4200 Tretorn Avenue
Bakersfield, CA93313
Office: (661) 654 – 6776
Cell: (202) 320 - 3596
Ph.D. George Washington University Washington, DC
School of Business and Public Management
January 1997. GPA: 3.86 / 4.0. Major: Marketing Minor: Cybernetics/Systems Theory
Dissertation: Diversity and Technology: The Effects of Race and Gender on Electronic Shopping Behavior.
MBA ColumbiaUniversitySchool of Business New York, NY
May 1987.Dean's Honor List.Major: International Business
Thesis: Office Automation Planning: The Fitting Perspective
BIAKetteringUniversity [Formerly General Motors Institute]Flint, MI
June 1983.Major: Industrial Administration / Marketing
Thesis: GM Parts Communication with its Field Sales/Dealership Network.
Present Academic Positions
2005 – PresentCaliforniaStateUniversity, Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA
School of Business and Public Administration
Associate Professor of Marketing (2010); Teach undergraduate/MBA marketing principles, consumer behavior, marketing planning/strategy, marketing channels, and sports marketing. Instilled global business competences and hands-on team projects in MBA courses. Designed hybrid web/class instructional platform. Implemented innovative ethnic consumer behavior and “virtual world” modules. Initiated ongoing service learning alliance with the Downtown Business Association (DBA). Actively advise multicultural and international students and organizations. Avid supporter of local business and education stakeholders, including the CSUB Business & Education Research Center, the CSUB Todd Madigan Art Gallery, the California Virtual Enterprise Network, and the Kern County Business & Technology Expo. Achieved “Outstanding Chapter” status two consecutive years as Beta Gamma Sigma president.
2006 – PresentCareer Education Corporation Hoffman Estates, IL
Subject Matter Expert, -- Marketing, International Business, E-Commerce, and E-Health
Create original online course concepts, case content, and interactive learning assignment scripts.
2007 – PresentSouth University Online Pittsburg, PA
Subject Matter Expert, -- Global Marketing, International Business, and E-Commerce
Create original online course concepts, case content, and interactive learning assignment scripts.
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EXPERIENCE (Continued)
Prior Academic Positions
2004 – 2005Oakland University, School of Business Administration Rochester, MI
Assistant Professor of Marketing; Taught undergraduate/MBA marketing principles, consumer behavior, marketing research and marketing strategy courses. Innovated ethnic diversity marketing course content/skills.
2002 – 2004Howard University,School of Business AdministrationWashington, DC
Assistant Professor of Marketing; Taught undergraduate/MBA marketing courses in consumer behavior, marketing strategy, and community marketing. Coordinated cross-functional course project with School of Engineering sponsored by General Motors. Partnered with MIS faculty in developing Center for Information Assurance e-commerce applications.
1999 - 2002Oakland University, School of Business Administration Rochester, MI
Assistant Professor of Marketing;Taught undergraduate/MBA marketing principles, consumer behavior, marketing research, marketing strategy, and CRM courses. Innovated ethnic diversity marketing course content/skills. Collaborated with Computer Science Department “intelligent technology systems” lab to design “artificial life” market simulations.
1994 - 1999Morehouse College, Division of Economics & Business Administration Atlanta, GA
Assistant Professor of Marketing; Taught undergraduate marketing courses. Forged community
relationship with the Auburn Ave. Library for the Study of African American History & Culture.
1988 - 1993Howard University, School of Business & Public Administration Washington, DC
Assistant Professor; Taught undergraduate marketing courses in marketing principles, sales management, marketing strategy, and computer applications in marketing.Created a sports marketing elective with Rose Elder Sports Management. Developed “Model African Union” economics & commerce case in alliance with African embassies.Designed department academic/career advising system and was faculty advisor to “Marketing Club”
Prior Academic Part-Time & Research Positions
2004 – 2011DeVry University Online Chicago, IL
Adjunct Marketing Instructor; Taught online courses in customer relationship management.
Develop online course methods and interactive assignments activities. Consistently ranked high in teaching effectiveness, student engagement, and innovative facilitation of discussion threads.
