BIOFIX Parameters You MustPut in theRIMpro

  1. On the main menu shown in the screen shot below, use your mouse to hover over “My Parameters”, then hover over “Local Parameters” and then click on “Your Station’s Name” (shown in screen shot as Highland NEWA just as an example).

  1. In the screen that opens and is shown below, make sure you are in year 2017 for box “The year for the simulations”:

  1. Shown in the same screen above: to use the box “GreenTip: Start of vegetation” as the BIOFIX for starting the RIMpro scab model, delete the default prepopulated date in this box shownabove and put in the exact Green Tip date for your earliest apple cultivar on the farm.You must go into your orchard/s and determine the date for this growth stage.NOTE: Green Tip is apple growth stage when 50% of fruit buds on the earliest apple cultivar break bud.
  1. In addition to putting in the date of green tip for the earliest apple cultivar on your farm,in the box “Biofix Venturia simulation: first dischargeable ascospores” you can also put in the date when HVRL lab announces the detection of first discharged ascospores. We will do this only for Highland where the lab is, for one location in Central Eastern NY, and for one location in the NY’s part of Champlain Valley. Anna Wallis will let us know where the two Central Eastern NY and Champlain Valley locations are.
  1. However, locations far removed from the sites where HVR Lab will monitor first ascospore release will probably want to use only their own input date for “GreenTip: Start of vegetation” as the BIOFIX for starting the RIMpro scab model. This is because the farther you are from these locations less reliable are data for ascospore discharge are for your specific location.(You must go into your orchard/s and determine the date for this growth stage. NOTE: Green Tip is apple growth stage when 50% of fruit buds on the earliest apple cultivar break bud).
  1. For Fire Blight model,it is essential to delete the default prepopulated dates in the boxes “Start of bloom: first flowers open”, “Full bloom: first petals fall”, “End of bloom: last flowers opening” and put in the exact dates when these growth stages occur on your apple cultivar/s.You must go into your orchard/s and determine the date for these growth stages.Note: Start of bloom does mean the very few first opened flowers on a given apple cultivar; End of bloom means any few last flowers opening in the orchard on any given apple cultivar.
  1. Once you are done click on the button “Save for this station” as indicated by red circle on the screen shot shown above.