Opole 2016

International Plein Air Painting Workshop


1. DATE AND VENUE:13-22 July 2016 in Opole, Poland. On Wednesday,13 July 2016 participants arrive in Opole and check in at Szkolne Schronisko Młodzieżowe (School Youth Hostel), ul. Edmunda Osmańczyka 20, 46-027Opole, tel. +48 77454 32 37. The participants are required to cover the costs of transport to Opole, arrive on time, and be present during the entire period of the workshop.


  • Opole Municipality – Office of Foreign Affairs
  • ZPAP Okręg Opolski (Association of Polish Paintersfor the Opole Region)

Address:ZPAP Okręg Opolski, ul. Krakowska 1, 45-018 Opole, Poland


Tel: +48 77454 91 56 (call between 12:00 and 16:00)

Curator: painter Karina Krajczy, Tel: +48604989399

3. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 12 persons, including the curator. The organizers provide the participants with accommodation (single en-suite rooms) and food (breakfast and dinner) in the period of 13-22 July 2016.

4. MATERIALS:The organizers provide each participant with one50x70 cm painting support. The participants are required to bring their own materials and tools (paints, paintbrushes, etc.). The organizers cover the cost of framing of one painting from each participant.

5. PROGRAM: The 4th edition of the International Plein Air Painting Workshop – Opole 2016 is a gathering of Polish and foreign painters in Opole. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and artistic achievements among the participants. Each of them works on his/her own project and is required to paint in public within the area of the city of Opole. Paintings which depict the city’s beauty are especially welcome. On Thursday, 21 July 2016 each participant provides the organizers with one 50 x 70 cm large painting, done on canvas and framed. The remaining works created during the workshop belong to their authors. All the paintingscreated during the 4th edition of the International Plein Air Painting Workshop – Opole 2016 will be exhibited at Galeria Pierwsze Piętro (First Floor Art Gallery) in Opole. When the exhibition closes, all the works which are not reserved for sponsors will be stored at the office of ZPAP Okręg Opolski, where they can be collected. In the event of failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations (which must be signed by each participant), participants may be required to reimburse the costs incurred by organizers.

6. REGISTRATION: Each participant must sign this document and, along with his/herCV, sendit to the Association of Polish Painters for the Opole Region
(see Address in Point 2). Deadline: 15 June 2016. Registration implies agreement to participate in the workshop.


Office of Foreign Affairs at Opole Municipality:

  • English and Czechtel. +48 77451 19 92
  • Englishtel. +48 77541 13 70
  • Germantel. +48 77451 19 49
  • Russian and Ukrainiantel. +48 77451 19 07

Accepted by




