Local Regulations
League Types 55& Over; 65 & Over; 75 & Over
League Year 2013
LATA website:
The following person has been appointed to implement and administer the South Carolina State USTA League Tennis Program:
Mary Goins
P.O. Box 386
Easley, SC 29641
The following person has been appointed to implement and administer the South Carolina State USTA 55 & Over; 65 & Over; 75 & Over League Tennis Program:
Bonnie Sue Duncan
101 N. Ladyslipper Lane
Greer, SC29650
The following person has been appointed to implement and administer the Lexington Area Tennis League, and to interpret the Lexington Area Tennis League Regulations:
Joyce Harrison
226 Doulton Way
Columbia, SC 29212
USTA South Carolina has approved the Local League Coordinator to organize, coordinate and supervise all USTA League Tennis activities in the local level and report to the Director of Leagues and the State 55 & Over; 65 & Over; 75 & Over League Coordinator and in conjunction with Lexington Tennis League Committee Members, shall have the authority to interpret the Lexington Tennis League Regulations.
USTA League Tennis National Regulations, Southern Regulations and South CarolinaState
Regulations shall apply and take precedence over LATA Local Rules, if a conflict arises.
The purpose of the Rules and Regulations is to assure that fair play and good conduct is maintained at all times and to assist the tennis league in rendering equity to all teams and players. The Rules and Regulations are approved by the State prior to League matches.
It is the responsibility of each Team Captain to familiarize all team members with the Rules
and Regulations.
New regulations or changes in regulations are underlined.
NOTE: 55 & Over will play local league in Spring on weekend.
65 & Over and 75 & Over will play local league in Fall.
For 2013, all levels will advance to State Championship in October/November at Wild
1. Each 55 & Over, 65 & Over, 75 & Over team must have at least six (6) players.
(a) All team members must be paid members of the USTA, SCTA and LATA through the League Season - also through the Championship Season if participating in the
(b) No players may be added to a team roster after the Add-On Deadline, except in the case
of appeal decisions made after this deadline.
(c) During the Local Season, a player may play on more than one NTRP level in the same
LeagueType (55 & Over, 65 &Over, 75 & Over) in the same Local League during the
same season. NOTE: A player may not play at the same NTRP level in the same
League Type in theSameLocal League
(d) A player may play at the same NTRP level in the sameLeague Type (55 & Over, 65 &
Over, 75& Over) on teams inseparate Local Leagues in South Carolina during the same
(e) A player may play at different NTRP levels in the same League Type (55 & Over, 65 &
Over, 75& Over) on teams in separateLocal Leagues in South Carolina during the same
(f) A player may play out of his/her Local League Area (as defined by the player’s primary residence as listed in USTA records).
(g) Each team must maintain its roster with at least 60 percent of its players with South
CarolinaResidence (the player’s primary residence is to be defined in USTA records as
South Carolina).
(h1)Players who qualify for South Carolina 55 & Over State Championships may advance on
more than one 55 & Over team in the 2013 League season, but not at the same level of
(h2)Players who qualify for South Carolina 65 & Over State Championships may advance on
more than one 65 & Over team in the 2013 League season, but not at the same level of
(h3)Players who qualify for South Carolina 75 & Over State Championships may advance on
more than one 75 & Over team in the 2013 League season, but not at the same level of
(i) Matches required for advancement to Championships:
- 55 & Over League Type – Players must play two (2) matches to qualify for
advancement to State Championship. One default received will count.
NOTE: For 2013 Championship, 55 & Over will advance to State Championship in
November with 65 & Over and 75 & Over League Types.
-65 & Over League Type – no match requirement
- 75 & Over League Type –no match requirement
(j) Players who do not have a computer rating on file in TennisLink shall self-rate in
accordance withthe National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) Guidelines and complete the
self-rating process on TennisLink when registering for a team. Failure to do so or omission
of information regarding a player’s tennis history will subject the player, the captain and/or
others who condoned inaccurateself-rating to penalties and disqualification.
(k) Once you self-rate for a league in 2013 you may not self-rate lowerfor another league.
(l) Self ratings are good for two years.
2. Each team must have a Captain or acting Captain present at every match. Captains must
exchange line-ups simultaneously prior to start of play and enter scores through TennisLink
immediatelyfollowing each match. Captains should agree on scores to be recorded on
TennisLink and sign eachother’s scorecards at end of match. Signed score cards will be used
if dispute occurs after scores areentered on TennisLink.
3. After line-ups have been exchanged, they can only be changed because of injury or illness for
any individual match that has not started. If a team does change their line up for this reason,
the opposing team may not change his/her line-up.
4. There will be a fifteen (15) minute default rule in effect. During individual matches, a two (2)
minute break may be taken between 1st and 2nd sets and 10 point match tiebreaker.
Otherwise, play must be continuous throughout the match, as specified in USTA rules.
5. A player can play only once per match.
A. Completed individual matches will stand as played. Incomplete matches must be
continued by the same players and resumed at the exact set, game, point – as they
stood when halted. (Any point played is always counted and never replayed.)
