Our Ref: B.2.29f / Haematology Specialist Nurse Office
On Site Sample / Administration Floor Level 2
Cancer and Haematology Centre
Churchill Hospital
Private and confidential / Old Road
Tel dd: / 01865 223486
Website: /
Re: Patient NAME
I trust that your relative, who is a patient of ours, has already approached you as a potential donor because he/she has an illness that can sometimes be treated using bone marrow transplantation (BMT). I wonder if you would be kind enough to have a blood test, so that we can check to see if you and your relative’stissue types are matched. Please note that this is entirely voluntary.
I have enclosed an information booklet: Donating To Your Relative so that you are aware of what is involved before you agree to have the blood sample taken. If you have any health issues or any other concerns about donating please contact us before you have the blood sample taken.
If you are found to be a match for your relativeyou would be invited to a medical consultation where you will be asked to disclose your medical history and complete a short health check questionnaire about life style behaviours.
Please take the enclosed blood form to the Blood Test Department (also known as Phlebotomy) in the Out Patient area, Level 0, Cancer & Haematology Centre, Churchill Hospital, between 09.00 and 15.30 Monday to Friday, to have the blood sample taken.
You will receive your results by letter but, if you have not received a letter by 4 weeks after the sample has been taken please contact the Administrator for the BMT Nurses: 01865 223486 and she will ensure that you are notified.
If you are one of a number of relatives having blood samples taken for matching, we will endeavor to notify all of you, and the patient, by letter at the same time. However, this is not always possible as postal services may vary nationally and internationally.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Administrator for the BMT Nurses: 01865 223486, who will ensure that your queries are answered.
Yours sincerely
Oxford Blood & Marrow Transplant Programme
Copy to: Maggie Sutton, Transplant Immunology, Oxford Transplant Centre, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LE
B.2.29f / Page 1 of 1 / December 2017V.2.2 / On Site Sample
Authorised by: Dr Andy Peniket / Author: D.Wareham BMT Nurse Coordinator
This is a controlled document and therefore must not be changed