The MBA Program
The Class of 2010
The SIP handbook is designed with an intention to provide the student and faculty with the complete information on SIP.
Guidelines for Students
1.Introduction...... 07
2.Faculty Guide and Company Guide...... 09
3.Evaluation...... 09
3.4Executive Summary Report
4.Completion of Internship Program...... 15
5.SIP Grading...... 16
6.IBSAF Award for Excellence in Internship Program...... 17
7.Important Tips...... 17
8.Student Feedback...... 18
Guidelines for Faculty
9.Guidance to Students...... 19
10.Evaluators...... 20
11.SIP Coordinator...... 21
12.Submission of SIP Grades by Campus Committee...... 22
13.Faculty / Company Guide Feedback...... 22
I.Format forInitial Information Report (IIR)...... 23
II.Format forProject Proposal ...... 24
III.Guidelines forWriting a Project Report...... 25
IV.Guidelines forWriting Executive Summary Report...... 31
V.Format forStudent Feedback...... 32
VI.Format forProgress Report on Initial Information Report...... 33
VII.Format forProgress Report on Project Proposal...... 34
VIII.Format forProgress Report on Interim Report and Seminar...... 35
IX.Format forProgress Report on Final Report and Seminar...... 36
X.Format forMarks List to be submitted by Faculty Guide...... 37
XI.Format forConsolidated Marks List to be submitted to IBS Head Office...... 38
XII.Harvard Style of Referencing...... 39
Summer Internship Program 200923rd February, 2009 (Monday) / : / Registration
7th March, 2009 (Saturday) / : / Initial Information Report
21st March, 2009 (Saturday) / : / Submission of Project Proposal
18th April, 2009 (Saturday) / : / Submission of Interim Report
16th May, 2009 (Saturday) / : / Submission of Final Report
23rd May, 2009 (Saturday) / : / SIP Ends
Summer Internship Program
The Summer Internship Program (SIP) forms an important component of education at IBS. It is an attempt to bridge the gap in the students perception between the academic institution and corporate world. Under this program, students undertake a 14-week internship at any organization during the intervening period between close of Semester II and commencement of Semester III.
The program is almost equivalent to one semester and carries a weightage of 18credits, which is normally equivalent to six academic courses. The internship, which would be a simulation of real work environment, requiresthe students to undergo the rigor of professional environment both in form and substance. SIP exposes the students to technical skills, and helps them to acquire social skills by drawing them into contact with realprofessionals.
For proper coordination and ensuring organized and smooth conduct of the program, each student would be under the guidance of an IBS faculty. A representative of the industry/organization also guides the student and assists the faculty in monitoring the student’s progress.
Internship is a vehicle for introducing students to real-life situation, which cannot be simulated in the classroom. Therefore,internship assignments must necessarily be those of direct interest to the host organization.
Students are encouraged to take up time bound multi-disciplinaryand goal-oriented assignment involving team work. Solutions to various problems confronted in the assignment might be open-ended, involving an element of analytical thinking, processing and decision-making in the face of insufficient data parameters and uncertain situations.
Students are advised to read the contents of this handbook carefully prior to commencement of internship.
SIP Handbook
This SIP Handbook provides detailed information on operational features and academic regulations to be followed during the Internship Program. It comprises of two parts, namely Guidelines for Students and Guidelines for Faculty.
Guidelines for Students
The Guidelines for Students consists of Academic Regulations,General Regulations and operational features of SIP for students.
Guidelines for Faculty
The Guidelines for Faculty consists of information for the faculty for guiding the students and evaluation of students performance for SIP
Attendance and Conduct
The students during SIP are placed in the role of ambassadors of IBS. The Institute would always expect students to maintain professional and social imprints of high standards in the organization.
IBS expects the students toadhere to the rules and regulations of the place of work during SIP. It is particularly important to be regular, punctual and well mannered at work. During the period of SIP, the student shall be subject to the timings and leave rules of the organization.
100% attendance during SIP is mandatory. However, if for any genuine reason a student is not in a position to report to the SIP organization on any day, he/she should obtain permission for leave of absence from Company Guide, as per the rules and regulations of the SIP organization and from the Faculty Guide. Such leave of absence should not be taken for more than one week in the entire duration of SIP.