2004 – 2007Center for Information Assurance Studies, University of Detroit-Mercy Detroit, MI
Research Fellow, digital ethics/ethnicity; “Bridging Civil Rights & Cyber Rights” (white paper)
1985 - 1987Columbia Institute for Tele-Information Studies(CITI) New York, NY
Research Assistant; Researched global/domestic telecommunication and technology trends
Business Experience
1988 (Summer)Mobil Oil Company New York, NY
Headquarters Automation Consultant -Evaluated alternative computer office system platforms based on user adoption criteria and technical compatibility – piloted “MobilSpeedPass” system
1987 – 1988General Electric Company Bridgeport, CT
Internal Marketing Consultant - Analyzed strategic trends, SBU portfolio performance, globalmarkets,operational processes, technology systems, and strategic account relationships
1978 - 1986General Motors Corporation Detroit, MI
1986 (Summer)GM Service and Parts Organization (GM Parts)
MBA Project Manager Intern- Performed market analysesand product management.
Assessed market deployment potentialof GM Parts Telemarketing
1983 – 1985GM Service and Parts Organization (GM Parts)
District Sales Manager - Advised GM dealers on marketing/sales strategy, inventory and finance
Improved dealership profitability and market share. Received "Masters Guild" sales award
1978 – 1983GM Warehousing & Distribution and AC-Delco Divisions
GMI Co-op – Performed market research, sales planning, brand strategy, supply chain management
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- Carter, E. Vincent (under review), “Delivering Virtual Ethnicity Drama: A Pedagogical Design for Bridging Digital and Diversity Barriers.” Marketing Education Review.
- Carter, E. Vincent and Ravi Parameswaran (2012), forthcoming, “The Digital Market-Sphere: Modeling Virtual Transactions and Transvections.” Marketing Management Journal, Volume 22 (Fall).
- Carter, E. Vincent (2012), forthcoming, “Anatomy of a Scan: Digital Market Intelligence and Economic Literacy in the MBA Curriculum.” Journal of Education for Business, Volume 87, Issue 7.
- Carter, E. Vincent and Mary E. Donohue (2012), forthcoming, “Ethical Enterprise Planning: Embedding the Drucker Dialectic in Marketing Strategy.” Alliance Journal of Business Research, Volume 7 (Fall).
- Carter, E. Vincent and Mary E. Donohue (2012), forthcoming, “Whole Person Learning: Embedding Ethical Enterprise Leadership in Business Education.” American Journal of Business Education, Volume 5 (November/December).
- Carter, E. Vincent (2012), “Multicultural Marketing Education 2.0: The Diffusion of Ethnic Aptitude Pedagogy and Practices.” Proceedings of the 2012 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, April, Long Beach, CA.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Paying Attention to Spend Time: A Cognitive and Temporal Model for Digital Consumption.” Innovative Marketing, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 74-82.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Completing the Circle of Marketing Channels Planning: Private, Public, and Personal Markets.” International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Volume 4, Number 22, pp. 59-71.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “The Anatomy of Economic Market Scanning: An Information Literacy Heuristic for Strategic Planning.” Proceedings of 2011 Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference.” St. Louis, MO, September.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Virtual Ethnicity? Designing a Consumer Avatar Drama to Discover Multicultural Competency.” Proceedings of the 2011 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA, April.
- Donohue, Mary, E. Vincent Carter, Scott Comber, and Molly R. Jensen (2011), “Millennials and Whole Person Marketing: How the Shift from a Protected and Confident Generation to Cynical Philosophers is Changing How Brands are Perceived.” Proceedings of the 2011 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA, April.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Completing the Circle of Marketing Channels Planning: Private, Public, and Personal Markets.” Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference for Academic Disciplines (IJAS), Orlando, FL, March.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2010) “The Knowledge Economy Strategy Dilemma: Balancing Digital Relationships and Digital Rights, The Marketing Management Journal, Volume 20 (Spring), pp. 123-144.
- Donohue, Mary, E. Vincent Carter, and Molly R. Jensen (2010), “Mentoring and Coo-op Internship: How Business Students Live and Learn through Mentoring,” Proceedings of the 2010 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Seattle, WA, April.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2009), “Deepening Multicultural Marketing Instruction: The Universal and Temporal Dimensions of Ethnic Diversity,” Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, Volume 15 (Winter), pp. 46-66.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2009), “Competency Codes: Marketing Management for the Digital Future.” The Marketing Management Journal, Volume 19 (Spring), pp. 16-36.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2009), “Depth of Diversity: Teaching the Universal and Temporal Dimensions of Multicultural Marketing.” Proceedings of the 2009 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Newport Beach, CA, April.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2007),“Privacy Please: A Privacy Curriculum Taxonomy (PCT) for the Era of Personal Intelligence.” The College Teaching Methods & Styles (CTMS) Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 11-24.
