Planning template – V2.0 [11/11/14]

School background 2015 - 2017
School vision statement / School context / School planning process
At Wisemans Ferry Public School, we recognise that each child is an individual, that all are creative and need to succeed. We nurture each other in an inclusive, encouraging environment, where staff and students care for and support each other. We endeavour to engage students, parents and the community in shared learning experiences, working in partnership to support students in becoming successful, confident, creative, informed and engaged learners with a respect for themselves and others.
Our vision is that children leave school with a high quality education, a set of moral values (honesty, integrity and good judgement), an enquiring and discriminating mind with a desire for knowledge, strong self-esteem and high personal expectation, and tolerance and respect for others. / Wisemans Ferry Public School is a small, semi-rural school, located on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. The school was established in 1865 and has attractive grounds with beautiful garden areas.
The school serves students from the rural communities of Wisemans Ferry, Webbs Creek, Gunderman and Laughtondale. The school motto is “United in Learning”.
While our school has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, our school prides itself on educating the ‘whole’ child.
The happy, family atmosphere at Wisemans Ferry Public School touches all aspects of school life. All children develop strong networks through the grades. This enhances social skills in a positive, nurturing environment. / The Wisemans Ferry Public School Plan 2015-2017 sets clear strategic directions with details of purpose, people, processes, products and practices for the next three years. Milestones then elaborate specific details with clear, explicit improvement measures.
In 2014, a process was undertaken across the school to review current practices. Evidence was collected from staff, students and the community.
This included student results, attendance and behaviour data, survey data and community discussions. As a result, three key strategic directions were identified as a basis for a shared commitment to future developments.
These are:
Quality Learning
Inspirational Teaching
Effective Partnerships
Key DEC reforms also considered in the shaping our plan were Great Teaching Inspired Learning, Local School Local Decisions, Every School Every Student, Connected Communities, and Literacy/Numeracy.
During the process the plan was further refined by revising with staff, parents and Principal Liaison Officers.

Wisemans Ferry Public School 3470

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Planning template – V2.0 [11/11/14]

School strategic directions 2015 - 2017
To ensure all learners have access to powerful and relevant learning experiences, and positive relationships that prepare them to be upstanding citizens within the wider community. / Purpose:
To enhance a high standard of education through quality teaching programs that engage, inspire and encourage all students and staff to excel and learn to their full potential in order to succeed in work and life as 21st century learners. / Purpose:
To excel in a culture of high expectations and community engagement that underpins ongoing school improvement and the professional effectiveness of all school members.

Wisemans Ferry Public School 3470

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Planning template – V2.0 [11/11/14]

