forever
Oh Lord don’t let my soul be lost

2.  Oh I wanna walk with Christ my savior
For he’s the one that’ll guide me on
All through my life I’ve been a sinner
Now I’m right with God so I’m traveling home

3.  Oh I can hear my savior calling
To me his voice sounds sweet and low
For me I hear my loved ones cheering
Oh, praise the Lord I’m ready to go

4.  My life down here will soon be over
And this old world holds nothing for me
He saved my soul and He made me happy
That beautiful land I’m going to see

Your Love Is Like A Flower

1.  It was long, long ago in the moonlight
We were sitting on the banks of the stream
When you whispered so sweetly, I love you
As the waters murmured a tune

Oh they tell me your love is like a flower
In the springtime blossoms so fair
In the fall then they wither away dear
And they tell me that’s the way of your love

2.  I remember the night, little darling
We were talking of days gone by
When you told me you always would love me
That for me your love would never die


3.  It was spring when you whispered these words dear
The flowers were all blooming so fair
But today as the snow falls around us
I can see that your love is not there


We May Meet Again Someday

1.  At my window sad and lonely

Often do I think of you

And I wonder little darling

If you think you love me too


Don’t forget me little darling

When from you I’m far away

Just remember little darling

We may meet again someday

2.  You may meet the saddest faces