Summer Assignment

AP U.S. Government and Politics


We are living in extraordinary times. It is perhaps more true today than ever before. A new president will soon be elected and many pivotal Supreme Court decisions have already been handed down, let alone those that will follow this summer.

Our course requires us to cover both US Government & Politics as well as introductory economics. However, because the AP exam is in May we will begin with the economics portion of our course in the fall and then start Government at the end of the first quarter. This way we will be well prepared for the May exam. This means, however, our course organization will be conducted differently than the other senior Government/Economics courses. Therefore, it is imperative that you know what you are getting yourself into…After the first 20 days of class you will not be able to drop to CP without retaking econ in the spring and taking U.S. Government in extended summer school in the spring.

For us to properly prepare for the course we have to do some work over the summer. Here it is…

1.  Follow the news – GET IN THE HABIT NOW! The title of our course is US Government and Politics…while we will be discussing theory in our class it will be most helpful if you are able to apply theory to actual events. Application makes the material much more memorable and interesting. Current events will also help you to do better on Free Response questions.

·  Here are some reputable news sources:

Ø  Check news websites frequently – (i.e. , , ) Some sites will allow you to subscribe for regular updates.

Ø  Local Papers – Modesto Bee, San Francisco Chronicle…look for key stories in the national section and national opinions on the opinion pages.

Ø  Network news (not local) that concentrates on national news – NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS (NewsHour)

Ø  Read a weekly news magazineTime, Newsweek, The Economist, U.S. News and World Report

Ø  Radio – NPR (National Public Radio) 91.3 FM – Morning Edition, Market Place, All Things Considered…you can also access NPR online with feeds and podcasts of programming

·  These sources are fun and interesting but less reputable because they interpret from a bias:

Ø  For Laughs – The Daily Show, Late Night with Stephen Colbert

Ø  News Talk shows – CNN, Fox, and networks (ABC, NBC, CBS on Sunday mornings) offer political talk shows that generally present news with a perspective

2.  Constitution Worksheet- Download and print the Constitution worksheet and complete all of the questions as you read the constitution.

3.  Who’s Who In Government? – This activity will help to familiarize you with the people in government and the offices they hold. I have tried to focus on the notables, people/offices you will be coming across in the news as well as our local officials. This is due on the second day of class.

4.  Economics – Being as we will be starting our study of economics over summer, you will need to pick up your text book before you leave for summer break. You are responsible for downloading and printing the question sheet for Unit 1 (chapters 1-3) and completing it before school starts. We will have a test on Unit 1 of Econ on the second day back, too.

5.  Enjoy your summer.

Have a great summer…Get ready for the fall! Email me if you have any questions

Z. Kopecki