Minutes of the Meeting of Kirkbampton Parish Council held on
Monday 11th July 2016 in Kirkbampton Village Hall at 7:30 p.m.

KB 16/7/16 Apologies for absence

Apologies received from PCSO P Nichol & County Cllr D Fairbairn.

KB 17/7/16 Present

The Chairwoman Cllr J Alexander, S Bertram, L Brown, M Cunliffe, J Heaney & E Newstead.

KB 18/7/16 In Attendance

Borough Cllr V Hodgson (entered at 7:50 p.m.).

KB 19/7/16Declarations of Interest or Requests for Dispensations

Cllr S Bertram declared an interest in Oughtery Green – easement.

KB 20/7/16 Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th May 2016

The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on the 9th May 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairwoman.
KB 21/7/16 Public Participation
No members of the public were in attendance.
KB 22/7/16 Finance Matters
22.1 Resolved that the following payments are approved:-
A McCallum – Salary June/July 2016 (D/D) £ 328.51
A McCallum – reimbursements £ 52.73
HMRC – PAYE June/July £ 4.00
St Cuthbert Without Parish Council – Printing recharge £ 33.68
22.2 Receipts
None received.
22.3 Income and Expenditure to 30th June 2016
Opening balance 1st April 2016 (current & passbook) £ 5,749.22
Income to 30th June 2016 £ 4,082.20
Expenditure to 30th June 2016 £ 826.72
Balance at 30th June 2016 £ 9,004.70
22.4 Financial Regulations
Consideration was given to the adoption of New Model Financial Regulations issued in January 2016. A copy of these had been circulated to councillors with the agenda.
Clerk advised that new Standing Orders (that run alongside the Financial Regulations) would be considered at the September meeting.
Resolved: Financial Regulations (January 2016) approved and adopted.
22.5 Parish Council Grants 2016/17
Consideration was given to an application from Kirkbampton village hall requesting £872 towards annual insurance costs and a contribution of £600 towards costs of a new front door and boiler pump.
Resolved: total of £750 grant approved. Full amount requested not granted due to the PC investing financial resources and time into the formation of a new village website- that is felt will directly benefit the village hall.
KB 23/7/16 Planning Matters
To ratify previously submitted response:-
2/2016/0293 Croft View, Little Bampton – outline application for one new dwelling.
Resolved: ‘no comments’ to be submitted.
To advise on permission notices received:-
2/26/9003 Kirkbampton CE School, Kirkbampton – extension to existing school forming staff room and toilet facilities.
To advise on notices of refusal received:-
2/2016/0179 Land to the rear of Solway View - outline application for the erection of 18no. dwellings including access.
KB 24/7/16 Clerks Report
Actions following the last meeting were reported as:-
Summer Play Scheme
Clerk advised that the scheme had to be cancelled, due to uncertainty over grant funding availability.
Kirkbampton Speeding Traffic
Due to the absence of Cllr D Fairbairn, no accident statistics were available for consideration.
Cllrs advised that the 30 mph speed sign situated at the entry to Kirkbampton was now working.
Also advised that 30 mph signs had been damaged by vehicles on the western side of the village and also on the road between Kirkbampton and Kirkbride. Sign pointing to Oughterby was also bent and pointing in the wrong direction.
Agreed: Borough Cllr V Hodgson to report to highways.
Oughterby – Deed of Easement
A draft copy was given to Cllr S Bertram. Advised that any questions regarding the easement were to be directed towards Cllr J Alexander & M Cunliffe. Item to be further considered and finalized at the September meeting.
KB 25/7/16 Administration & Governance
25.1 Asset Register
The council was advised that Little Bampton village green had been registered as a village green (VG31) by the PC Clerk in 1970.
Resolved: Little Bampton Village Green to be added to Kirkbampton PC asset register.
25.2 Planning for Emergencies
Cllr J Alexander advised that she had attended a presentation on emergency planning at the recent Allerdale Borough Council (ABC) three tier meeting. Reported that ABC are recommending that parishes have a prepared emergency plan and that a copy is made available to ABC. Cllr J Alexander circulated an example of a plan, produced by ACTion with Communities in Cumbria and requested that councilors read this document before the September meeting.
Agreed: this item to be considered at the September meeting.
25.3 Allerdale Three Tier Meeting
Cllr J Alexander advised that presentations at the meeting included:-
  • Electricity North West – update on the pylon project, further consultation to follow in September;
  • Western Coast & Lakes Travel Plan consultation - notification of a an on-going public consultation that had been extended to the 18th July for responses - due to issues regarding the circulation of the document. Consideration was given to if a PC response was required.Resolved: No response considered necessary.
  • Health & Well Being Survey – county-wide survey undertaken, the nearest area with results seen by Cllr Alexander being Wigton – no results for the Kirkbampton area. Categories considered included ageing well in Allerdale; attitudes to alcohol; mental wellbeing; obesity (including children) and smoking.
25.4 September Meeting
A request was made to move the meeting to Monday 26th September - due to future holiday
Resolved: Approved.
KB 26/7/16 Village Matters
26.1 Kirkbampton Community Website
Clerk advised that six providers had approached to submit tenders for the community website and two quotations had been received. Cllr J Alexander, Clerk and J Heaney had scored the two quotations according to the tender specification and councilors were asked to consider the two tenders for suitability.
Clerk advised that given the approximate price of tenders submitted, a shortfall in funding for the project of approximately £1,000 existed and that further funding would need to be sourced, for the project to progress.
Resolved: Rocket Sites to be the awarded the tender at a cost of £1,440 + VAT (subject to further funding being obtained). Rocket Sites to be invited to the September meeting to make a presentation to councillors.
Clerk to source possible funding providers and submit applications.
Cllr J Alexander to request that Rocket Sites attend the September meeting.
KB27/7/16 Schedule of Correspondence, Notices & Publications
  • Waver/Wampool Proposed Management Board – June Newsletter. Borough Cllr V Hodgson advised that a further consultation was expected in autumn. Also advised that some pumps within the area are not considered to be in good working order and this was an area of concern for some residents/farmers.
  • Letter from S Hayman, MP requesting the views of the PC regarding broadband connectivity levels. Agreed: Clerk to respond advising that connectivity is considered good in Kirkbampton but lacking in other hamlets within the parish, e.g. Little Bampton, Studholme, Oughterby,etc. and that rural businesses and farms need better connectivity levels.
KB28/7/16 Councillor Matters
Cllr H Heaney advised that weeds were visible within the village in gutters and pavements. Agreed: Clerk & Borough Cllr V Hodgson to contact highways and determine their schedule for weed-killing.
KB 29/7/16 Date of Next Meeting– the next meetingis to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday 26th September 2016 in Kirkbampton village hall.
The meeting closed at 8:45 p.m.