B. If an individual match has not started and the match is rained out, a new lineup may be
presented at the make-up match.
C. Rained-out matches must be rescheduled and played within one week. Rescheduled
times and dates must be reported to the League Coordinator within 24 hours. If a
mutualtime and date cannot be agreed on within 24 hours of scheduled match
and reported to the Coordinator, the match rain date is scheduled for the Friday
following the match. Rescheduled Matches are to be played as rescheduled
unless rained out.
D. If at all possible, rain make-up date must be scheduled and played as a team. If not
possible, schedule individually in order to complete play within deadline.
E. If teams have assembled to play and the beginning of the match is delayed by rain or
wet courts, teams must wait no longer than one hour past the originally scheduled time
for start of the first match to determine if the courts are playable. If courts are still not
playable after one hour has elapsed, teams are free to leave and reschedule, unless
BOTH teams agree to wait longer.
7. USTA rules govern play. Also, “The Code” as a handbook of ethics and fair play should be
understood and followed by every player. Captains and team members are urged to familiarize
themselves with the official USTA, STA, SCTA, LATA Rules and “The Code”.
8. All 55 & OverLeague Type team members must be 55 years of age or older during the
calendar year(Jan. – Dec.) and 65 years or older during the calendar year for 65 & Over
League Type and 75 years or older during the calendar year for 75 & Over League Type.
9. Matches will consist of:
Three doubles matches.
Scoring will be: Two tie-break sets with a *set tie-break at 6-all.
**MATCH TIE-BREAK is to be played in lieu of a third set with the two minute
set-break and no coaching allowed.
*Set Tie-break is the first to 7 by two (2).
**Match tie-break is the first to 10 by two (2).
The Coman tiebreak procedure is required.
10. Round Robin format will be used. Winners will be determined based on team matches won or
winning percentage of team matches. In all cases, ties will be broken in the following order:
A. Individual matches – winner of the most individual matches.
B. Sets – Fewest sets lost
C. Games – Fewest games lost
D. Head to Head – Winner of head-to-head match
11. Defaults/Forfeits – Retirements
A. A defaulted match, for any reason, is scored as one point for the opposing team.
Thenames of the winning players only should be entered in the proper place on
the scorecard, as if the match had been played as scheduled. The non-default
team should be credited with a 6-0, 6-0 win.
B. Retired – in the case of a retirement the non-retiring players shall be credited with
suchnumber of additional games, as would have been won if the match were
completed andthe non-defaulting players won every subsequent game. NOTE:
For NTRP computer data entry, actual scores are required.
C. Defaults – A team must have a minimum of four eligible players available for play
in each match or the entire match shall be defaulted. A team may default a
maximum of one position in a match without defaulting the entire match. In such
case, defaults shall be determined by a Team Captain in accordance with the
The #3 doubles must be defaulted before the #2 doubles may be defaulted.
D. Forfeit by Default – If line-ups have been exchanged and a player on scorecard
fails to show within 15 minute default rule, only that position needs to be defaulted
– meaningthe rest of the lineup positions remain the same. Also, if a team
member not on the scorecard is on site with the 15 minute default time, they can be
put in the lineup for the affected position only, if the original player does not show,
is sick or has had an accident. If two positions only have one player, during the 15
minute default time, the two players may combine at the higher rated position to
avoid a team default.
E. Each team will be allowed one individual match default per team match. If the
team defaults one entire match, the league will file a grievance against the team.
The Grievance Committee shall then determine what appropriate action should be
taken which will include forfeiture of all matches played and to be played and may
include disqualification from the next season. A captain has a right to appeal.
1. Secure at least six players for 55 & Over, 65 & Over, 75 & Over League Type teams; preferably
more to allow for substitutes.
2. Be sure your players meet the eligibility requirements as listed in Local Regs. 1(a) through (l)
3. Secure a facility for team to play out of and pay any court fees to facility.
4. Register your team through TennisLink. Check your roster before deadline and be sure all
members have registered.
5. Complete a Pre-Registration Form and Send to your Coordinator.
6. Report scores through TennisLink immediately after the match. First Captain enters scores and
secondcaptain confirms scores. Be sure correct names and scores are entered before exiting
TennisLink. Youcannot go back. Both captains should compare scorecards at the end of match
and be sure the names and scores are correct.
7. Be sure each member of the team receives a copy of the schedule. Copies of USTA, STA,
SCTA andLATA League rules should be available to team members if requested. Rules are
available on the LATA Web ( ).
8. Home captain should contact visiting captain three (3) days prior to scheduled match to confirm
9. Home captain should convey to visiting team, at time of match and before exchanging lineups, if
he/she is using multiple surfaces and which positions are on particular surfaces.
10. Team captain is responsible for notification and communication to each team member, all
informationneeded from the League.
11. Team captain is responsible for representing his/her team at all League meetings and casting
team’s vote.
12. Be sure you reschedule rain-out matches immediately and report rescheduled time to the
Coordinatorwithin the 24 hour deadline. Refer to Local Regs. 6A through E.
13. Be sure you, as a captain, and your team practice good sportsmanship.