RRudy's Critters Daily Availability List 3/24/2014

Tel: 765-327-0125

Cephalopods I3939


Anemone Bubble Sm

Anemone Carpet (Atl)

Anemone Carpet Green Md

Anemone Carpet Maxi Mini

Anemone Condy Florida

Anemone Condy Haiti Pink Tips

Anemone Corn Fire Anemone Curlique

Anemone Long Tentacle Lg

Anemone Long Tentacle Md

Anemone Long Tentacle Sm

Anemone Rock Flower (Atl)

Anemone Rock Flower Red

Anemone Sebae Md Anemone Sebae Sm

Anemone Tube Colored (I.O.)

Cuttle Fish Eggs(no guarantee)

Coral Clavularia Briareum

Coral Dendronephthya

20.50 I3670

Cucumber I3890


Gorgonian I8328

Jelly Fish

36.00 I4050

21.50 Lobster

18.50 I4120 24.00 Mangrove


Plant 12.00 I4292

Crab Horseshoe Sm Crab Pom Pom Sm

Crab Porcelain

Crab Sally Lightfoot Crab Spider

Crab Strawberry (Haw)

Cucumber (Atl) Cucumber Pink (Hot

Dog) Haw.

Feather Duster (Phil) Feather Duster Red

(I.O.) Feather


Gorgonian Asst (Atl)

Fish Upside Down

Lobster Slipper

Mangrove Pod

Plant Seagrass Plant Shave Brush

Rock Fiji Prem 50# Box

Special Prices

0.99 I5795

9.00 I5576 9.99

9.99 I6810

Snail Trochus Zebra Snail Tropical

Abalone Snail Turbo

Snail Turbo

Special Prices

Red Ball Lg

Starfish American


Starfish Blue

Starfish Knobby Red (Afr)

Starfish Maroon Starfish Red Fromia

Starfish Thorny Red

Urchin Pencil Urchin Pin Cushion

(I.O.) Urchin

Md Urchin

Short Spine

Coral Euphy Hammer Bran Sm

Rock Totoka 50#

Coral Sft Finger Chili Md

Coral Sft Finger Md Coral Sft Finger Milk

Md Coral

Color Vietnam

Rock Tukani 50# Box

Special Prices

Coral Frags I7003

Leather Assorted Mushroom Ricordea

(FL) Per Pol Mushroom Ricordea Green (Fl)

Mushroom St Thomas Blue

Mushroom ULTRA Vietnam

Frags Apet Cultured Asst

Crab Arrow Crab Emerald

Crab Hermit Blue Leg

Special Prices

50 Crab Hermit Electric

Blue Crab

Halloween (Haw)

Crab Hermit Red Leg Cortez

Special Prices

34.50 I5230 I5240 I5250

18.50 I5260

6.25 I5490

I5500 I5510

0.99 I5511

Hare Blue Dot

Shrimp Cleaner Lg Shrimp Cleaner Md

Shrimp Cleaner Sm

Shrimp Cleaner Xl Shrimp Coral

Banded Golden Sm

Shrimp Fire

Shrimp Monkey

Shrimp Peppermint Shrimp Pistol

Snail Bumble Bee Snail Conch Crown Snail Margarita Special Prices

50 Crab Hermit Scarlet

Crab Hermit Sm Crab Hermit Zebra

Special Prices

Snail Nassarius (Phil)

Snail Trochus Special Prices

-Price and availability subject to change without notice. Page 1

Daily Availability List 3/24/2014

Tel: 765-327-0125


18.00 M2701

Butterfly Teardrop

Butterfly Vagabond

Bass Chalk Bass Harlequin

Bass Lantern

Basslet Diadema Basslet Neon Dotty

Back (TR)

Cardinal Banggai Cardinal Blue Eye

Cardinal Pajama Cardinal Red Striped

Chromis Bicolor


Basslet Pseudo Bicolor

Basslet Pseudo Double Stripe

Basslet Pseudo Elongated Red

Basslet Pseudo

14.00 M2874 M2906

Chromis Green Chromis Yellow

Clown Allardi (Afr) Clown Black Ice (TR)

Clown Cinnamon (T.R.)