Unprofessional behaviour, misconduct, indiscipline, irregularity at work and unsatisfactory performance will lead to cancellation of SIP leading to award of Not Cleared report (NC).Consequently, students will not be permitted to register in Semester III, resulting in the loss of at least one academic year, besides, any other form of academic action, IBS might deem fit to impose.
The student will indemnify, defend and hold IBS harmless from and against any and all loss damage, liability and expenses arising out of any third party claim, actions or proceedings by him or by any agents, during the period of Internship program.
2.Faculty Guide and company Guide
Every student is assigned a Faculty Guide by IBS Campus at the beginning of the SIP. The role of the Faculty Guide is to enable the student to undertake a meaningful project, providethe necessary academic guidance, and to facilitate evaluation, with the aid of the company executives. The Faculty Guide would be involved at all stages of the SIP, beginning from the ‘definition of the work content’ to the project completion.
Every student works under the counsel of a Company Guide, who supervises and evaluates the performance of the student at every stage of the SIP and gives the feedback to Faculty Guide. It is the responsibility of the students to utilize the knowledge and experience of the Company Guide to complete the SIP.
Itis therefore necessary that the students interact with the Faculty Guide and Company Guide regularly to update him about the progress and seeking guidance on SIP. The responsibility of contacting and interacting with the Faculty Guide vests with the students only. During these interactions, the student would be informed about his/her performance, progress in the project, his/her strengths and weaknesses, as observed through various evaluation components and also ways for improvement. However, the student also has the responsibility to seek clarification regularly from the respective faculty on these aspects.
The students undertaking SIP at overseas locations should be in touch with their Faculty Guide through e-mail for submitting the reports for evaluation as per the schedule.
Evaluation is done at various stages of internship on ongoing basis by both the Company Guide andFaculty Guide. The details are:
EvaluationStages / Date / Evaluation
Parameters / Evaluator / Weightage
Stage –I / 23rd _ 28th
Mar, 2009 / Project Proposal / Faculty and Company Guide / 10
Stage – II / 20th - 25th
April, 2009 / Interim Evaluation / Faculty and Company Guide / 30
Stage – III / 18th – 23rd
May, 2009 / Final Evaluation / Faculty and Company Guide / 30
Stage – IV / 18th – 23rd
May, 2009 / Project Specific Evaluation / Faculty Guide / 30
3.2Evaluation Weightages
All the parameters for evaluation will be rated on a 10-point scale by theFaculty and Company Guide. Ratings of all the parameters for a particular stage will be added and converted into weightage assigned to that particular stage of evaluation.
3.3Evaluation Process
The details of evaluation parameters, the reports to be submitted and the details of seminars presentation are described in the following paragraphs. The Faculty Guide and Company Guide will rate the performance of the student on each parameter, on a 10-point scale, at each stage.
Initial Information Report (IIR)
This report is to be submitted by the student to IBS Campus as per the format given atAnnexure-I. Care must be taken to ensure that all information provided in this report is accurate.
The IIR is not a component of evaluation but it is mandatory and subsequent events are executed on the basis of the information provided in IIR. All students must submit copies to IBS Faculty Guide and Company Guide.
Stage I: Project Proposal Evaluation
The Project Proposal must cover the following aspects:
i.Synopsis: A statement of about 1000 words describing what the project is about.
ii.Objective: Stating what the project will accomplish and the value-addition to the organization.
iii.Limitations of the Study.
iv.Proposed Methodology.
v.Schedule: A time frame indicating steps that will be required and the expected date when they will be completed.
vi.References: Initial list of bibliographic and Internet materials that would be used to complete the project.
Copies of Project Proposal should be submitted as per the format given at
Annexure-IIto IBS Faculty Guide as well as the Company Guide on or before
21stMarch 2009.
The evaluation of the Project Proposal is carried out on a 10-point scale for each parameter. The project proposal evaluation is carried out by both Faculty and Company Guides. The details of evaluation parameters are given below:
Project Proposal Evaluation Parameters
S.No. / Parameter Description / Weightage
1 / Satisfaction on the project objective given by the student in the proposal. / 2
2 / Satisfaction on the methodology proposed by the student. / 2
3 / Satisfaction on the schedule of activities given by the student. / 2
4 / Ability to relate project proposed with practical application in business. / 2
5 / Ability to identify various issues related to project work / 2
Sub Total / 10
Stage II: Interim Evaluation
The Interim Evaluation of the SIP Project consists of Report and Seminar.