- Carter, E. Vincent and Rajni Goel (2006), “Knowledge Economy Relationship Management: Combining MIS with Market Relationship Strategies.” Alliance Journal of Business Research, Vol. 2(Spring) pp.73-82.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2005),“Privacy Please: A Privacy Curriculum Taxonomy (PCT) for the Era of Personal Intelligence.”Proceedings of theCollegiate Teaching Methods Society Conference, Reno, NV, September 20, Article #223, Best Paper Award.
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Publications (Continued)
- Carter, E. Vincent and Rajni Goel (2005), “Preparing for Privacy: A Module for Marketing Educators in an Era of Electronic Commerce.” Proceedings of theAssociation of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACME), Dallas, TX, March 1 – 5, pp. 34 – 59.
- Goel, Rajni and E. Vincent Carter (2004), "Mining Customer Profiles Using Clustering Techniques to Preserve Privacy Though Digital Anonymity", Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA) Orlando, FL, July.
- Dadzie, Kofi Q.; Winston, Evelyn, and Carter, E. Vincent (2003), “Building Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Relationships with Online Shoppers: The Role of E-Logistics Customer Service,” Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Annual Educators Conference, Orlando, FL, February.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2002), “Cognitive Minds and Connected Markets: A Computer-BasedConsumer Behavior Course Module for the Digital Future.” Marketing EducationReview,Special Issue: "Using Technology in Marketing Education." Naresh K. Malhotra (editor), Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 35-46.
- Carter, E. Vincent (2001), “Market Interaction Modeling: An Innovative Educational Project Integrating Consumer Behavior and Decision Science Theory,” in Proceedings of the Midwest Decision Science Institute 2001 Annual Meeting, Dearborn, MI, April.
- Carter, E. Vincent (1997), “Servicescapes in Cyberspace: Service Quality Considerations in Electronically-Mediated Market Environments.” in Proceedings of 6th Annual Frontiers in Services Conference, October.
- Carter, E. Vincent (1997), “Agents of Exchange: The Emergence of Consumer Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in an Electronic Marketplace.” in Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science Conference and Faculty Consortium, Coral Gables, FL; May.
- Carter, E. Vincent (1996), “Afropoiesis: Towards a Multicultural Consumer Interface in Cyberspace.” in Proceedings of the 1996 Academy of Marketing Science Multicultural Marketing Conference, Norfolk, VA, October.
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Carter, E. Vincent (2012), “Multicultural Marketing Education 2.0: The Diffusion of Ethnic Aptitude Pedagogy and Practices.” 2012 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, April, Long Beach, CA.
Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “The Anatomy of Economic Market Scanning: An Information Literacy Heuristic for Strategic Planning.” Proceedings of 2011 Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference.” St. Louis, MO, September.
Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Completing the Circle of Marketing Channels Planning: Private, Public, and Personal Markets.” International Conference for Academic Disciplines (IJAS), Orlando, FL, March 21-24.
Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Virtual Ethnicity? Designing a Consumer Avatar Drama to Discover Multicultural Competency.” 2011 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA, April 21-23.
Donohue, Mary, E. Vincent Carter, Scott Comber, and Molly R. Jensen (2011), “Millennials and Whole Person Marketing: How the Shift from a Protected and Confident Generation to Cynical Philosophers is Changing How Brands are Perceived.” 2011 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA, April 21-23.
Donohue, Mary, E. Vincent Carter, and Molly R. Jensen (2010), “Mentoring and Coo-op Internship: How Business Students Live and Learn through Mentoring,” 2010 Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Seattle, WA.
Carter, E. Vincent (2009), “Depth of Diversity: Teaching the Universal and Temporal Dimensions of Multicultural Marketing,” 2009 Marketing Educators’ Association (MEA) Conference, Newport Beach, CA, April 25.
Carter, E. Vincent (2005), “Privacy Please: A Privacy Curriculum Taxonomy (PCT) for the Era of Personal Intelligence.” The InternationalCollege Teaching Methods & Styles Conference, Reno, NV, September 20, Best Paper Award.