Marine Fish Angel

M0084 M0288

M0342 M0354

M0391 M0408

Angel Bi-Color Angel Coral Beauty

Angel Eiblii Angel Fishers

Angel Flame Angel Flameback


Angel Half Black Special Prices

Angel Imperator Adult Md

Angel Imperator Md

Angel Imperator Sm

Angel Japanese Swallow

Angel Lemon (Haw)

Angel Majestic Sm Angel Melas


Special Prices

Angel Potters Angel Pygmy (Atl)

Angel Regal (I.O.) Lg Angel Rock Beauty

Md Angel

Semicirculatus Sm

Angel Six Barred Md Angel Six Barred Sm Angel Xanthurus Angel Yellow

Special Prices

Angler Regular Sm Angler Sargassum


Anthias Bartlett's Anthias Bicolor

(Haw) Anthias

Anthias Green Anthias Huchtii

Anthias Pink Square


38.50 M1896 20.00 Bream

M1380 41.00 Butterfly



31.00 M1986 41.00 M2030 21.00


41.00 M2460 M2492

21.00 M2556 20.00

28.50 M2622

Pseudo Splendens

Royal Gramma

Basslet Swalesi Basslet Swissguard

Batfish Orbicularis Sm

Batfish Teira Md

Blenny Algae Eating Md

Blenny Bicolor Blenny Forktail Blenny Grammistes Blenny Midas

Golden (Afr)

Blenny Mimic Red Sea

Blenny Molly Miller Blenny Orange


Blenny Sailfin Black Blenny Sailfin Red

Spot (HAW)

Blenny Scooter Blenny Scooter Red Blenny Snyder


Blenny Tiger Golden

Bream Banana Fish

Butterfly Assorted Md

Butterfly Auriga


Butterfly Auriga Sm Butterfly Blue Head

(Klein's) Butterfly

Copperband Md

Butterfly Heniochus Blk&Wht Md

Butterfly Heniochus Brown

Butterfly Lemon Butterfly Longnose

Yellow Md Butterfly Pakistani

Butterfly Pearlscale


Butterfly Punctato Butterfly Raccoon

(Afr) Butterfly


Butterfly Saddleback

M3228 Cow Fish

14.00 M4152

41.00 File Fish

M4302 18.95 M4305

21.95 M4368



Clown Clarkii (TR) Clown Clarkii Md

Clown Ocellaris Caramel (TR)

Clown Percula (TR) Clown Percula

Picasso (TR)

Clown Percula Platinum (T.R.)

Clown Percula True (TR)

Clown Sebae

Cow Fish (ATL)

Damsel Allen

Damsel Assorted

Damsel Domino

Three Spot

Damsel Orangeline

Damsel Sergeant Major

Damsel Striped Three

Damsel Striped Two Damsel Velvet Neon

Eel Garden

Eel Moray Black

Eel Ribbon Eel Ribbon Eel Ribbon

Eel Snowflake Sm

File Fish Green (I.O.) File Fish Matted



Foxface (Caution Venomous!)

Foxface Magnificent

Goby Aurora (Africa) Goby Citron Gummy


Goby Clown Assorted

Goby Diamond Md Goby Firefish Special Prices

Goby Firefish Purple Goby Gold Head

-Price and availability subject to change without notice. Page 2

Daily Availability List 3/24/2014

Tel: 765-327-0125

Leaf Fish M5868 Lionfish M5886


Goby Gudgeon Blue Goby Gudgeon Blue


Goby Mandarin Blue Goby Mandarin Blue

Lg Goby

Spotted Green

Goby Orange Spot Prawn

Goby Prawn Brownstreak

Goby Rainfordi Goby Six Spot


Goby Stripe Engineer

Goby Tangaroai Goby Tiger (Wardii)

Goby Twin Spot Goby Watchman

Spotted Blue

Goby Watchman Tiger

Goby Watchman Yellow/Blue

Goby Yasha

Goby Yellow Rose Goby Zebra (Indo)

Grouper Argus (Haw/Afr)

