„ThereisnoGod“, said Fox,
„It´s all rubbish. Actuallyeveryoneknows, thatthereisnothinglikehim, orhaveyoueverseenhim? All thosedisastersanddiseases.... andbytheway, wherecould he be? Ofcourse, therearesomeweakand miserable creaturesthatneedsomethingbigand strong torely on andtobelieve in. That´swhytheycreatedGod, itis pure imaginationandformypart, well, listen....“, Fox spokeandleftthepoorrabbit, totallybewildered.
„Is he right?“ ,Rabbitthoughtsadly. „Is Godnothing but a partofmyimagination, have I inventedHimformyself? But I talkedtoHim, when I was littleandsometimes I feltHimnearme. I will go back totherootsandaskeagleOwl, thewisestof all theanimalshere in theforest. He will certainlybeabletoadviseme.“
AtonceRabbit was off andsoonmetOwl in hisfavoritetree. As Rabbit was veryexcited, he startedrightaway: „Mr. Owl“ ,he began,“Ihave a questionofupmostimportance. Please, do tellme: Is there a God?“
Owlopenedoneofhiseyesandreplied: „ What a sillyquestion, little Bunny, ofcoursethereis a God.“
„But, tellme, how do youknowthat....“ therabbitbegantoobject, whenOwlstoppedhim: „Look atyourself, lookatme, wouldanyofusbehere, iftherewerenoCreator? But tellme, whatbroughtthatsillyquestionintoyourmind?“
„Fox“,Bunnyreplied,“Clever Fox toldmethatGodisnothing but myimagination!“
„Oh, thatold Fox again.“ Owlmockedand just foronceopenedbotheyes. „ He isn´tthat clever, he´s just pretending. He isscaredofhavingtochangethehabitsofhislifebecausethereis a God. That´swhy he blubbers such nonsense.“
Little Rabbitnoticingthishurriedtoaskone final questionofcertainimportance: „Please, dearOwl, do tellme, whereGodisandifyoucanprove it.“
„That´sveryeasy“,Owlyawned, „haveyoueverlovedsomebody?“
„Ofcourse“, Bunny stammeredquitepuzzled. „Mydaddy, mymum, my 18 brothersandsisters, and...“ here he hesitatedshortly, blushing, „thelittlegirliebunnyfromtheneighbourhood.“
Owltwinkled a last timefullofpityandthansaid: „Well, Rabbit, thenshowmeyourlove, presentittome, so that I canbelieve in it.“
Verybewildered Bunny replied:“ Thatdoesn´twork, Mr. Owl, youcan´tgetit out, it´sverydeepinside. There..“, and he pointedtohisheard.
„Yousee“, Owlsaid, „Godistheretoo!“
„Why?“ Rabbitinquired.
„Godis Love“, grumbledOwlandfellasleep.
Godislove. 1.John Ch. 4, 8+16
© P. Eitner (saron.de), Pic.: E.Jürgens