Report: The Interim Report is an interim version of the Final Report. By this time the student would have done substantial work on the project. This report is an attempt to document the work done so far by the student and how to proceed further. An interim report must contain:
(i)Cover Page
(ii)Title Page
(iii)Abstract of the work till that date
(v)Main text (should contain detailed progress of the project and discussions tillthat date.)
A copy of the interim report should be submitted to Faculty Guide as well as the Company Guide.
Seminar: The students are expected to present the total work done till that date and the plan for completion of the project in the seminar. The seminar will be conducted in the SIP organisation in the presence of Faculty Guide and Company Guide/Officials.For students undertakingSIP overseas, the seminar will be conducted in the SIP organisation in the presence of Company Guide/Officials only. The Faculty Guide will assign the marks for seminar on the feedback given by Company Guide
The interim evaluation is carried out on a 10-point scale for each parameter. The interim evaluation is carried out by both the Faculty and Company Guide. The details of evaluation parameters for Interim Evaluation are given below:
Interim Evaluation Parameters
S.No. / Parameter Description / Weightage
Interim Report
1 / Satisfaction on meeting project schedule / 3
2 / Satisfaction on the methodology used / 3
3 / Satisfaction on the progress of project / 3
4 / Capability to apply functional knowledge and adopt multi-functional approach to real-life business problems / 3
5 / Reading/Referencing of literature / 3
6 / Quality of findings and observations / 3
Interim Seminar
7 / Student’s performance on development of logical flow in the seminar presentation / 3
8 / Overall effectiveness on the oral communication in the seminar / 3
9 / Display of self-confidence arising out of work done / 3
10 / Behaviour and mannerism during seminar / 3
Sub Total / 30
Stage III: Final Evaluation
The Final Evaluation of the SIP project consists of Final Report and Seminar.
Report: The Final Report (project report), the written component of evaluation, is to be submitted on completion of the project. The Project Reports are to be prepared based on the guidelines given at Annexure-III.
Copies of Final Report should be submitted to IBS Faculty Guide as well as the Company Guide well before the final seminar.
Seminar: The students are expected to present the total work done in the project. The seminar should be conducted in the SIP organisation in the presence of Faculty Guide and Company Guide/Officials.For students undertaking SIP at overseas location, the Seminar will be conducted in the SIP organisation in the presence of Company Guide/Officials only. The Faculty Guide will assign the marks for the seminar based on the feedback given by Company Guide
The evaluation is carried out on a 10-point scale for each parameter. The final evaluation is carried out by both Faculty and Company Guide. The details of evaluation parameters for Final Evaluation of the Project Report are given below:
Final Evaluation Parameters
S.No. / Parameter Description / Weightage
Final Report
1 / Satisfaction level on the objectives of the study being met / 3
2 / Satisfaction on the methodology adopted and used / 3
3 / Learnt to synthesize and summarize / 3
4 / Satisfaction on organization of the report in logical sequence / 3
5 / Developed team playing capability and confidence to interact with company executives and others / 3
6 / Satisfaction level on findings and conclusion / 3
Final Seminar
7 / Assessment on student’s performance on development of logical flow in the seminar presentation / 3
8 / Assessment on overall effectiveness on the oral communication in the seminar / 3
9 / Display of self-confidence arising out of work done. / 3
10 / Behaviour and mannerism during seminar / 3
Sub Total / 30
Stage-IV: Project Specific Evaluation
Project Specific Evaluation is the precise evaluation of a particular project and is done exclusively by Faculty Guide. The maximum marks awarded for this are 30.
The evaluation is carried out on a 10-point scale for each parameter. The details of evaluation parameters for Project Specific Evaluation are given below:
Project Specific Evaluation Parameters
S. No. / Parameter Description / Weightage%
1. / Project work beneficial to organisation / 10
2. / Project work beneficial to student / 10
3. / Justification done to the project selected / 10
Sub total / 30
Total / 100
3.4Executive Summary Report
Executive summary report is a one page summary of SIP report required to be submittedby the student along with the final project reportto the Faculty Guide. The format forexecutive summary report is given atAnnexure-IV. This report would be used alongwith Resume of student for placement purpose. Students should take utmost care inwritingthe report.
