Bren Math Boot Camp 2008

Room: Bren Hall Room 1414 (see dates and times below)

Instructor: Allison Horst, Ph.D. Student (Bren)

Office: Bren 2308

Phone: (805) 893-5652


Office Hours: Immediately after class (1 hr), or by appointment

Course Goals

The overall goal of this course is to teach and refresh math skills that will apply directly to environmentally-focused research and coursework you will encounter as a Bren student.

As Bren students typically come from very diverse academic backgrounds, this course will cover a broad range of topics from fundamental algebra through basic calculus. Major topics to be covered include:

  • Algebraic expressions and inequalities
  • Solving and factoring polynomials
  • Graphing equations (point-slope form,etc.)
  • Functions (Basic, Exponential, Logarithmic and Trigonometric)
  • Limits
  • Derivatives and Differentiation
  • Integration

Many ESM courses you will take requirethese skills to solve environmental problems. As such, I will put together practice problems that reflect what you may see in your coursework.

Who Should Participate?

I highly recommend that all entering Bren students participate in the entire duration of this course, though the extent of participation will ultimately be your responsibility to decide. Even if you are very comfortable with the topics covered, your attendance is recommended and would be beneficial to your fellow students as we will often be solving practice problems in groups.

Grading and Participation

This course is not for credit or a grade. However, I expect that those who choose to participate will do so seriously and professionally. As the course moves quickly, reading the assigned chapters will be essential for understanding each lecture. I expect that you will read all assigned sections and work through practice problems to make each day as productive as possible.

If you cannot (or choose not to) attend a session, please let me know in advance. If you have a conflict and cannot attend a session, I will be happy to meet with you at another time to go over the important concepts and answer questions.


Larson/Edwards, Calculus: An Applied Approach (ISBN: 0-618-54718-5)

I recommend that you each purchase your own copy of the textbook. There are several (~6) copies in Bren which cannot be removed from the periodicals room. You are welcome to make copies of the required sections if you prefer not to buy the entire book (we will be covering 7-8 out of 10 chapters).

Problem Sets

Problem sets should be completed after that day’s lecture. Problem sets will consist of problems from the text, as well as problems I have written that I think will be helpful for your coursework. The problem sets will be posted on the Bren student website before each day. Time will be allotted during the following session to answer questions on each problem set.


Lectures will last approximately 1.5-2 hours each day, followed by ½ hour of practice problems and group work. The final hour or so will be used as group office hours, where I will be happy to answer questions or work through more example problems.

Office Hours

The final hour of each day will be for question/answer and extra problems. I am also available any time by appointment (email or call to arrange), or you are welcome to drop by my office and see if I’m in.

I’m looking forward to working with all of you, and welcome to Bren!


Day # / Date / Time / Topic / Reading / Problem Set #
1 / 9/16 / 9am-noon / Introduction/Algebra Review / 0.1-0.5 / 1
2 / 9/17 / 9am-noon / Graphs andBasic Functions, Limits / 1.1-1.6 / 2
3 / 9/18 / 9am-noon / Differentiation of Basic Functions / 2.1-2.3 / 3
4 / 9/19 / 9:30am-12:30pm / Differentiation continued / 2.4-2.8 / 4
5 / 9/20 / 9am-noon / Application of Derivatives / 3.1-3.6 / 5
6 / 9/22 / 9am-noon / Exponential and Logarithmic Functions / 4.1-4.6 / 6
7 / 9/23 / 1:30pm-4:30pm / Integration of Basic Functions / 5.1-5.5 / 7
8 / 9/24 / 2:30pm-5:30pm / Integration continued / 5.6-5.7, 6.1-6.2 / 8
9 / 9/25 / 2pm-5pm / Multivariable Functions / 7.1-7.4, 7.8-7.9 / 9
10 / 9/26 / 9am-noon / Trigonometric Functions – Differentiation and Integration / 8.1-8.5 / 10
11 / 9/27 / 9am-noon / Environmental Applications of Calculus & Mass Balances / Reading will be posted / 11
12 / 9/30 / 1:45pm-3:45pm / Wrap-Up and Pot Luck