Carter, E. Vincent and Rajni Goel (2005), “Preparing for Privacy: A Module for Marketing Educators in an Era of Electronic Commerce.” 2005 Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators Conference, DallasTX, March 1-5.
Goel, Rajni and E. Vincent Carter (2004), "Mining Customer Profiles Using Clustering Techniques to Preserve Privacy Though Digital Anonymity", Joint Conference of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA) and the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS), Orlando, FL, July 21-25.
Dadzie, Kofi Q.; Winston, Evelyn, and Carter, E. Vincent (2003), “Building Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Relationships with Online Shoppers: The Role of E-Logistics Customer Service,” Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Annual Educators Conference, Orlando, FL, February.
Carter, E. Vincent (2002), “Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM): Towards a Technology Connection Continuum,” presented at the Fourth Fall Conference on Managing Information Technologies, Oakland University School of Business Administration ATiB Program, Rochester, MI, October 12.
Carter, E. Vincent (2000), “Scientific Management for an Electronic Marketplace: Devising a Consumer Technology Index (CTI),” presented at the Second Fall Conference on Managing Information Technologies, Oakland University School of Business Administration ATiB Program, Troy, MI, October 14.
Carter, E. Vincent (1997), “Servicescapes in Cyberspace: Service Quality Considerations in Electronically-Mediated Market Environments.” Sixth Annual Frontiers in Services Conference, Nashville, TN, October 4th.
Carter, E. Vincent (1997), “Agents of Exchange: The Emergence of Consumer Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in an Electronic Marketplace.” 1997 Academy of Marketing Science Conference and Faculty Consortium, Coral Gables, FL; May.
Carter, E. Vincent (1996), “Afropoiesis: Towards a Multicultural Consumer Interface in Cyberspace.” 1996 Academy of Marketing Science Multicultural Marketing Conference, Norfolk, VA, October.
Carter, E. Vincent (1992), “African-Centered Marketing: An Indigenous Cultural Foundation for Future Economic Development.” African Finance and Economics Association Conference, HowardUniversity, Wash., DC, May.
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White Papers
Carter, E. Vincent (2012), “Mayans Don’t Know Marketing: Aligning Strategic Business Orbits in 2012.” Kern Economic Journal Website – Premier Thoughts, January.
Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “The Joy of Marketing Innovation: Finding Your labor of Love.” Kern Economic JournalWebsite – Premier Thoughts,September.
Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Anatomy of a Scan: Simplifying Strategic Economic Data.” Kern Economic Journal Website – Premier Thoughts, March.
Carter, E. Vincent (2011), “Complete the Circle of Marketing Channels Planning.” Kern Economic Journal Website – Premier Thoughts, February.
Carter, E. Vincent (2006), “Knowledge Economy Management Lessons.” Kern Economic Journal, April.
* September 2012; Member of the Editorial Review Board of the Marketing Management Journal
Journal Review – (2012), Marketing Education Review – Special Teaching Innovations Issue
Journal Review – (2011), Marketing Education Review – Special Teaching Innovations Issue
Journal Review – (2005), Alliance Journal of Business Research, Special Inaugural Issue
Journal Review – (1999), Journal of Services Marketing, Special Issue on International Services Marketing.
Conference Competitive Paper Review (2012), Marketing Management Association Conference,Minneapolis, MN.
Conference Competitive Paper Review (2012), Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Long Beach, CA
Conference Competitive Paper Review (2011), Marketing Management Association Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Conference Competitive Paper Review (2011), Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, San Diego, CA
Conference Competitive Paper Review (2010), Marketing Management Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN
Conference Competitive Paper Review (2009), Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Newport Beach, CA
Text Review – Valentin (2012), Marketing Strategy and Business Planning, Sage Publications
Text Review – Iacobucci (2010), MM (Marketing Management), Cengage Learning
Text Review – Levens (2010), Marketing: Defined, Explained, Applied, Pearson Higher Education
Text Review – Clow and Baack (2009), Marketing Management: A Customer Oriented Approach, Sage Publications
Text Review – Fullerton (2007) Sports Marketing, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Text Review – Aaker, Kumar, Day (2005), Marketing Research, 8th edition, New York: Wiley.
Grant Review (2007 – 2010), Millennium Science Initiative, Uganda National Council for Science & Technology.
References provided upon request