Education, Health and Care Assessment Request Form
(Secondary Education)
This information must be provided in accordance with the Children and Families Act 2014. In the first instance all educational settings are required to use their best endeavours to meet the needs of children and young people identified with Special Educational Needs. In providing information, the educational setting must evidence the following:
- A copy of the child/young person’s special educational need s resourced support plan provided for them under the Additional Support Stage of the Code of Practice 2014;
- The educational establishments assessment of the child/young person’s difficulties;
- The educational establishments outcomes sought for the child/young person;
- The external professional advice that has been sought;
- Details of the support and interventions that have been provided for the child/young person over time;
- An assessment by the educational establishment of the progress made or lack of progress over time;
- What additional support the educational establishment feels is required which cannot be provided through the resources normally available.
Young Person’s Full Name: / Educational Setting:
Unique Pupil No: / Independent Statefunded:
Date of Birth: / Year Group: / Key Stage:
Young Person’s Address: / Home Authority:
Looked After by Local Authority:
Subject to Child Protection Plan:
Child in Need:
Religion: / Ethnicity:
Language(s) Spoken at Home: / Interpretation needed?
NHS Number: / Name of GP:
Parent/Carer Name: / 2nd Parent/Carer Name:
Relationship: / Relationship:
Parent Address if different: / Parent Address if different:
Phone Numbers: / Phone Numbers:
Email Address: / Email Address:
Attendance Record – please provide as much information as possible
Name of Educational Setting / Period (Dates) / Actual Attendance(No. of Sessions) / Possible Attendance
(No. of Sessions) / Percentage
The identified Special educational Needs – What do you consider the child/young person’s difficulties to be which are acting as barriers to curriculum access and progress. You may wish to complete more than one section.
Communication and InteractionCognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and/or Physical Needs
Are there any additional significant factors – if the answer is yes please attached copies of relevant information/advice
Health / Yes / No / Home Circumstances / Yes / NoAttendance / Yes / No / Social Relationships / Yes / No
Attainment/Ability Assessments/Milestones Met – include end of Key Stage levels
Date Assessed / Year Group / Key Stage / TA or SATS / Spelling Age / Speak & Listening / Writing / Reading / Maths / Science6 / 2
Baseline / 3
7 / 3
8 / 3
9 / 3
10 / 4
11 / 4
Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) Scores
Date Assessed / Age / Year Group / Verbal Reasoning / Quantitative Reasoning / Non-Verbal Reasonong / Mean C.A.T ScorePredicted GCSE Grades (where applicable)
Date / Year Group / Key Stage / English / Maths / Science
Support Provided and Funding - All educational settings are provided with resources to support those with students with additional needs, including students with SEN and disabilities. Please therefore identify the provision made from the schools delegated budget to address the child/young person’s needs and indicate whether you have applied for additional funding from the Local Authority contingency fund.
SEN delegated budget £______Additional contingency funding £ ______
Current support arrangements: give details of the targeted support the child/young person received that was additional to and different from normal differentiated classroom/group arrangements
Type of Provision: (in class, group, 1:1) / Objective of Provision / Frequency and Duration / Delivered by / Start Date / Review Date / Outcomes: (Achieved, Partially Met, Not Met)Additional support: What additional support do you feel is required over and above that already provided?
Type of Provision: (in class, group, 1:1) / Objective of Provision / Frequency and Duration / Delivered by / Start Date / Review Date / Outcomes SoughtWith reference to the SEN budget what are the financial implications for providing the additional support identified £______
Professional Involvement - List details of attached reports/evidence from appropriate services
Service Provided By: (Name & Role) / Date of Report / Date Assessed / Brief Description of Evidence AttachedPlease return this form, together with the following (if applicable): school reports; additional support plan; to:
The Tri-borough SEN Casework and Commissioning Team
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Kensington Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX
Tel 020 7361 3311
Fax 020 7368 0213
Office Use
Date Received: / Response due by:Officer: / Panel Date: