About ATW

The Alliance of Technology and Women (ATW) supports women and men worldwide who share the common interests of empowering women in technology, increasing the number of women in executive roles, and encouraging women and girls to enter technology fields.

About Marsha Clark & Associates’ POWER OF SELF Program

The POWER OF SELF is a year-long development program, enhanced by individual coaching, that offers women greater clarity and a strategic framework for making deliberate choices in all dimensions of their lives. At the conclusion of the program, participants report substantial growth in their ability to:
• / Provide confident leadership
• / Gain clarity and self-awareness
• / Create more effective working relationships
• / Develop greater trust in supporting and mentoring women
• / Become a powerful resource for shared learning in their organization

About the Scholarship

ATW and Marsha Clark and Associates are promoting this scholarship as an opportunity for women in executive and other high-potential leadership positions in the technology industry worldwide. Those interested in and suited for this program must possess a passion to help other women grow professionally as well as the desire for self-improvement, self-awareness, and an overall commitment to increasing their capacity for leadership. The POWER OF SELF spans a series of sessions from October 2016 through September 2017. This is an in-depth program that challenges women to grow immeasurably, both personally and professionally. We look forward to an ATW member becoming a participant in the program at no cost to her, other than travel, lodging and meals.

Applications for this scholarship are available beginning July 13, 2016

Applications are due August 21, 2016.

Selection and notification will occur no later than Sept 25, 2016.

Scholarship To Be Awarded

ATW will award the following scholarship to be used for attendance to the 2016-2017 Class for the Marsha Clark & Associates POWER OF SELF program:

A seat in the POWER OF SELF Program will be awarded to one woman based upon satisfaction of the application requirements that follow. Program sessions are conducted in Dallas, Texas and are scheduled to occur on the following dates:

Module 1: Seeds of Power: The Journey Begins / October 6-8, 2016
Module 2: Self Awareness and Perceptions / November 9-12, 2016
Module 3: Building and Sustaining Trust / January 12-14, 2017
Module 4: Decision Making and Group Dynamics / February 9-11, 2017
Module 5: The Possibilities of Organizations / April 6-8, 2017
Module 6: Emerging Greatness: The Journey Continues / May 18-20, 2017
Follow-up Coaching / June - September 2017

Please ensure as an applicant, you will have availability for these published dates to attend these sessions for the Power of Self program. Additionally, expect 25-30 hours of homework each month following class time.

This scholarship has a cash value of $37,500 (the fee charged to paying participants), and includes the following:

Meeting locations and supplies required for coursework

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Break Snacks and Drinks

One-on-one coaching sessions scheduled independently between the participant and her coach

Access to fellow global professional women who share your passion for personal growth

The scholarship does not include:

Travel to and from the sessions in Southlake, Texas


Evening Meals

Rental car, phone calls, tolls and other incidental travel-related costs

Note: ATW or Marsha Clark and Associates may have an existing relationship with your employer that may assist in employer coverage of travel costs.

Application Procedure

Please follow all instructions carefully and NOTE- applications NOT submitted in this format will not be considered:

  • The original application and supporting documents must be submitted together and compiled as a single document/application packet.
  • The completed and single document/application packet contents must be organized in the following order of the completed items listed below 1-4.
  • Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

The following list constitutes a complete single document/application packet, follow these instructions carefully:

  1. A signed and completed Scholarship Application. (copy from last 2 pages of this document)
  2. A current resume. Resumes must include complete information regarding the following areas in this order: personal data, education, employment history, technical or other certifications, volunteer service and extra-curricular activities, professional memberships, leadership experience, and awards or other achievements earned.
  3. Double-spaced, typed responses to the following questions. Each question response to be labeled as indicated with underline below. Each response not to exceed 200 words.
  4. Interest in Program. – Describe your reason for interest in this program
  5. Current or desired philanthropic pursuits. – Describe current or intended philanthropic pursuits, noting any current financial/job constraints and work commitments or economic hardships that have affected your ability to give back to the community via philanthropic pursuits.
  6. Work situation example. – Describe a work situation where you believe exposure to this program would enhance results or outcomes for yourself and those around you
  7. Future planned commitment. – Describe how you will use this experience to enhance the futures of other professional women.
  8. Future ATW commitment. – Describe how during the next following 24 month period following the Power of Self program completion, how you will utilize your learnings to enhance your involvement with ATW. Outline your give-back plan for ATW.
  9. Three letters of recommendation, each not to exceed one double-spaced, typed page. These letters should address the applicant’s accomplishments, skills, and how they would be able to leverage this experience to the benefit of other women. Each recommendation letter must contain the name, address and phone number of the person making such recommendation, the time period the person has known the applicant and the nature of the relationship the person has with the applicant.
  10. A $50 application fee submitted via Paypal/ the website.

Applications must be emailed no later than Friday August 21, 2016 by 5pm to .

Scholarship Selection

Once applications are submitted, the ATW Scholarship Committee will evaluate all of the applications submitted. The screening process will take place in Aug/Sept 2016. Scholarship recipients will be notified by Sept 25, 2016 and will receive Scholarship notification information directly from ATW and will receive program information directly from Marsha Clark and Associates representatives.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

Scholarship applicants who are seeking this scholarship must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a current and paid member of ATW. Membership applications are available at Proof of membership & current payment are required.
  • Meet U.S. resident or passport requirements in terms of entry and exit from the country to ensure consistent attendance and participation
  • Have been in the workforce for a minimum of 5 years
  • Demonstrate or communicate a passion to support the growth of women
  • Have not received an ATW scholarship in the past

Other criteria that will be used in selecting scholarship recipients are:

  • Volunteer service and extracurricular activities and professional memberships of the applicant
  • Leadership experience of the applicant
  • Current and expected involvement with ATW
  • Awards received or other achievements earned by the applicant
  • Employment history and career advancement


Please contact the ATW Scholarship Committee Chairperson at

Power Of Self Scholarship Application

Please type or print all information.

Complete entire application and answer n/a to any question that does not apply to you.

Be sure to complete all application requirements and attach this form to the front of your application.

Sign and date the application in blue or black ink.

All information will be kept confidential. Demographic information may be aggregated and used to describe to third parties characteristics of the scholarship applicants.

General Information

First Name: M.I.: Last Name:
Employer: Title:
Office Email Address:
Office Address:
City: State: Zip:
Country: Work Phone:
Home Email Address:
Home Address:
City: State: Zip:
Country: Home Phone:
Date of Birth:
(mm/dd/yyyy) / Alternate Phone:
U.S. Citizen: Yes No / Permanent Resident: Yes No


Signature / Date
Please see the following page for additional demographic questions that will assist us in bringing programs to your benefit.
Responses to these questions are not required for your scholarship application to be considered. This is strictly information, that in aggregate, assists us in building programs to your benefit:
Ethnicity: African Asian American Caucasian
Hispanic American American Indian
Who or What encouraged you to apply:
Professional Colleague/Friend ATW Leadership Representative
ATW Member Received Electronic Notice
Marital Status: Married Single
Divorced Widowed

ATW Confidential and Proprietary

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