DAHA Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 pm
Mountain View Ice Arena
Members Present: Barry O’Brien, Karen Stoner, Julia Berglund, Pat Dantes, Deb Davis, and Angela Anderson.
Absent: Al Hart, Ken Wood, Mark Mielcarek, and Tom Berndt
Also Present: Liam Davis
Quorum Established – 6:00 pm
Minutes from previous meeting were read and approved: Motion: Karen Stoner, Second: Angela Anderson. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment–Liam Davis is attending the meeting as a requirement for Norway High School Civics Class.
Treasurer – Karen Stoner submitted the P & L and Balance Sheet, theyare attached.
52 Lotto Fund:$ 6,930.33
General Fund: $20,409.73
Balances reflect payment of January ice. Does not include the final registration payments that will be deposited on 1/15/10. Karen requests that a letter be sent to EconoFoods to thank them for letting us bag groceries in December. Deb Davis will draft a letter.
New Business – Karen requests that a letter be sent to EconoFoods to thank them for letting us bag groceries in December, we made $866.28. Notes for next year: more volunteers and make sure that the kids wear their uniforms, also younger kids to collect donations. Deb Davis will draft a letter.
Julia mentioned that we still need to send a letter to Bo Winkler and Laura Rhode for all of their years of managing the SCRIP program. Deb Davis will draft the letter.
Karen spoke to Kevin Richtig about the sound system. Ice Reflections is adding more speakers. He was not confident that he could have it done by January 16 (Regionals). They would want a contribution from us for their upgrades. Julia spoke to Mr. Reitveld, he suggested getting used equipment. In the meantime Pat will speak to Becky Pomroy and Karen will talk to Kevin Richtig about using Ice Reflection equipment for the Regionals.
Need to post 5 open board positions on February 1st.
Discussion of how to get people involved, the same people are volunteering, the concession stand staffing has big holes. Some ideas were to have people sign up at registration or at the end of the year (poker, golf, concession stand, etc). Concession Stand required volunteer hours need to be increased, people have signed up for their hours and we still have lots of open slots. Increasing the fees for not completing volunteer hours…or increasing registration fees.
Poker – Julia needs to apply for a license if we are going to do this again. It is taking 6+ weeks to process the license.
Equipment – Socks are still not in, they were ordered from Blair in October. Julia will look into ordering them from the contact in Green Bay (adult small-large, approximately 20 of each size, black with red and white stripes) Pat has a list of what we have, Julia will order what we need (helmets and Torspo suits) – receipts will be submitted to the One Goal grant. We were awarded $2,500 for equipment. We will use the socks from Blair for next year. Mike needs to get a bill to Karen for the goalie equipment.
Registration – Jill e-mailed the final roster to all board members. All coaches are certified. Birth certificates need to go into the coaches books.
MVIA - New lock on concession stand door. Responsibility for the Locker Room keys has been given back to MVIA. Debra Mazik is the new bookkeeper for MVIA, Stacy Harrison has resigned. The 1/5/10 meeting was cancelled and will be rescheduled.
Scheduler Report – Regionals will be held on 1/15-1/17. Bantams will be starting at 1 pm.
Tournaments – Tom Berndt needs to get sanction number and update the flyer. Mark needs to put the updated flyer on the website. Currently have 1 peewee and 1 squirt team registered. Negaunee may be cancelling their squirt tournament that was to be held the same weekend, Barry will ask them to forward any interested teams to us.Need to change sponsor forms to remove the mention of t-shirts. Verso will be a sponsor, we need one more. MJ Electric sponsored last year. Pat has contacted fast food restaurants for goodie bags. Parent meetings will be held next week (Monday-Squirts, Tuesday-Peewees) to let parents know what is needed and coordinate volunteers.
MAHA – Jeff Harvey reported that there is talk of eliminating the state “B” “BB” tournament play. Barry will write a letter in support of continuing “B” level state tournaments, will ask Jeff Harvey to sign it as our MAHA representative.
Banners – Al is absent. Tom Healy would like to purchase a banner. Boss needs a banner. Al will ask Dave Brule if he has one or if we need to get one made.
Website – Need to get the Squirt/Peewee tournament flyer on the website (waiting for sanction # from Tom Berndt)
Year End Banquet/Awards – Pat called the American Legion, they want a $200 deposit, $300 rental and they will not split proceeds from bar sales. They have all of April open. Karen suggested that we coordinate with the spring election of new board members. Ideas discussed included a DAHA open skate the last week that the ice is in (too early for election), having an open rollerblading skatewith pizza and pop.
Concession Stand – Karen reports that the concession stand income is down, but expenses are also down – we are about equal with last year.
Fundraising – Bagging groceries at EconoFoods on 12/23 went well, $866.28 was raised! Notes for next year: more volunteers and make sure that the kids wear their jerseys, also younger kids to collect donations.
Mini-Mite Marketing – Growing the Game – Still working on a date for the Mite 1’s to play in-between periods of high school games.
ACE Report –no report.
Bylaws - no report.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January19, 2010, 6:45 pm, MVIA to discuss Squirt/Peewee Tournament.
Motion to Adjourn: Angela. Second: Pat. Unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Deborah Davis
DAHA Board of Directors