‘Traveling Trunks’ will help teach history
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – New trunks available through RESA 2 will help students travel through time and space to learn valuable history lessons.
A traveling trunk can be an actual trunk, or more often a suitcase, filled with a variety of resources on a certain topic. Thanks to grant funding secured by the Regional Education Service Area that represents Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo and Wayne counties, five counties in the region now are developing their own “trunks” that will be available regionally, statewide and even to other teachers around the country.
Cabell, Lincoln, Mason, Mingo, and Wayne counties will provide trunks that help with instruction on key West Virginia issues. Their trunks will cover the Coal Industry, River Transportation, The Founding Fathers, and The Civil War and West Virginia’s role in the War.
RESA 2 secured funding for the project last year through a Teaching American History Grant. Similar trunks, part of the Teaching American History Project, are available through some other states and the National Park Service.
“Cooperative efforts such as this are a great way to provide stimulating, learning opportunities,” said Dee Cockrille, executive director of RESA 2. “We’re proud to be part of an initiative to build outstanding curriculum related to topics that play such a vital role in West Virginia’s history.”
The trunks contain items such as primary source documents, games, clothes, books, pictures, maps, archeological objects, pictures, oral history recordings and more. The purpose is to give students a hands-on experience with the topics.
Distribution of the trunks will be handled similar to the way library books are checked out. They will be housed at the RESA 2 office and sent out to teachers throughout the state and nation who request them.
Those receiving the trunk will pay for shipping and be responsible for sending the trunk back intact.
RESA 2 is headquartered in Huntington and provides educational enhancement resources for students, teachers and the public in Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo and Wayne counties. For more information on its services, call 304-529-6205 or visit http://resa2.k12.wv.us.
Serving: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, and Wayne Counties