Sault Ste. Marie, ON Postal Code
Dear (Manager’s Name),
On behalf of The Sault Ste. Marie Safe Communities Partnership, I want to thank you for the support that you have provided to our organization in the past through funding initiatives and involvement with the Standardized Safety Orientation (SSO) training program. Our organization is currently reviewing the SSO training program in an effort to improve the service.
After each SSO session, we collect information from employees via a satisfaction survey, and as such, have a thorough understanding of the opinions of employees regarding the training program. This survey is specifically designed to obtain a management perspective of the program.
I am requesting that you complete the following survey regarding the training program so that we can better understand your organization’s experience with it. Our goal is deliver a safety awareness training service that is tailored to your needs and provides significant value to your organization.
We appreciate your participation in this survey and request that you respond by ______. Your response to this survey is critical in developing and enhancing the service that we provide to ensure that your employees receive the most effective safety awareness program available.
Thank you,
Mardi Crosson
Safe Communities Coordinator
Section AOrganization Information
Name: ______Address: ______Postal Code: ______
Province: ______City: ______Phone Number: ______
E-Mail: ______Telephone: ______
Section B
Survey Respondent Information
Name: ______Position: ______
Phone Number: ______E-Mail: ______
Name: ______Position: ______
Phone Number: ______E-Mail: ______
Do you have employees that report to you? If yes, how many? ______
Section C
Standardized Safety Orientation Background
1. How familiar are you with your organization’s experience with the SSO training program?
Very Familiar ☐ Familiar ☐ Somewhat Familiar ☐ Not Very Familiar ☐
I am Unfamiliar with the program ☐
* If you consider yourself to be Not Very Familiar or Unfamiliar with the program, please review the brief description of the program in Appendix A or consider allowing a different manager of your organization to complete the survey.
2. a) Approximately how many of your organization’s employees attended the SSO training program in 2014. Please account for both the regular SSO course and the refresher course.
0 ☐ 1-5 ☐ 6-10 ☐ 11-15 ☐ 16-20 ☐ 21-25 ☐ 26-30 ☐ 30+ ☐
2. b) On average, approximately how many of your organization’s employees attended the SSO training program each year between 2009 – 2013. Please account for both the regular SSO course and the refresher course.
0 ☐ 1-5 ☐ 6-10 ☐ 11-15 ☐ 16-20 ☐ 21-25 ☐ 26-30 ☐ 30+ ☐
3. If your organization has decreased employee attendance of the SSO program in 2014 compared to previous years, what do you think are the main reasons? Check all that apply.
I don’t feel that my employees learn enough from the program, so I don’t pay for their attendance ☐
Businesses that my employees do contract work at don’t ask for the certification, so it isn’t worth funding ☐
My organization has not hired many employees in 2014, and therefore less SSO attendance was needed ☐
All of my employees are already SSO certified, so we only apply for the refresher program ☐
The cost of the SSO training program is beyond the capacity of my organization’s health and safety budget ☐
The SSO is not offered frequently enough, and therefore my employees are often unavailable to attend ☐
My employees are trained on health and safety in-house, which already meets MOL requirements ☐
My employees are trained on health and safety by the contracting organization ☐
My employees are trained on health and safety by another organization/system, which already meets MOL requirements ☐
Please state which health and safety training systems are used:
Other ☐ Please describe:
Additional comments:
Section D
Satisfaction with the Program
4. Overall, how satisfied are you with the SSO? 1 being completely unsatisfied and 10 being extremely satisfied. Please circle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. My employees are safer in the workplace as a result of completing SSO training.
☐ Strongly Agree – My employees have noticeably implemented safe practices in the workplace after
attending the SSO
☐ Agree – My employees are safe in the workplace and demonstrate an awareness of potentially hazardous
situations as a result of attending the SSO training program
☐ Somewhat Agree – My employees are safe in the workplace, but the SSO only had a small role in that
☐ Disagree – My employees are safe in the workplace, but the SSO had no role in that
☐ Strongly Disagree – My employees demonstrate unsafe behaviors in the workplace even after attending
SSO training
6. Having my employees be certified with SSO training is essential for doing business in Sault Ste. Marie because many key businesses require contract workers to possess the certification.
☐ Strongly Agree – Many businesses both require and enforce the need for my workers to have SSO training
certification before beginning work on their worksite
☐ Agree – A few/some businesses both require and enforce the need for my workers to have SSO training
certification before beginning work on their worksite
☐ Somewhat Agree – A few/some businesses require the need for my workers to have SSO training
certification before beginning work on their worksite BUT it is rarely enforced or even checked on
☐ Disagree – Very few businesses require the need for my workers to have SSO training certification before
beginning work on their worksite AND it is rarely enforced or even checked on
☐ Strongly Disagree – I have rarely/never received a contract from a business that requires my employees to
be SSO certified
7. Businesses that my organization does contract work for requires my employees to have the SSO certification.
Always ☐ Most of the Time ☐ Sometimes ☐ Not Very Often ☐ Never ☐
Please state which businesses “always” or “most of the time” require your employees to have the SSO certification:
8. The SSO is a valuable program and needs to continue to run in the future.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
Please comment on your response:
9. I would recommend the SSO to an associate because the certification is essential in order to do business in Sault Ste. Marie.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
Additional comments:
Section E
10. Overall, how satisfied are you with the coordination of SSO training program dates, times and locations? 1 being completely unsatisfied and 10 being extremely satisfied. Please circle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11. There are an adequate number of training dates available to ensure that my employees can receive SSO training prior to beginning a contracted job.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
12. I have experienced a situation where my employees were unable to begin work on a worksite because they were unable to attend an SSO training program prior to beginning the job.