Further, the students are advised to retain a copy of this Executive Summary Report with them for future use.
SIP will end on 23rdMay, 2009.
On successful completion of the 14-week Internship Program the student must collect a relieving letter and “no dues” certificate from the SIP organization and SIP Campus (applicable to Other Campus students)which must be submitted at parent IBS Campus at the time of Semester-III registration.
Extension of Duration for Completion of Internship Program
In case, any student requiresadditional days for completion of the project, the same should be approved by the Faculty Guide. The student can be granted an extension for a maximum period of two weeks.
The grading of students for internship program is done by a three member committee constituted by Campus Head on the basis of marks obtained by the students in evaluation parameters and Project specific evaluation.
Discontinued from Program (DP)
In the following cases student would be declared as “Discontinued from Program” (DP):
a)When the student does not register for SIP.
b)When student after registering for SIP, does not report to SIP organization.
c)When student withdraws from SIP due to sickness or any personal reasons.
d)When student is withdrawn for not meeting minimum academic requirement to progress to Semester-III.
Registration Cancelled (RC)
In the following cases student registration to SIP will be cancelled:
a)When disciplinary action is taken against a student for resorting to unprofessional behavior at SIP organization.
b)Breach of discipline.
c)When student resorts to any unfairmeans while doing Internship Program
d)When students resorts to plagiarism.
Not Cleared Report (NC)
In the following cases student would be awarded ‘Not Cleared’ (NC) report:
a)The student, who does not give opportunity for evaluation or does not undergo evaluation process as per evaluation schedule, would be awarded ‘Not Cleared’ (NC) report in SIP. Such students would be required to repeat SIP in the next academic year when SIP is offered.
b)The students who are unable to complete the SIP within the scheduled due date for genuine reasons, should seek extension from Faculty Guide. The student who does not complete SIP within the time frame will be awarded ‘NC’ report unless extension is given by the Faculty Guide. The extension should not exceed two weeks from the date of SIP completion, as the students have to register for Semester III.
Grade Awaited (GA) Report
GA report is awarded as interim grade pending submission of report, or declaration of grade in the following cases:
a)If the student is unable to submit the report as per the schedule date, due to genuine personal reasons and has taken permission for extension
b)If the faculty has failed to evaluate on time a student at any stage of the SIP.
c)If the grading of the student is withheld or not finalized for any reason.
IBSAF has instituted Award for Excellence in SIP for students and faculty. The IBSAF award will carry a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- per project and a Certificate for the student. The students will be given the award in the ratio of 1:100 students. The Faculty Guide,of the students who won IBSAF excellence award for SIP,will also be awarded IBSAF award for excellence for guiding the student in SIP.
- Before beginning the assignment,ascertain if any of the seniors had earlier undergone SIP at the same organization. If yes, do collect the report submitted by those interns and study them carefully. Copies of such reports would be available at respective IBS Campuses.
- Apart from providing an exposure to real work situations, the SIP is also an opportunity of learning the art of information/data identification, classification, acquisition, processing and presentation, so learn these skills.
- Projects under the SIP could be of a significant importance to the host organization - in terms of their objective of “Technical Documentation” aiming at updation or modernization of information systems. Therefore, proper care should be taken while documenting the project. The Faculty Guide may be consulted for any problems faced during the process.
- During SIP,students are placed in the role of ambassadors of IBS. The students are expected to maintain professional and social imprints of high standards in the organization. Good behaviour and mannerism would help in nurturing a long-term relationship with the organization, which could even translate into a placement opportunity.
- Students are advised to strictly adhere to the deadlines of submission of reports and making presentations. Non-submission of reports by the due date may lead to non evaluation of the student for the particular component.
- Students are advised to submit the project report to the host organization for scrutiny, before submitting to the Faculty Guide. This practice assuresthe host organization on maintaining the status of its confidential data.
- In case a student faces any problem with respect to evaluation of SIP,the students are advised to report the matter to the SIP Coordinator and Campus Head.
8.STUDENT Feedback