Recycling facts:
  • Each ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution!
  • The 17 trees saved (above) can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year. Burning that same ton of paper would create 1500 pounds of carbon dioxide.
  • A single quart of motor oil, if disposed of improperly, can contaminate up to 2,000,000 gallons of fresh water.
  • The U.S. is the #1 trash-producing country in the world, with each person producing 1,609 pounds of trash per year. This means that 5% of the world's people generate 40% of the world's waste.
Why Recycle?
5 Good Reasons:
  • Recycling conserves our valuable natural resources.
  • Recycling saves energy.
  • Recycling saves clean air and clean water.
  • Recycling saves landfill space.
  • Recycling can save money and create jobs.

Contact Information:

Auto Craft Center………………….…… 255-9725

Fort Rucker Thrift Shop………………...... 255-9595

Hazardous Materials Control Center ………………………………………….…598-1595

Recycling Center ……………………….255-0468

Cell Phones……..……....498-4109/4050

Recycling Program Manager …...... 255-1658

Used Oil Program Manager…………....255-1656

For more information on recycling or environmental projects at Fort Rucker visit the “Sustainable Fort Rucker” website at:

Fort Rucker

Recycling Program

Another great formula

E = pc²

Environmental Policy = Prevent pollution

Comply with laws



Keep Fort Rucker “Above The Best.” use less!

  • Store & view documents electronically rather than printing them out.
  • Print & copy all documents double-sided.
  • Purchase paper with 30% recycled-content, as required by EO 13423.
  • Buy products that have less packaging materials or buy in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging.
  • Buy only the quantity of materials needed for the job to reduce excess materials.

REUSE…to put again into service without changing!

HMCC Free-Issue

Does your Unit or Organization have excess materials on hand that are not needed, but are taking up valuable space? Contact the Fort Rucker Hazardous Materials Control Center (HMCC) at Bldg 1315 to arrange turn-in of unused materials. The HMCC will make products that are still serviceable available for Free-Issue.

If your Unit or Organization needs products, such as paints, oils, sealing compounds, hand lotions, cleaners, etc. visit the HMCC to see what is available for Free-Issue prior to purchasing products.

HMCC Shelf-Life Extensions

Products that have an expired shelf-life may be able to be extended for further use. Contact the HMCC to inquire about shelf-life extensions on products.


Have clothing, household goods, toys, jewelry, books, furniture and electronics that are in good condition but are no longer needed? Take them to the Fort Rucker Thrift Shop located at Building 3904. Items can be donated or consigned to be resold.

RECYCLE…to put into service with changing!


Copier paper, writing paper, memos, index cards, glossy computer printouts, bond copier paper, manuals without glue or plastic binder, notebook paper, manuals (remove plastic binder), correspondence, fax paper, brochures. post-it notes, manila file folders, envelopes (remove cellophane). No carbon paper, please.


All cardboard must be flattened. Identify a collection site by loading docks or other convenient location out of the weather. Notify the Recycling Center of the cardboard location and pick-ups will be added to the paper pick-up schedule for your building. If you are moving offices or cleaning out files, please call to arrange a special pick-up.

Used Batteries

Collect used batteries and turn them into the HMCC for recycling.

Used Antifreeze

Collect in a plastic container with a lid, label as “Used Antifreeze” and turn in to the HMCC for recycling.

Used Oil

Collect used oil in a container with a lid and label as “Used Oil”. Take to a collection tank, which are located at AAFES Shoppette at the Mini Mall on Andrews Ave or to the Auto Craft Center at Bldg. 1902.

Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Used fluorescent bulbs have special labeling requirements, so contact DPW-Environmental Office to obtain labels or information. The bulbs may be collected in their original boxes, and then taken to the HMCC for recycling. The HMCC will give you a receipt ticket that can be used at the Base Supply Store for obtaining new fluorescent bulbs.