Strategic Direction 1: Quality Learning
Purpose / People / Processes / Products and Practices
To ensure all learners have access to powerful and relevant learning experiences, and positive relationships that prepare them to be upstanding citizens within the wider community. / How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation?
1. Students are taught about understanding behaviours, attitudes and expectations that enhance wellbeingwhich lead to improved student outcomes.Students learn how to contribute to their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.
2. Students are taught explicitlyhow to take ownership oftheir own learning.
1. Staff to utilise the Quality Teaching Framework as part of the implementation of the NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum.
2. Staff engage in professional learning which leads to an increased understanding of strategies that support the achievement of students and their learning.
Parents, community and staff work collaboratively to foster genuine and productive relationships to support student learning.
To support the school in achieving this purpose, the leader of the school will have opportunities for collaborative learning and engage in professional reading. / How do we do it and how do we know?
1. Explicit teacher instruction about how children become responsible learners.
2. Students learn how to set goals for themselves.
3. Regular consistent teacher judgement meetings for staff to collaborate about student needs and share quality resources and knowledge.
4. Assessment of student learning will be ongoing and recorded on a semester basis onto PLAN for planning of literacy and numeracy. Teachers will engage with and inform students throughout this process.
5. Provide staff with professional learning to collaboratively plan and differentiate programming and pedagogy in literacy and numeracy using Quality Teaching elements.
6. Ensure the explicit teaching of reading and writing using reciprocal reading strategies and the Seven Super Sentences program.
Evaluation plan
1. Monitor and assess student goal setting.
2. Monitor and assess Naplan and school based assessment results via PLAN data.
3. Monitor and assess teaching and learning programs, and the effectiveness of CTJ sessions.
4. Monitor and assess milestones. / What is achieved and how do we know?
1. 100% of teaching and learning programs address the needs of identified student groups (eg Aboriginal students, gifted students and students with disabilities).
2. 100% of teaching and learning programs show evidence of differentiated learning and implementation of the Australian curriculum.
3. Naplan results demonstrate positive growth for all students in literacy and numeracy.
1. Consultation, one on one, with students about their learning, discussing areas of strength and challenges, as well as 3 way interviews with parents once per year as part of the reporting process.
2. Students will be proactive at identifying quality learning goals.
3. Quality learning practices and environments in all classrooms
Improvement Measures
100% of teaching and learning programs address needs of identified students, and show evidence of differentiated learning.
Naplan results demonstrate positive growth for all students in literacy and numeracy.
Strategic Direction 2: Inspirational Teaching
Purpose / People / Processes / Products and Practices
To enhance a high standard of education through quality teaching programs that engage, inspire and encourage all students and staff to excel and learn to their full potential in order to succeed in work and life as 21st century learners. / How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation?
1. Staff use opportunities to develop knowledge for a deep understanding of the BOSTES syllabus documents through their professional learning plans.
2. Staff undertake relevant professional learning and engage in current pedagogy relating to best practice of teaching literacy, numeracy and technology.
3. Staff undertake relevant professional learningto meet the National Standards for Teaching.
1. Parents are provided with opportunities to attend information sessions that explain why teachers are focussed on 21st century learners and what it is to be a 21st century learner.
2. Staff networks are developed with surrounding small schools with the purpose of regularlyengaging in a shared understanding of syllabus expectations and best teaching practices.
Principals and curriculum leaders engage in professional reading and collaboration sessions to be able to support staff in implementing school programs. / How do we do it and how do we know?
1. Staff develop skills and knowledge through collegial observations and collaborative programming.
2. Planned professional learning to build staff capacity to confidently deliver the current BOSTES syllabus documents.
3. Regular meetings with staff regarding their professional learning plans.
4. Teachers will engage in professional learning in specific identified areas as stated in their professional learning plans.
5. Small schools networkingabout technology skills and the incorporation of technology into teaching and learning programs by way of Scope and Sequence.
6. Regular assessment and recording on a semester basis onto PLAN for planning and tracking purposes.
7. Use of standardised tests and Naplan results to obtain data for planning and monitoring.
8. Teachers plan lessons for peer/leader observations and feedback. Teachers conduct self-evaluations with their class about their teaching practice.
Evaluation plan
1. Monitor professional learning plans in conjunction with staff.
2. Construction and implementation of ICT Scope and Sequence.
3. Regular reporting against milestones by all staff. / What is achieved and how do we know?
1. All staff have a professional learning plan to guide their teaching across all KLAs.
2. All staff and students integrate technology into KLAs to address our students’ needs as 21st century learners.
3. All staff input data onto PLAN each semester for planning and tracking purposes.
1. Teaching practice reflects current research and BOSTES requirements.
2. All staff are engaged in regular reflection and the use of formal and informal feedback to develop deeper insights into the effectiveness of their own teaching practice.
3. Staff and students understand the importance and relevance of the integration of technology into their practice.
4. Teachers analyse, use and incorporate data in planning and understanding the learning needs of students.
Improvement Measures
All staff have a professional learning plan to guide their teaching across all KLAs.
All staff and students integrate technology into all KLAs to address our students’ needs as 21st century learners.
All staff input data onto PLAN each semester for planning and tracking purposes.
Strategic Direction 3: Effective Partnerships
Purpose / People / Processes / Products and Practices
To excel in a culture of high expectations and community engagement that underpins ongoing school improvement and the professional effectiveness of all school members. / How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation?
1. Explicitly teach, develop and enhance positive relationships at school through a buddy program.
2. Give students responsibility of a school project that they can take ownership of.
1. Provide and encourage networking opportunities with others within the small schools network.
2. Staff given time regularly to work collaboratively to have a deep understanding and ownership of the strategic directions of the school.
1. Provide parents and the wider community with opportunities to be involved in the collaborative decision making processes within the school via computer surveys and face to face sessions.
2. Provide parents with information sessions and opportunities to be involved in implementing the strategic directions of the school.
Time allocated for the principal to have a solid understanding about positive community relationships and environment sustainability. / How do we do it and how do we know?
1. Enhance student well-being through The Chaplaincy program.
2. Involve students in the development of an action plan for and an understanding of environmental sustainability that includes the community.
3. Utilise the elderly members of the community to spend time with students for hands-on reading sessions and games.
4. Apply for grants through community organisations such as Hills Shire Council, NSW State Government, and Landcare Australia to support our initiatives.
5. Principal to conduct parent/community sessions or organise community expertise about school initiatives and encourage ideas, ensuring a welcoming and open forum.
6. Students, staff and community provide constructive feedback via the annual ‘Tell Them From Me’ survey and The Annual School Report.
7. Mentor university practicum students.
Evaluation plan
1.Communication established with outside agencies and volunteers.
2. Monitor progress of school initiatives and involvement of community.
3.Monitor and assess programs and initiatives against milestones. / What is achieved and how do we know?
1. All staff and students participate in initiatives (such as environment sustainability) developed to engage and support student learning.
2. Partnerships are developed with community organisations to enhance and sustain initiatives such as the development of a bush tucker garden and a vegetable garden.
3. 5% increase in community participation as classroom helpers and greater community participation in school activities and programs.
4. Two practicum students to be mentored each year.
1. The school has productive and collaborative relationships with external agencies to improve educational opportunities for students.
2. Environmental sustainability within the school involves all staff, students and community working together.
3. Students, staff and community provide constructive feedback on school practices and procedures.
4. Students and staff will be proactive at establishing positive school and community relationships.
Improvement Measures
All staff and students participate in initiatives developed to engage and support student learning.
Partnerships are developed with community organisations to enhance and support initiatives such as the development of a bush tucker garden and a vegetable garden.
5% increase in community participation as classroom helpers and greater community participation in school activities and programs.
2 practicum students to be mentored each year.

Wisemans Ferry Public School 3470

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Planning template – V2.0 [11/11/14]