Yes ☐ No ☐
If yes, please describe. Could the situation have been avoided if more SSO training dates were available?
13. If the SSO training program was offered in an online format, it would be more convenient and efficient for my employees to complete the training.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
14. The SSO training program is run for an appropriate amount of time (2 Hours – Refresher / 4 Hours – Regular).
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
Additional Comments:
Section F
SSO Training Courses/Material
15. I have attended or I am familiar with the SSO training course and its corresponding material/documentation.
I have attended the training program ☐ Very Familiar ☐ Familiar ☐
Somewhat Familiar ☐ Not Very Familiar ☐ I am Unfamiliar with the program ☐
* If you consider yourself to be Not Very Familiar or Unfamiliar with the course and its corresponding material, please review the brief overview of the course/material in Appendix B or consider allowing a different manager of your organization to complete this section of the survey.
16. The subject content of the SSO training program is appropriate for my organization.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
17. There are health and safety topics that are specific to my business/industry that are not covered by the SSO training program.
Yes ☐ No ☐
If yes, please describe which health and safety topics; specific to your business/industry, that are not covered by the SSO training program (ie. electrical safety, fire safety, confined spaces etc.):
18. I would be willing to pay a slightly larger fee if the SSO training program COURSE was more tailored to my business/industry health and safety needs.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
19. I would be willing to pay a slightly larger fee if the SSO training program MATERIAL was more tailored to my business/industry health and safety needs.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
20. The SSO training program would be much more valuable to my business if the course and corresponding material was more tailored to my business/industry health and safety needs.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
21. The SSO training program would be much more valuable to my business if the certification was accepted in other cities across the province, such as Sudbury and Wawa.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
Additional Comments:
Section G
Cost and Billing
22. Overall, how satisfied are you with the cost of the SSO training program. 1 being completely unsatisfied and 10 being extremely satisfied. Please circle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
23. The cost of the SSO training program is fair considering the value that my organization gains from it.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
24. The cost of the SSO training program is a major reason why I do not have my employees participate.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
25. If the cost of the SSO training program was reduced, I would likely pay for more employees to attend the program.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
26. Overall, how satisfied are you with our billing and invoicing for the SSO training program? 1 being completely unsatisfied and 10 being extremely satisfied. Please circle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
27. Invoices from the Safe Communities Partnership are complete and accurate.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
28. Any billing issues in the past regarding the SSO training program have been fairly and satisfactorily resolved.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
Additional Comments:
Section H
B2B Relationships and Business Practices
29. Overall, how satisfied are you in your dealings with the Safe Communities Partnership as a business partner? 1 being completely unsatisfied and 10 being extremely satisfied. Please circle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
30. The individuals I interact with at the Safe Communities Partnership are responsive to my needs.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
31. The relationship I have with the Safe Communities Partnership adds value to my business.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
32. The Safe Communities Partnership listens and responds to me when I have a problem or conflict with the SSO training program.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
33. When dealing with personnel of the Safe Communities Partnership I am always treated with consideration and respect.
Strongly agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
34. The level of support personnel of the Safe Communities Partnership provides to my business regarding the SSO training program (ie. managing scheduling conflicts etc.) is adequate.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
35. Whenever a problem arises with coordination of the SSO training program, I know who to contact.
Strongly Agree ☐ Agree ☐ Somewhat Agree ☐ Disagree ☐ Strongly Disagree ☐
Additional Comments:
Appendix A – Brief Description of the Standardized Safety Orientation
The goal of the Standardized Safety Orientation is to introduce safety concepts and deliver programs designed to reduce the frequency of worker-related injuries, particularly among contractors and new workers by improving their awareness of safety and injury prevention in the workplace. Trained, experienced instructors with acceptable safety qualifications, deliver the Standardized Safety Orientation ensuring that the information is presented effectively. The orientation program focuses on legislation, risk management/hazard control, regulations, safety procedures, electrical awareness and personal protective equipment.
As of July 1, 2014, the Ministry of Labour’s new training legislation, Regulation 297/13 is in effect, enforcing mandatory health and safety for all Ontario workers and supervisors. The Standardized Safety Orientation Program has been revised to meet the new legislative requirements for worker training. It is important, however, to realize that the Standardized Safety Orientation is considered to be general safety awareness and does not replace the need for site or job specific health and safety training, and that additional training will likely be required as each workplace will have specific hazards and considerations for working safely. Upon completion of the course, participants are asked to complete a short quiz to assess their knowledge of the course content, and will be provided with a photo identification wallet card. Upon course completion, trainees will be SSO Certified, and this certification is applicable in Sault Ste. Marie and the Sarnia Lambton area.