Welcome to the June 1, 2016 Sunrise Optimist Club at Hampton Inn. There were 13 members present and 3 guests. President Gibbs opened the meeting with an Invocation, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and started our Optimist Creed. He welcomed the Go Getter and his mom and brother, and he welcomed Bill as well as the other members. Marc Hernandez gave a report on Selden Stone. Selden is currently in the hospital, room 222, after having pneumonia. When he is well, he will be living at Emerald Springs, room 225. Selden welcomes visitors now at the hospital.

President Gibbs spoke of the recognition of Mike Byrd from Drug Court being recognized as Adult Probation Officer of the Year and the article which spoke about Sunrise Optimist as well. President Gibbs also briefly spoke about the Tucson Junior Golf Tournament Memorial weekend with about 65 participants – none being from Yuma.

Program chairman, Mel Parker, introduced the last Go Getter Appreciation of the year recognizing Kenji Brown from Desert View with his younger brother and mom. Kenji is 10 years old going into the 5th grade. He feels he was chosen to be go getter because he never wastes time a second to lend a helping hand to any of his classmates or teacher. He said he was respectful and kind, and his favorite subjects were Math and Science. He also said he was excited about the summer.

John McKinley reminded club members of the Safe Swim, Saturday, June 4th at Kennedy Pool at 11:30. Members are needed to help serve hot dogs and give away bottles of water to the swimming participants and their parents.

John also did the election. John asked 3 times if there were any nominations from the floor. None given, the nominations closed. Mel Parker will be the new president, while Larry Lebsock and Howard Blitz, the new vice-presidents. It was voted by acclamation to elect these gentlemen after Stan moved the nominations cease and Rob seconded. There was an election of board members. Frank Grosbayne, Marc Hernandez, Peggy Eskew, Joe Wehrle, and Denis Davis were up for the 3 empty board seats. After a close election, Marc, Peggy, and Denise were elected. Congratulations to everyone.

Robert Land mentioned that he had a foreign exchange student, Fred from Norway, who had been staying with him. He was leaving this last week.

Lottery winners included Peggy (2) (one ticket going to Kenji), Kenji’s mom, John (ticket went to Kenji’s brother), Kenji, and Bill. Attendance sponsor, Lee, drew a 3 and Rob drew an A. Rob will get a certificate from Olive Garden. I can’t remember who the new sponsor was going to be – I think Rob Land. The 50/50 drawing went to the winning ticket held by Paul Beeler. Paul drew a 10 of Hearts. The jackpot goes to $163 with 32 cards left.

Next week Representative Fernandez and Otondo will speak about what happened at the AZ Legislature. Marc asked about bringing back the officers who talked about fraud. Tim suggested having round tables so the club members could visit more with each other.

President Gibbs again thanked the go getter and his family. Meeting adjourned at 7:20.

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Eskew