
Architectural Association School of Architecture,

36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES




The Certificate of Professional Experience is an alternative online recording format to the standard Professional Experience and Development Records sheets, which may be used, with permission from the Part 3 Professional Studies Advisor, for Part 3 candidates with substantial experience or training or who have gained Part 1 and Part 2 equivalent qualifications outside the UK.

Candidates using the AA Certificate of Professional Experience in place of PEDRs must also provide a case study or set of micro-case studies based on projects listed in their certificates. Refer to the Part 3 prospectus for further guidance on this.

The Certificate of Professional Experience must be signed by an employer’s representative to confirm the candidate has undertaken the activities recorded overleaf whilst in their employment. A letter of support from the employer to accompany the Certificate would also assist the Part 3 Examiners.

Supervision of experience must be by an architect or other registered construction professional in the jurisdiction in which experience has taken place

A separate Certificate must be submitted in respect of each employment in which the candidate has obtained professional experience.

Thisistocertifythat the following person hasundertakentheprofessionalexperiencelistedbelowundermydirectionandtomysatisfaction.
Name of trainee:
Of (residential address):
From (date):
To (date):
Employer (name):
Business address:
e-mail: / Tel:
Employer’s Supervising Representative:
ARB (or equivalent) registration number:
Signature / Date

Schedule of projects undertaken with this employer.

Please list and number all projects undertaken with this employer and provide a short (100 word) project synopsis together with other core details:

Project No / Project Name
  • Location

  • Type of project

  • Approx value of works

  • Type of Building Contract (if known)

Project synopsis:
Project No / Project Name
  • Location

  • Type of project

  • Approx value of works

  • Type of Building Contract (if known)

Project synopsis:

Cut and paste tables as required

Schedule of activities based on RIBA Plan of Work

Note: Using project reference numbers from previous section identify for each project in what project stages you had significant personal responsibilities for action. In particular note where and how you contributed to problem solving and decision making.

Stages A and B Appraisal, Strategic Brief / Project Ref No: / Activity

Cut and paste tables as required

Stages C and D Outline Proposals Detailed / Project Ref No: / Activity
Stages E, F and G Final Proposals, Production Information / Project Ref No: / Activity
Tender Stages H, J, K and L / Project Ref No: / Activity
  • Tender Action Mobilisation

  • Construction to Practical Completion

  • After Practical Completion

Non-Project Activities

Other Activities
(e.g. Organisational Development, Business Management, Project Programming, Marketing, Research and Evaluation)
Technical Studies & CPD

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