Grouper Miniatus Md

Grouper Panther Sm Grouper V Tailed

Grunt Smallmouth

Sea Robin

Hamlet Butter

Hawk Flame Tahiti Special Prices

Hawk Golden Tahitian

Special Prices

Hawk Longnose Hawk Red

Hawk Red (Haw) Hawk Ring Eyed Hawk Spotted

Hog Coral (Haw) Hog Coral Md

Hog Coral Sm

Jawfish Blue Spotted Jawfish Spotfin Jawfish Yellow


Leaf Fish Yellow

Lionfish Antennata Md

Lionfish Dwarf (Venomous)

Lionfish Fu Man Chu Lionfish Volitan

Black Md

12.99 Moorish Idol 12.99 M6150

16.85 Parrot 24.99 M6168

M6204 M6210

M6217 M6222

Pipe Fish M6299

Pompano M6301


6.95 M6390 M6468

18.95 M6438

24.00 M6500

31.00 M6545

Shrimp Fish

38.00 M6740

21.25 M6770


9.95 Squirrel Fish

Sweetlips 21.00 M7002

198.00 M7188

35.00 M7332

31.00 M7356

Lookdowns Lg

Moorish Idol (Afr / Haw)

Parrot Bicolor Sm Parrot Green

Parrot Princess (Atl)

Parrot Princess (I.O.) Parrot Purple

Pipe Fish Sargassum

Pompano (Afr)

Puffer Porcupine Sm

Puffer Valentini

Puffer Webb Burr


Puffer Webb Burr Sm


Tiger Tail

B&W (T.R.)

Snapper Blueline

Spade Fish

Squirrel Solder Black

Bar Md


Sweetlips Sm


(I.O.) Md

Tang Achilles

Tang Blue Hepatus 1.5"-2"

Tang Blue Yellow Belly 1-1.5"

Tang Bristletooth Stripe

Tang Brown Md Tang Chevron

Tang Chocolate Tang Convict

Tang Imperfect Tang Lavendar

(Spot-Cheeked) Tang Naso Blonde


Tang Naso Md

Tang Naso Sm

Tang Naso Xl

Tang Powder Lg

Tang Powder

12.95 M7530

20.99 M8064

24.00 M8070

Trunkfish M8178 Wrasse M8208

M8244 M8250

20.99 M8328

45.00 M8562

50.99 M8588


24.00 M8622


Tang Powder

Tang Powder

Tang Purple Md

Tang Ringtail (Haw) Tang Sailfin

Veliferum Md

Tang Shoulder (Haw)

Tang Shoulder Stmr Show

Tang Tennetti Tang Thompsoni

Tang Tomini Tang Unicorn

Tang Whitebar (Haw)

Tang Yellow Eye (Kole)

Tang Yellow Md Tang Yellow Sm

Tilefish Purple

Trigger Black (Haw) Lg

Trigger Blue Throat Male (Haw)

Trigger Bluejaw Fem Md

Trigger Bursa Md Trigger Bursa Sm Trigger Clown Md

Trigger Huma Huma Sm

Trigger Niger Odonus Sm

Trigger Undulated


Trigger Undulated

Trunk Fish (Atl) Md

Wrasse Assorted Wrasse Bird Black Lg

Wrasse Bird Black Md

Wrasse Bird Green (Haw)

Wrasse Bird Green Md

Wrasse Bluehead Wrasse Bluehead Sm

Juv. Wrasse

Marble Wrasse

Marble (Afr) Wrasse Coris Red

Coris Red

Coris Yellow

Dragon Md

Dragon Sm Wrasse Exquisite

Wrasse Exquisite (Afr)

Wrasse Flame Female (Haw)

Wrasse Flame Male

-Price and availability subject to change without notice. Page 3

Daily Availability List 3/24/2014

Tel: 765-327-0125

Wrasse Flasher McCosker (Afr)

Wrasse Hardwicke (Afr)

Wrasse Hebraicum (Afr)

Wrasse Leopard Wrasse Lubbock

Wrasse Lunare Thalassoma Sm

Wrasse Melanurus Wrasse Orange Belt

Wrasse Ornate (HAW/SUMATRA)

Wrasse Redtail (Haw)

Wrasse Ring Pastel Wrasse Solarensis

Wrasse Whip Fin Fairy

-Price and availability subject to change without notice. Page 4