THE BIG PICTURE (continued)

Part 3The Path to Restoration

Article 8God’s Promise to Adam and Eve

  1. What is the Protoevangelium? (include the verse)
  1. Explain the difference between the literal sense and the spiritual sense of Gen 3:15.
  1. What does it mean to say that Jesus is the new Adam and Mary is the new Eve?
  1. What two purposes do the accounts that follow the Fall serve?



  1. In what two ways is God portrayed as acting in a human manner in the story of Cain and Abel?



  1. What does it mean to say that in the story of Noah, God goes one step further?
  1. What did the story about the Tower of Babel help the Israelites remember during the Exile?

Article 9 The Old Testament Covenants: Part One

  1. Explain the differences that makes Israel’s covenants unique.




  1. What does it mean to say that God’s covenant with Noah was universal in nature?
  1. Explain the new phase of God’s plan which begins with Abraham in Genesis 12.
  1. What three things does God promise Abraham?




  1. What three things does God ask Abraham and his descendants to commit to?




  1. What does God’s covenant with Abraham pave the way for?

Article 10 The Old Testament Covenants: Part Two

  1. What does Moses tell the Israelites in his final speech, recorded in Deuteronomy?
  1. What two things does God do with Moses at Mount Sinai?



  1. What does it mean to say that the Covenant and the Law are two sides of the same coin?
  1. What does God teach his Chosen People in the Torah?
  1. How do the Gospels help us understand how God’s promise to David was fulfilled?
  1. In what three ways are all the Old Testament covenants part of God’s plan?




  1. How do the Old Testament covenants relate to Jesus?

Article 11 Covenant Keeping: Successes and

  1. Describe the cycle in Judges related to the Covenant.
  1. Why is Samuel reluctant to appoint a king?
  1. In what ways does God still work through the “flawed” kings of Israel?
  1. In contrast with the divided kingdoms’ bad kings, what were the good kings of Judah able to accomplish?




  1. As another step in God’s plan of salvation, what did the monarchy accomplish?




  1. What key role do the prophets play in relation to the Covenant?
  1. Explain the reasonswhy the prophets endured the suffering impose on them.




Article 12 The Growing Messianic Hope

  1. What did God reveal to the prophets?
  1. What were many faithful Jews waiting for preceding the birth of Christ?


Part 1 The Word Became Flesh

Article 13 God Prepares the Way: The Roles of Mary and Joseph

  1. What does God intend for every family? Who are our models?
  1. How did Mary collaborate with all that her Divine Son would bring about?
  1. What is the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception?
  1. What two things does the Virgin Birth symbolize?



  1. How was Joseph a model husband and father?
  1. How can we respond to those who speak against Mary’s perpetual virginity by pointing to the Gospel records of Jesus’ brothers and sisters?

Article 14 The Gospels and Christological Prophecies

  1. What does the prophet Isaiah prophesy in 7:14?
  1. List the eight prophecies listed in the chart on page 63 (hint: the white rows)









Article 15 Why the Word Became Flesh

  1. What is the analogy of faith? What example is given?
  1. What is the incarnation?

Explain each of these five reasons for the incarnation:

  1. To reconcile us with God through the forgiveness of sins
  1. That we might know the depth of God’s love
  1. To be our model of holiness
  1. To make us partakers of the divine nature
  1. To destroy the power of the devil

Article 16 The Titles Say it All

Explain each of these familiar titles for Jesus:

  1. Jesus
  1. Christ
  1. Son of God
  1. Lord

Vocabulary for Unit 2

analogy of faith: The coherence of individual doctrines with the whole of Revelation. In other words, as each doctrine is connected with Revelation, each doctrine is also connected with all other doctrines.

Annunciation: The event in which the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary to announce that she had found favor with God and would become the mother of the Messiah

Ark of the Covenant: A sacred chest that housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments. It was placed within the sanctuary where God would come and dwell.

Christological: Having to do with the branch of theology called Christology. Christology is the study of the person and life of Jesus Christ, his ministry, and his mission.

circumcision: The act, required by Jewish law, of removing the foreskin of the penis. Since the time of Abraham, it has been a sign of God’s Covenant relationship with the Jewish people.

clement: Merciful.

confederation: An alliance of tribes or nations with no central authority.

Exile, the: The period of the Israelite captivity in Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC.

expiation: The act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing.

foreshadow: To represent or prefigure a person before his or her life or an event before it occurs.

fratricide: To kill one’s own brother or sister.

Immaculate Conception: The dogma that Mary was conceived without Original Sin and remained free from personal sin throughout her entire life.

Incarnation: From the Latin, meaning “to become flesh,” referring to the biblical Revelation that Jesus is both true God and true man.

literal sense: A form of biblical interpretation that considers the explicit meaning of the text. It lays the foundation for all other senses of the Scriptures.

monarchy: A government or a state headed by a single person, like a king or queen. As a biblical term, it refers to the period of time when the Israelites existed as an independent nation.

Paschal Mystery: The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

patriarch: The father or leader of a tribe, clan, or tradition. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were the patriarchs of the Israelite people.

polytheism: The belief in many gods.

Protoevangelium: The first announcement of the Good News and promise of God’s redemptive love through the person of Jesus Christ.

spiritual sense: A form of biblical interpretation that goes beyond the literal sense to consider what the realities and events of the Scriptures signify and mean for salvation.

theophany: God’s breaking into the human dimension so an individual's and community's understanding of God is deepened or changed.

Theotokos: A Greek title for Mary meaning “God bearer.”

Torah: A Hebrew word meaning “law,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.